Just another beginner...
Is there any EASY way to import CSV (or other type) text into drupal 5.x creating new (CCK) nodes?
I have a news site with 'bout 1.000 articles that I'd like to migrate to Drupal. I have all the data in CSV.


solaas’s picture

I recommend you take a look at the following modules:

Import / export API: http://drupal.org/project/importexportapi

Import - export: http://drupal.org/node/14858

And especially:

Node import: http://drupal.org/project/node_import

I'm afraid none of them does have a 5.0 release yet, but you can ask the developers or look in the issue queue to find out when will they be. You may find the HEAD version works in 5.0, or there are patches to upgrade them.

Next time you need to accomplish something, searching the Modules dowload page does wonders.

bkno’s picture

I'm new to Drupal and looking at the way CCK handles some fields it's quite hard to write a script to insert into multiple tables correctly. This will be beyond most people unless they have time to really study what's going on in the database.

Looking at the above links it looks like it used to be possible to import data into complex CCK modified content types, let's hope some of these projects can be resurrected to work with the latest version.