Who am I?

I am the national coordinator for OP-TEC. And, I'm determining the feasibility of overhauling our Web site. We're funded through the National Science Foundation. Since we're publicly funded, I figured I would get the public's input. If you have any questions about us, you can read the synopsis of our funding at http://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward.do?AwardNumber=0603275 or visit our Web site at http://www.op-tec.org.

What version do I want to use?

version 5.x

What do I need from Drupal?

Here's a list of the kinds of things that we need our site to do. Some of the functions are currently implemented (via custom scripting) but I want everything to run through Drupal.

  • Surveys (create and access results)
  • Events (user/admin submitted with admin approval, accompanied image, listed on a page and moved to "past events" area once the end date has past, specify URL for registration info at external site -- or, if it's an OP-TEC event, a link to our registration form)
  • Registration for OP-TEC events (user must be logged in to register for an event; if they are not logged in, they are taken to a page that says "Existing User? Log in here" and "New User? Enter your information to register for the event" -- which also creates an account -- or something along those lines)
  • Resource Library (donated literature/DVDs, rate each according to grade level, and other custom fields, all show up in their own area, and are sortable)
  • Image donations (area to upload hi-res images and to specify how we may use them, using check boxes, such as "interoffice" or "Web site integration")
  • Ability to designate a user as a certain category of partner (from Subject Matter Expert to Contributing Partner) and provide special areas for each, some areas may overlap user category
  • While someone is creating an account, they can select the kinds of information they're interested in, which is modifiable through their profile
  • Whenever someone registers for an event, it tracks the events they have registered for

There are probably other things I am leaving out, but I really want a progressive Web site. I believe that a site should do whatever it is capable of doing, so that I can focus on human-human interaction.

Is this too tall of an order for Drupal? From what I have read, it shouldn't be. Whatever assistance I can get will be greatly appreciated. Even if only certain modules could be pointed out to me, that would be helpful, too. I've looked through all of them and have a pretty good idea of which ones to use, but I don't know how to make them work together and be able to do the kinds of things listed above.

It's not often a government funded organization seeks such direct input. But I believe since it's USA tax money, you have a right to such input. Even non-US Drupal users, I request your assistance as well!

I have a development site (J56.org), which I could provide FTP/MySQL access to. In case you don't trust me (for whatever reason), go to http://dev.op-tec.org, and there will be a link to this post. (Why am I not using that as the development domain? We're planning on getting a new server and the one we currently use is so old that it has a 10GB harddrive.)


Setzler’s picture

Our FTP isn't working through my VPN. I will put that link up Monday.

mango’s picture

It seems that this is possible using Drupal 5.x and some contributed modules. Contributed modules you would at least need are cck, views and event module. I would suggest checking out various screencasts for Drupal 4.7 and Drupal 5.x. Particularly, you should check out these Drupal 4.7 screencasts on these modules.

Click Screencast under Contents to start a screencast.

These modules are available for Drupal 5.x as well, but no screencasts have been made yet.

Mind you that there are often various modules that aim to do the same task, so do spend some time trying them out.

F.M. Alexander Technik Zürich

lobo’s picture

Since you interact with your users a fair amount, you might want to think about using Drupal + CiviCRM. CiviCRM can take care of Event Management (with CiviEvent), profiles for users and collecting all sorts of information and catgorizing them etc. Note CiviEvent is part of 1.7 which is scheduled to go code freeze early next week

You can get more information at http://civicrm.org. v1.7 features can be found at: http://wiki.civicrm.org/confluence/display/CRM/CiviCRM+v1.7

Probably the big hole in your functionality is surveys. Am not aware of a strong survey modules (similar to survey monkey or zoomerang) for either CiviCRM or Drupal. Would be great if OP-TEC could provide resources to build / integrate a survey module with CiviCRM




Setzler’s picture

CiviCRM seems more suited for soliciting donors and micro donations, and for organizing public events. I will look into it further though.

I'd rather work with Drupal core modules and the specific ones needed for our goals. That way it would be easier for me to transistion someone else into my position, should I move into another area. I've got to consider the technical qualifications of others who would follow in my footsteps.

Could anyone recommend a CiviCRM consultant who would be available via telephone for me to discuss our needs?

I'd like to thank everyone for their input so far!

lobo’s picture

http://civicrm.org/professional/ for a list of consultants. i suspect as with all other drupal consultants, they are all super busy with work. With regard to your above issues:

1. its a bit more general purpose than donor solicitation etc. CiviContribute does that specifically, but u can choose not to use that component :)

2. yes the events are for organizing public events, which was part of your feature list



Setzler’s picture

I think I will have to give up the latest-and-greatest Drupal version for 4.7. That way CiviCRM will install (!) and I will have access to hundreds more modules.

lobo’s picture

CiviCRM does work quite nicely with Drupal 5.x. Thats the platform we develop on :). Please get on the civicrm-dev mailing list at http://lists.civicrm.org/ if you have any install questions or issues



Setzler’s picture

I'll give it another shot. (It's nice to receive such prompt responses from you!)

Setzler’s picture

Does anyone know what the plans are for updating Survey and its dependency Forms to support version 5.x? Are there any modules that could provide similar functionality? OP-TEC needs the ability to have users review curricula and employer needs through structured surveys.

If no one is willing to update these, provided there aren't similar modules, who would I contact to get the job done? This is one of the sine qua nons for converting our current site.