Hungarian Unix Portal ( HUP - ) has been recently migrated from PHP-Nuke to Drupal, the migration process involved moving stories, forum topics, polls, posts, comments, and user accounts. We also had to port the theme we were using with PHP-Nuke to PHPTemplate and localize Drupal into Hungarian.

HUP is an hungarian community website for UNIX users. It was started about six years ago. Why Drupal? Drupal appeared to be much more flexible than PHP Nuke.

We are successfully migrated the following items:

  • 6 800 user accounts
  • 22 300 articles and polls
  • 177 947 comments and forum posts

Thanks Drupal!

trey at hup dot hu


alexis’s picture

Hi, I run a website based on PHP Nuke 6.x with around 1000 users and would like to port to Drupal 4.7, there are many posts mentioning about it in Drupal, yours appears to be the most recent.

I would like to know if you could let us know some details about your migration process, for example:

- did you use any script?
- did you make some parts manually?
- could you provide maybe some url's with more information
- how did you do to avoid breaking existing links to your content?


Alexis Bellido - Ventanazul web solutions