We are in the process from migrating from one LMS to another. The old LMS has an integrated Content Management System. Our primary usage for the CMS is for file hosting (i.e. linking videos, documents, htmls, etc...) The new LMS has Drupal listed as a supported External App.

My question is can Drupal act as a CMS for file hosting?
Thanks in advanced for you assistance,


pixelsweatshop’s picture

Yup, Drupal is great for file hosting. Take a look at D8 as files of full entities and can be enhanced really nicely with the media suite. Drupal can also be a great LMS. See https://www.drupal.org/project/opigno_lms as an example.

acarolipio’s picture

Thank you for your response. Is there any specific module you recommend to provide a GUI interface for file management?

pixelsweatshop’s picture

I mentioned the media suite in my last comment. See https://www.gitbook.com/book/drupal-media/drupal8-guide/details in the section "using this guide". It has a list of around 10 modules you will need.

acarolipio’s picture

I appreciate it. Trying it out now.
Have a great week!