Does anyone know of any good looking Drupal portfolio sites?



contorra’s picture

  1. Arman Hostikyan, iron sculptor's portfolio
  2. Contorra, digital agency portfolio
  3. Sochi Power Networks, Pinterest-like gallery - social sharing enabled on hover

All of those are powered by Drupal 7.

Francois Gandon’s picture

I am a beginner aswell, and so far Im in love with Drupal, although I come from a different background (architecture).

I really like Sochi Power Networks : did you create the responsive mosaic effect in the front page in Views? really really cool.

if Anyone knows of design related portofolio site, I would really like to check them out.


conongchamchi’s picture

thank you for share :)

ArialBlack’s picture

kusumaerawan’s picture

yup, those 3 are perfect for portofolios :)