I tried installing Drupal console 1.9.5 for drupal 9 and it has a ways to go. While the drupal list command  worked, I examined doing a "drupal gm" command to generate a module. It failed to include a core _version_requirement command line in the *.info.yml file which indicates its not ready for prime time although it includes symfony 4.4 support and twig 2.0 support and as of now support has been removed for php 5. Version 1.9.5 was released on August 15.


bojanz’s picture

Unfortunately Drupal Console is pretty much dead: https://twitter.com/jmolivas/status/1258034064155529218
The templates used to generate code were already outdated for years.

I suggest switching to Drush + Module Builder.

slewazimuth’s picture

Somehow I became a mushroom... Thanks for the info. I've been using drush to generate boilerplate since Drupal 9 came out and with your suggestion grabbed the latest dev version of module_builder. Since Drupal console has gone the way of all things, I wonder why version 1.9.5 even showed up?

Devoleksiy’s picture

Please tell me which drush command can easily enable developer mode?

drupal site:mode dev 


charly71’s picture

+1  for me

globexplorer’s picture

It was so cool to debug a route with that tool. Drush has no debug route command.

mmjvb’s picture

Released nov 2020.

globexplorer’s picture

Thank you mmjvb for that very quick response. What do you think so many people are saying drupal console is dead. Is that true?

mmjvb’s picture

Doesn't sound dead to me. Probably depends on what you want to hear!

No idea about the intentions of the developer. Suggest to check out https://gitter.im/hechoendrupal/DrupalConsole