Currently load is at 0.5, whenever I create a new page, the load gradually increases to over 30
Whenever I delete a node, it increases to around 30 load.

If I enter admin, the loads jumps ranges to 1-4

This has been going on for around 4-5 months, anyone have a solution, of how I can solve this permanantly.
Please le me know of any information you would that might help solve this.

Server 3gig p4
- 2gig mem

Modules running


varunvnair’s picture

Do you add/delete your nodes very frequently that this is a real problem? If you add/delete only occasionally then I think its OK because the load will go down soon after you are done with the adding/deleting.

My Drupal-powered Blog: ThoughtfulChaos

insomoz’s picture

Yes a big problem, because I add content everyday, sometimes I try not to add content, because it frustrates me.

It takes me 2-3 minutes to submit
and equally as much to delete

- and when the load increases to 30 its increasingly slow for people to access the webpage

So I lose visitors

varunvnair’s picture

ping module could be the culprit if it pings servers as soon as a new node is created... it could explain the delay but I don't know why the load increases because it is not memory or database intensive.

Have you configured gsitemap to resubmit the sitemap every time content changes? That could also explain the delay since it would do a resubmit every time a node is added or deleted.

Try installing the Devel module and observing the stats when a node is added or deleted. That might help you in locating the culprit module especially the ones that are database intensive.

My Drupal-powered Blog: ThoughtfulChaos

insomoz’s picture

First of all, I'd like to say thanks to Varun V Nair

- I would get alot of errors everytime I would access admin section, but after installing this devel module, I dont know how or why it did it, but all of the errors are gone.

Load has even dropped to a steady .025, I guess now just have to find out what's causing the spike in load when creating content..

varunvnair’s picture

It would be interesting to know what errors you were getting earlier? Maybe they have gone away for now but are symptomatic of a more serious underlying problem.

The devel module is supposed to help Drupal admins troubleshoot stuff but I never knew that it was a cure by itself :-)

Btw is your Drupal-powered site avaliable on the Net?

P.S. Thanks for your thanks :-)

My Drupal-powered Blog: ThoughtfulChaos

insomoz’s picture

I have disabled the devel module but the errors are back :.( - this page describes problems, tried running patches, but still no solution

Will wait for new version of Drupal 4.7 to hopefully have it fixed.

With the new problems -> Running Devel gives me this output

20.11	1	SELECT * FROM url_alias
0.63	1	SELECT name, filename, throttle, bootstrap FROM system WHERE type = 'module' AND status = 1
1.42	1	SELECT data, created, headers FROM cache WHERE cid = 'menu:1:en'
0.9	1	SELECT data, created, headers FROM cache WHERE cid = 'filter:4:d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e'
0.19	1	SELECT COUNT(*) FROM node_access WHERE nid = 0 AND CONCAT(realm, gid) IN ('all0') AND grant_view = 1
0.1	1	SELECT COUNT(*) FROM node n WHERE n.promote = 1 AND n.status = 1
0.13	1	SELECT n.nid, n.sticky, n.created FROM node n WHERE n.promote = 1 AND n.status = 1 ORDER BY n.sticky DESC, n.created DESC LIMIT 0, 3
0.52	1	SELECT n.*, u.uid,, u.picture, FROM node n INNER JOIN users u ON u.uid = n.uid WHERE n.nid = '2007'
0.16	1	SELECT priority_override FROM gsitemap WHERE nid=2007
0.49	1	SELECT data, created, headers FROM cache WHERE cid = 'filter:4:29f6ac05fa9345ca5cc5487b02b94fa1'
0.46	1	SELECT * FROM system WHERE type = 'theme' ORDER BY name
0.22	1	SELECT t.* FROM term_data t, term_node r WHERE r.tid = t.tid AND r.nid = 2007 ORDER BY weight, name
0.29	1	SELECT n.*, u.uid,, u.picture, FROM node n INNER JOIN users u ON u.uid = n.uid WHERE n.nid = '2006'
0.12	1	SELECT priority_override FROM gsitemap WHERE nid=2006
0.56	1	SELECT data, created, headers FROM cache WHERE cid = 'filter:4:3aaf39dfd203313e70f364c66acfae5f'
0.6	1	SELECT t.* FROM term_data t, term_node r WHERE r.tid = t.tid AND r.nid = 2006 ORDER BY weight, name
0.29	1	SELECT n.*, u.uid,, u.picture, FROM node n INNER JOIN users u ON u.uid = n.uid WHERE n.nid = '2005'
0.11	1	SELECT priority_override FROM gsitemap WHERE nid=2005
0.46	1	SELECT data, created, headers FROM cache WHERE cid = 'filter:4:c0b24ba4059b1c0baeb8e2aa953f34f1'
0.49	1	SELECT t.* FROM term_data t, term_node r WHERE r.tid = t.tid AND r.nid = 2005 ORDER BY weight, name
0.67	1	SELECT * FROM blocks WHERE status = 1 AND region IN (0) ORDER BY weight, module
0.3	1	SELECT * FROM blocks WHERE status = 1 AND region IN (1) ORDER BY weight, module
eaton’s picture

20.11 1 SELECT * FROM url_alias

Just out of curiosity, how many URL aliases do you have?

Jeff Eaton | I heart Drupal.

Eaton — Partner at Autogram

varunvnair’s picture

Could you paste just the relevant errors? Does your Apache error log have any errors?

The post you just linked to has a screenshot that is not very helpful. It would be nice if you could just give us the more troublesome errors.

My Drupal-powered Blog: ThoughtfulChaos

insomoz’s picture

I think there are a little over 5000 records

@Varum with relevant errors, im not sure if its related to load jumping -> whenever a new feed is made

insomoz’s picture

The load now jumps to 80, If anyone like I can record top and you can see how much my load rises as soon as I hit submit, from a load of 0.80

im thinking maybe disable path alias, and then run it every two days, so that the damage is minimal.

insomoz’s picture

I have moved the path module, and loads are steady when submitting. If I enable the path module, loads seem to jump.

So the culprit has been found. I'll probably just move back pathalias and run it once a week, until either a patch is submitted or 4.7 is released.