"Attempting to re-run cron while it is already running."

I'm using aggregator for over 100 RSS feeds. I get above error many times for the cron job. I guess feeds cause it. what can I do ?


VM’s picture

you are posting in a deprecated forum.

What else is cron doing besides updating RSS feeds?

if on a shared server 100 may be too many.

cog.rusty’s picture

Also give your cron jobs more time. If you need to have 100 feeds don't set up you cron job to run every few minutes. Give them an hour or two.

drupallogic’s picture

I'm on a shared hosting. But this can't be the reason ?

crontab runs once an hour.

the problem is cron.php gets stuck and continues to run and run and run... even for more than an hour!

robdinardo’s picture

After updating my modules and upgrading to the latest D6 version, I get the same error. I got this error about a week ago at which time I cleared the cron_ variables and emptied cache (as explained in some posts) and it seemed to have fixed the problem. Everything was working great! I have a scheduled task that opens a batch file which runs wget to cron.php - works great.

Everything blew up when I visited /admin/reports/status/run-cron from my browser.

I am followed the same steps as before (clearing the variables, emptying cache, etc.) but I cannot get it going again...

Any suggestions?