once i made more than 800 views and around 100 panles,
and the site was going ok, after 12 hours, it stoped, i didn't know at that time why!
so i dropped all tables, and drupal files, then i make a new site with less views and panles...

at that time i was begging in drupal, but till now i still afraid from some thing bad happen..

SO if i mad alot of views and panles, doest them effect on my site, or not?
i need them plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz tell me....


Vahrokh’s picture

Some mods are memory hogs, if you go beyond the memory or CPU% allowed, the shared hosting provider will lock your program and sometimes even the account.

Run a PHPInfo(); and see the maximum memory you can use, you'll probably see views and category modules can eat all that memory and more.

eng.anas’s picture

how could i run the phpinfo();


MGParisi’s picture

create a file called phpinfo.php in your main folder and type <?PHP phpinfo(); ?>

then run in browser.

imrook’s picture

I've never heard of lots of panels or views killing a Drupal site and there is nothing in the architecture to suggest that this is likely. You didn't really give a good enough description of the failure. What happened when you visited the site after is "stopped"? Did you get the white screen of death? I am also a bit skeptical about needing so many views and panels in the first place. Views offers some powerful features in the form of arguments and filters and a single view can be re purposed to generate lots of different content. The panels modules allows parameters to be passed through to the contained views and override the resulting urls in the output. I would bet you could reduce the number you need by an order of magnitude. Views and panels are supposed to make aggregating and presenting content easier. Making 100s of them seems like a lot of work and wasted time.