array ( 'rules' => array ( 'rules_asin_token_to_akteur' => array ( '#type' => 'rule', '#set' => 'event_node_presave', '#label' => 'ASIN token to Akteur', '#active' => 1, '#weight' => '0', '#categories' => array ( 0 => 'Taxonomie', ), '#status' => 'custom', '#conditions' => array ( 0 => array ( '#type' => 'condition', '#settings' => array ( 'type' => array ( 'buch' => 'buch', ), '#argument map' => array ( 'node' => 'node', ), ), '#name' => 'rules_condition_content_is_type', '#info' => array ( 'label' => 'Gespeicherter Inhalt hat den Typ Publikation', 'arguments' => array ( 'node' => array ( 'type' => 'node', 'label' => 'Inhalt', ), ), 'module' => 'Node', ), '#weight' => 0, ), ), '#actions' => array ( 0 => array ( '#weight' => 0, '#info' => array ( 'label' => 'Vokabular laden', 'new variables' => array ( 'taxonomy_vocab' => array ( 'type' => 'taxonomy_vocab', 'label' => 'Taxonomie-Vokabular', ), ), 'eval input' => array ( 0 => 'vocabulary|vocab_text', ), 'module' => 'Taxonomy', ), '#name' => 'rules_action_taxonomy_load_vocab', '#settings' => array ( 'vocabulary' => array ( 'vocab_select' => '9', 'vocab_text' => '', ), '#argument map' => array ( 'taxonomy_vocab' => 'taxonomy_vocab', ), '#eval input' => array ( 'token_rules_input_evaluator' => array ( 'vocabulary|vocab_text' => array ( 0 => ':global', ), ), ), ), '#type' => 'action', ), 1 => array ( '#type' => 'action', '#settings' => array ( 'term' => array ( 'name' => '[node:field_legacy_asin-publisher]', 'description' => '', ), '#argument map' => array ( 'taxonomy_vocab' => 'taxonomy_vocab', 'taxonomy_term' => 'taxonomy_term', ), '#eval input' => array ( 'token_rules_input_evaluator' => array ( 'term|name' => array ( 0 => 'node', 1 => ':global', ), 'term|description' => array ( 0 => ':global', ), ), ), ), '#name' => 'rules_action_taxonomy_add_term', '#info' => array ( 'label' => 'Add a new term to vocabulary', 'arguments' => array ( 'taxonomy_vocab' => array ( 'type' => 'taxonomy_vocab', 'label' => 'Taxonomie-Vokabular', ), ), 'new variables' => array ( 'taxonomy_term' => array ( 'type' => 'taxonomy_term', 'label' => 'Taxonomie-Begriff', ), ), 'eval input' => array ( 0 => 'term|name', 1 => 'term|description', ), 'module' => 'Taxonomy', ), '#weight' => 0, ), 2 => array ( '#weight' => 0, '#info' => array ( 'label' => 'Inhalt einen Begriff zuweisen', 'arguments' => array ( 'node' => array ( 'type' => 'node', 'label' => 'Inhalt', ), 'taxonomy_term' => array ( 'type' => 'taxonomy_term', 'label' => 'Taxonomie-Begriff', ), ), 'module' => 'Taxonomy', ), '#name' => 'rules_action_taxonomy_term_assign_to_content', '#settings' => array ( '#argument map' => array ( 'node' => 'node', 'taxonomy_term' => 'taxonomy_term', ), ), '#type' => 'action', ), ), '#version' => 6003, ), ), )