Running Normal [ { "comment": "/**\n * @fileOverview Defines the base Drupal JavaScript object.\n */", "meta": { "lineno": 1, "path": "/home/jhodgdon/Desktop/jsdoc3/jsdoc-tmp", "filename": "drupal.js", "code": {} }, "name": "file:/home/jhodgdon/Desktop/jsdoc3/jsdoc-tmp/drupal.js", "kind": "file", "description": "Defines the base Drupal JavaScript object.", "preserveName": true, "longname": "file:/home/jhodgdon/Desktop/jsdoc3/jsdoc-tmp/drupal.js" }, { "comment": "/**\n * Holds settings for Drupal.\n * @namespace\n * @name Drupal.settings\n */", "meta": { "lineno": 11, "path": "/home/jhodgdon/Desktop/jsdoc3/jsdoc-tmp", "filename": "drupal.js", "code": {} }, "description": "Holds settings for Drupal.", "kind": "namespace", "name": "settings", "memberof": "Drupal", "longname": "Drupal.settings", "scope": "static" }, { "comment": "/**\n * Holds behaviors for Drupal.\n * @namespace\n * @name Drupal.behaviors\n */", "meta": { "lineno": 18, "path": "/home/jhodgdon/Desktop/jsdoc3/jsdoc-tmp", "filename": "drupal.js", "code": {} }, "description": "Holds behaviors for Drupal.", "kind": "namespace", "name": "behaviors", "memberof": "Drupal", "longname": "Drupal.behaviors", "scope": "static" }, { "comment": "/**\n * Holds locale information for Drupal.\n * @namespace\n * @name Drupal.locale\n */", "meta": { "lineno": 25, "path": "/home/jhodgdon/Desktop/jsdoc3/jsdoc-tmp", "filename": "drupal.js", "code": {} }, "description": "Holds locale information for Drupal.", "kind": "namespace", "name": "locale", "memberof": "Drupal", "longname": "Drupal.locale", "scope": "static" }, { "comment": "/**\n * Holds JavaScript settings and other information for Drupal.\n *\n * @namespace\n */", "meta": { "lineno": 10, "path": "/home/jhodgdon/Desktop/jsdoc3/jsdoc-tmp", "filename": "drupal.js", "code": { "id": "astnode815578443", "name": "Drupal", "type": "OR", "value": "OR" } }, "description": "Holds JavaScript settings and other information for Drupal.", "kind": "namespace", "name": "Drupal", "longname": "Drupal", "scope": "global" }, { "comment": "", "meta": { "lineno": 16, "path": "/home/jhodgdon/Desktop/jsdoc3/jsdoc-tmp", "filename": "drupal.js", "code": { "id": "astnode363524275", "name": "settings", "type": "OBJECTLIT", "value": "OBJECTLIT" } }, "undocumented": true, "name": "settings", "kind": "member", "longname": "settings", "scope": "global" }, { "comment": "", "meta": { "lineno": 23, "path": "/home/jhodgdon/Desktop/jsdoc3/jsdoc-tmp", "filename": "drupal.js", "code": { "id": "astnode1473444918", "name": "behaviors", "type": "OBJECTLIT", "value": "OBJECTLIT" } }, "undocumented": true, "name": "behaviors", "kind": "member", "longname": "behaviors", "scope": "global" }, { "comment": "", "meta": { "lineno": 30, "path": "/home/jhodgdon/Desktop/jsdoc3/jsdoc-tmp", "filename": "drupal.js", "code": { "id": "astnode997525387", "name": "locale", "type": "OBJECTLIT", "value": "OBJECTLIT" } }, "undocumented": true, "name": "locale", "kind": "member", "longname": "locale", "scope": "global" }, { "comment": "/**\n * Attach all registered behaviors to a page element.\n *\n * Behaviors are event-triggered actions that attach to page elements, enhancing\n * default non-JavaScript UIs. Behaviors are registered in the Drupal.behaviors\n * object using the method 'attach' and optionally also 'detach' as follows:\n * @code\n * Drupal.behaviors.behaviorName = {\n * attach: function (context, settings) {\n * ...\n * },\n * detach: function (context, settings, trigger) {\n * ...\n * }\n * };\n * @endcode\n *\n * Drupal.attachBehaviors is added below to the jQuery.ready event and therefore\n * runs on initial page load. Developers implementing Ajax in their solutions\n * should also call this function after new page content has been loaded,\n * feeding in an element to be processed, in order to attach all behaviors to\n * the new content.\n *\n * Behaviors should use\n * @code\n * var elements = $(context).find(selector).once('behavior-name');\n * @endcode\n * to ensure the behavior is attached only once to a given element. (Doing so\n * enables the reprocessing of given elements, which may be needed on occasion\n * despite the ability to limit behavior attachment to a particular element.)\n *\n * @param context\n * An element to attach behaviors to. If none is given, the document element\n * is used.\n * @param settings\n * An object containing settings for the current context. If none is given,\n * the global Drupal.settings object is used.\n */", "meta": { "lineno": 80, "path": "/home/jhodgdon/Desktop/jsdoc3/jsdoc-tmp", "filename": "drupal.js", "code": { "id": "astnode511307135", "name": "Drupal.attachBehaviors", "type": "FUNCTION", "value": "FUNCTION", "paramnames": [ "context", "settings" ] }, "vars": { "i": false, "behaviors": false } }, "description": "Attach all registered behaviors to a page element.\n\nBehaviors are event-triggered actions that attach to page elements, enhancing\ndefault non-JavaScript UIs. Behaviors are registered in the Drupal.behaviors\nobject using the method 'attach' and optionally also 'detach' as follows:", "tags": [ { "originalTitle": "code", "title": "code", "text": "Drupal.behaviors.behaviorName = {\n attach: function (context, settings) {\n ...\n },\n detach: function (context, settings, trigger) {\n ...\n }\n };", "value": "Drupal.behaviors.behaviorName = {\n attach: function (context, settings) {\n ...\n },\n detach: function (context, settings, trigger) {\n ...\n }\n };" }, { "originalTitle": "endcode", "title": "endcode", "text": "Drupal.attachBehaviors is added below to the jQuery.ready event and therefore\nruns on initial page load. Developers implementing Ajax in their solutions\nshould also call this function after new page content has been loaded,\nfeeding in an element to be processed, in order to attach all behaviors to\nthe new content.\n\nBehaviors should use", "value": "Drupal.attachBehaviors is added below to the jQuery.ready event and therefore\nruns on initial page load. Developers implementing Ajax in their solutions\nshould also call this function after new page content has been loaded,\nfeeding in an element to be processed, in order to attach all behaviors to\nthe new content.\n\nBehaviors should use" }, { "originalTitle": "code", "title": "code", "text": "var elements = $(context).find(selector).once('behavior-name');", "value": "var elements = $(context).find(selector).once('behavior-name');" }, { "originalTitle": "endcode", "title": "endcode", "text": "to ensure the behavior is attached only once to a given element. (Doing so\nenables the reprocessing of given elements, which may be needed on occasion\ndespite the ability to limit behavior attachment to a particular element.)", "value": "to ensure the behavior is attached only once to a given element. (Doing so\nenables the reprocessing of given elements, which may be needed on occasion\ndespite the ability to limit behavior attachment to a particular element.)" } ], "params": [ { "name": "context", "description": "An element to attach behaviors to. If none is given, the document element\n is used." }, { "name": "settings", "description": "An object containing settings for the current context. If none is given,\n the global Drupal.settings object is used." } ], "name": "attachBehaviors", "kind": "function", "memberof": "Drupal", "longname": "Drupal.attachBehaviors", "scope": "static" }, { "comment": "", "meta": { "lineno": 81, "path": "/home/jhodgdon/Desktop/jsdoc3/jsdoc-tmp", "filename": "drupal.js", "code": { "id": "astnode1681653767", "name": "context", "type": "OR", "value": "OR" } }, "undocumented": true, "name": "context", "kind": "member", "longname": "context", "scope": "global" }, { "comment": "", "meta": { "lineno": 82, "path": "/home/jhodgdon/Desktop/jsdoc3/jsdoc-tmp", "filename": "drupal.js", "code": { "id": "astnode869724450", "name": "settings", "type": "OR", "value": "OR" } }, "undocumented": true, "name": "settings", "kind": "member", "longname": "settings", "scope": "global" }, { "comment": "", "meta": { "lineno": 83, "path": "/home/jhodgdon/Desktop/jsdoc3/jsdoc-tmp", "filename": "drupal.js", "code": { "id": "astnode565106169", "name": "i", "type": "undefined", "value": "i" } }, "undocumented": true, "name": "i", "kind": "member", "memberof": "Drupal.attachBehaviors", "longname": "Drupal.attachBehaviors~i", "scope": "inner" }, { "comment": "", "meta": { "lineno": 83, "path": "/home/jhodgdon/Desktop/jsdoc3/jsdoc-tmp", "filename": "drupal.js", "code": { "id": "astnode1151734776", "name": "behaviors", "type": "GETPROP", "value": "Drupal.behaviors" } }, "undocumented": true, "name": "behaviors", "kind": "member", "memberof": "Drupal.attachBehaviors", "longname": "Drupal.attachBehaviors~behaviors", "scope": "inner" }, { "comment": "/**\n * Detach registered behaviors from a page element.\n *\n * Developers implementing AHAH/Ajax in their solutions should call this\n * function before page content is about to be removed, feeding in an element\n * to be processed, in order to allow special behaviors to detach from the\n * content.\n *\n * Such implementations should look for the class name that was added in their\n * corresponding Drupal.behaviors.behaviorName.attach implementation, i.e.\n * behaviorName-processed, to ensure the behavior is detached only from\n * previously processed elements.\n *\n * @param context\n * An element to detach behaviors from. If none is given, the document element\n * is used.\n * @param settings\n * An object containing settings for the current context. If none given, the\n * global Drupal.settings object is used.\n * @param trigger\n * A string containing what's causing the behaviors to be detached. The\n * possible triggers are:\n * - unload: (default) The context element is being removed from the DOM.\n * - move: The element is about to be moved within the DOM (for example,\n * during a tabledrag row swap). After the move is completed,\n * Drupal.attachBehaviors() is called, so that the behavior can undo\n * whatever it did in response to the move. Many behaviors won't need to\n * do anything simply in response to the element being moved, but because\n * IFRAME elements reload their \"src\" when being moved within the DOM,\n * behaviors bound to IFRAME elements (like WYSIWYG editors) may need to\n * take some action.\n * - serialize: When an Ajax form is submitted, this is called with the\n * form as the context. This provides every behavior within the form an\n * opportunity to ensure that the field elements have correct content\n * in them before the form is serialized. The canonical use-case is so\n * that WYSIWYG editors can update the hidden textarea to which they are\n * bound.\n *\n * @see Drupal.attachBehaviors\n */", "meta": { "lineno": 132, "path": "/home/jhodgdon/Desktop/jsdoc3/jsdoc-tmp", "filename": "drupal.js", "code": { "id": "astnode290340673", "name": "Drupal.detachBehaviors", "type": "FUNCTION", "value": "FUNCTION", "paramnames": [ "context", "settings", "trigger" ] }, "vars": { "i": false, "behaviors": false } }, "description": "Detach registered behaviors from a page element.\n\nDevelopers implementing AHAH/Ajax in their solutions should call this\nfunction before page content is about to be removed, feeding in an element\nto be processed, in order to allow special behaviors to detach from the\ncontent.\n\nSuch implementations should look for the class name that was added in their\ncorresponding Drupal.behaviors.behaviorName.attach implementation, i.e.\nbehaviorName-processed, to ensure the behavior is detached only from\npreviously processed elements.", "params": [ { "name": "context", "description": "An element to detach behaviors from. If none is given, the document element\n is used." }, { "name": "settings", "description": "An object containing settings for the current context. If none given, the\n global Drupal.settings object is used." }, { "name": "trigger", "description": "A string containing what's causing the behaviors to be detached. The\n possible triggers are:\n - unload: (default) The context element is being removed from the DOM.\n - move: The element is about to be moved within the DOM (for example,\n during a tabledrag row swap). After the move is completed,\n Drupal.attachBehaviors() is called, so that the behavior can undo\n whatever it did in response to the move. Many behaviors won't need to\n do anything simply in response to the element being moved, but because\n IFRAME elements reload their \"src\" when being moved within the DOM,\n behaviors bound to IFRAME elements (like WYSIWYG editors) may need to\n take some action.\n - serialize: When an Ajax form is submitted, this is called with the\n form as the context. This provides every behavior within the form an\n opportunity to ensure that the field elements have correct content\n in them before the form is serialized. The canonical use-case is so\n that WYSIWYG editors can update the hidden textarea to which they are\n bound." } ], "see": [ "Drupal.attachBehaviors" ], "name": "detachBehaviors", "kind": "function", "memberof": "Drupal", "longname": "Drupal.detachBehaviors", "scope": "static" }, { "comment": "", "meta": { "lineno": 133, "path": "/home/jhodgdon/Desktop/jsdoc3/jsdoc-tmp", "filename": "drupal.js", "code": { "id": "astnode591210723", "name": "context", "type": "OR", "value": "OR" } }, "undocumented": true, "name": "context", "kind": "member", "longname": "context", "scope": "global" }, { "comment": "", "meta": { "lineno": 134, "path": "/home/jhodgdon/Desktop/jsdoc3/jsdoc-tmp", "filename": "drupal.js", "code": { "id": "astnode169456094", "name": "settings", "type": "OR", "value": "OR" } }, "undocumented": true, "name": "settings", "kind": "member", "longname": "settings", "scope": "global" }, { "comment": "", "meta": { "lineno": 135, "path": "/home/jhodgdon/Desktop/jsdoc3/jsdoc-tmp", "filename": "drupal.js", "code": { "id": "astnode1084010740", "name": "trigger", "type": "OR", "value": "OR" } }, "undocumented": true, "name": "trigger", "kind": "member", "longname": "trigger", "scope": "global" }, { "comment": "", "meta": { "lineno": 136, "path": "/home/jhodgdon/Desktop/jsdoc3/jsdoc-tmp", "filename": "drupal.js", "code": { "id": "astnode989080272", "name": "i", "type": "undefined", "value": "i" } }, "undocumented": true, "name": "i", "kind": "member", "memberof": "Drupal.detachBehaviors", "longname": "Drupal.detachBehaviors~i", "scope": "inner" }, { "comment": "", "meta": { "lineno": 136, "path": "/home/jhodgdon/Desktop/jsdoc3/jsdoc-tmp", "filename": "drupal.js", "code": { "id": "astnode1291305757", "name": "behaviors", "type": "GETPROP", "value": "Drupal.behaviors" } }, "undocumented": true, "name": "behaviors", "kind": "member", "memberof": "Drupal.detachBehaviors", "longname": "Drupal.detachBehaviors~behaviors", "scope": "inner" }, { "comment": "/**\n * Encode special characters in a plain-text string for display as HTML.\n *\n * @param str\n * The string to be encoded.\n * @return\n * The encoded string.\n * @ingroup sanitization\n */", "meta": { "lineno": 154, "path": "/home/jhodgdon/Desktop/jsdoc3/jsdoc-tmp", "filename": "drupal.js", "code": { "id": "astnode198249052", "name": "Drupal.checkPlain", "type": "FUNCTION", "value": "FUNCTION", "paramnames": [ "str" ] } }, "description": "Encode special characters in a plain-text string for display as HTML.", "params": [ { "name": "str", "description": "The string to be encoded." } ], "returns": [ { "description": "The encoded string." } ], "tags": [ { "originalTitle": "ingroup", "title": "ingroup", "text": "sanitization", "value": "sanitization" } ], "name": "checkPlain", "kind": "function", "memberof": "Drupal", "longname": "Drupal.checkPlain", "scope": "static" }, { "comment": "", "meta": { "lineno": 155, "path": "/home/jhodgdon/Desktop/jsdoc3/jsdoc-tmp", "filename": "drupal.js", "code": { "id": "astnode249613347", "name": "str", "type": "CALL", "value": "CALL" } }, "undocumented": true, "name": "str", "kind": "member", "longname": "str", "scope": "global" }, { "comment": "/**\n * Replace placeholders with sanitized values in a string.\n *\n * @param str\n * A string with placeholders.\n * @param args\n * An object of replacements pairs to make. Incidences of any key in this\n * array are replaced with the corresponding value. Based on the first\n * character of the key, the value is escaped and/or themed:\n * - !variable: inserted as is\n * - @variable: escape plain text to HTML (Drupal.checkPlain)\n * - %variable: escape text and theme as a placeholder for user-submitted\n * content (checkPlain + Drupal.theme('placeholder'))\n *\n * @see Drupal.t()\n * @ingroup sanitization\n */", "meta": { "lineno": 180, "path": "/home/jhodgdon/Desktop/jsdoc3/jsdoc-tmp", "filename": "drupal.js", "code": { "id": "astnode649388699", "name": "Drupal.formatString", "type": "FUNCTION", "value": "FUNCTION", "paramnames": [ "str", "args" ] }, "vars": { "key": false } }, "description": "Replace placeholders with sanitized values in a string.", "params": [ { "name": "str", "description": "A string with placeholders." }, { "name": "args", "description": "An object of replacements pairs to make. Incidences of any key in this\n array are replaced with the corresponding value. Based on the first\n character of the key, the value is escaped and/or themed:\n - !variable: inserted as is\n - @variable: escape plain text to HTML (Drupal.checkPlain)\n - %variable: escape text and theme as a placeholder for user-submitted\n content (checkPlain + Drupal.theme('placeholder'))" } ], "see": [ "Drupal.t()" ], "tags": [ { "originalTitle": "ingroup", "title": "ingroup", "text": "sanitization", "value": "sanitization" } ], "name": "formatString", "kind": "function", "memberof": "Drupal", "longname": "Drupal.formatString", "scope": "static" }, { "comment": "", "meta": { "lineno": 182, "path": "/home/jhodgdon/Desktop/jsdoc3/jsdoc-tmp", "filename": "drupal.js", "code": { "id": "astnode295726648", "name": "key", "type": "undefined", "value": "key" } }, "undocumented": true, "name": "key", "kind": "member", "memberof": "Drupal.formatString", "longname": "Drupal.formatString~key", "scope": "inner" }, { "comment": "", "meta": { "lineno": 187, "path": "/home/jhodgdon/Desktop/jsdoc3/jsdoc-tmp", "filename": "drupal.js", "code": { "id": "astnode354199555", "name": "args[key]", "type": "CALL", "value": "CALL" } }, "undocumented": true, "name": "args[key]", "kind": "member", "longname": "args[key]", "scope": "global" }, { "comment": "", "meta": { "lineno": 195, "path": "/home/jhodgdon/Desktop/jsdoc3/jsdoc-tmp", "filename": "drupal.js", "code": { "id": "astnode275558166", "name": "args[key]", "type": "CALL", "value": "CALL" } }, "undocumented": true, "name": "args[key]", "kind": "member", "longname": "args[key]", "scope": "global" }, { "comment": "", "meta": { "lineno": 198, "path": "/home/jhodgdon/Desktop/jsdoc3/jsdoc-tmp", "filename": "drupal.js", "code": { "id": "astnode1726367366", "name": "str", "type": "CALL", "value": "CALL" } }, "undocumented": true, "name": "str", "kind": "member", "longname": "str", "scope": "global" }, { "comment": "/**\n * Translate strings to the page language or a given language.\n *\n * See the documentation of the server-side t() function for further details.\n *\n * @param str\n * A string containing the English string to translate.\n * @param args\n * An object of replacements pairs to make after translation. Incidences\n * of any key in this array are replaced with the corresponding value.\n * See Drupal.formatString().\n *\n * @param options\n * - 'context' (defaults to the empty context): The context the source string\n * belongs to.\n *\n * @return\n * The translated string.\n */", "meta": { "lineno": 223, "path": "/home/jhodgdon/Desktop/jsdoc3/jsdoc-tmp", "filename": "drupal.js", "code": { "id": "astnode1746807975", "name": "Drupal.t", "type": "FUNCTION", "value": "FUNCTION", "paramnames": [ "str", "args", "options" ] } }, "description": "Translate strings to the page language or a given language.\n\nSee the documentation of the server-side t() function for further details.", "params": [ { "name": "str", "description": "A string containing the English string to translate." }, { "name": "args", "description": "An object of replacements pairs to make after translation. Incidences\n of any key in this array are replaced with the corresponding value.\n See Drupal.formatString()." }, { "name": "options", "description": "'context' (defaults to the empty context): The context the source string\n belongs to." } ], "returns": [ { "description": "The translated string." } ], "name": "t", "kind": "function", "memberof": "Drupal", "longname": "Drupal.t", "scope": "static" }, { "comment": "", "meta": { "lineno": 224, "path": "/home/jhodgdon/Desktop/jsdoc3/jsdoc-tmp", "filename": "drupal.js", "code": { "id": "astnode279807577", "name": "options", "type": "OR", "value": "OR" } }, "undocumented": true, "name": "options", "kind": "member", "longname": "options", "scope": "global" }, { "comment": "", "meta": { "lineno": 225, "path": "/home/jhodgdon/Desktop/jsdoc3/jsdoc-tmp", "filename": "drupal.js", "code": { "id": "astnode798212303", "name": "options.context", "type": "OR", "value": "OR" } }, "undocumented": true, "name": "context", "kind": "member", "memberof": "options", "longname": "options.context", "scope": "static" }, { "comment": "", "meta": { "lineno": 229, "path": "/home/jhodgdon/Desktop/jsdoc3/jsdoc-tmp", "filename": "drupal.js", "code": { "id": "astnode833984911", "name": "str", "type": "GETELEM", "value": "Drupal.locale.strings[options.context][str]" } }, "undocumented": true, "name": "str", "kind": "member", "longname": "str", "scope": "global" }, { "comment": "", "meta": { "lineno": 233, "path": "/home/jhodgdon/Desktop/jsdoc3/jsdoc-tmp", "filename": "drupal.js", "code": { "id": "astnode820233764", "name": "str", "type": "CALL", "value": "CALL" } }, "undocumented": true, "name": "str", "kind": "member", "longname": "str", "scope": "global" }, { "comment": "/**\n * Returns the URL to a Drupal page.\n */", "meta": { "lineno": 241, "path": "/home/jhodgdon/Desktop/jsdoc3/jsdoc-tmp", "filename": "drupal.js", "code": { "id": "astnode1121984713", "name": "Drupal.url", "type": "FUNCTION", "value": "FUNCTION", "paramnames": [ "path" ] } }, "description": "Returns the URL to a Drupal page.", "name": "url", "kind": "function", "memberof": "Drupal", "longname": "Drupal.url", "scope": "static" }, { "comment": "/**\n * Format a string containing a count of items.\n *\n * This function ensures that the string is pluralized correctly. Since Drupal.t() is\n * called by this function, make sure not to pass already-localized strings to it.\n *\n * See the documentation of the server-side format_plural() function for further details.\n *\n * @param count\n * The item count to display.\n * @param singular\n * The string for the singular case. Please make sure it is clear this is\n * singular, to ease translation (e.g. use \"1 new comment\" instead of \"1 new\").\n * Do not use @count in the singular string.\n * @param plural\n * The string for the plural case. Please make sure it is clear this is plural,\n * to ease translation. Use @count in place of the item count, as in \"@count\n * new comments\".\n * @param args\n * An object of replacements pairs to make after translation. Incidences\n * of any key in this array are replaced with the corresponding value.\n * See Drupal.formatString().\n * Note that you do not need to include @count in this array.\n * This replacement is done automatically for the plural case.\n * @param options\n * The options to pass to the Drupal.t() function.\n * @return\n * A translated string.\n */", "meta": { "lineno": 274, "path": "/home/jhodgdon/Desktop/jsdoc3/jsdoc-tmp", "filename": "drupal.js", "code": { "id": "astnode475893892", "name": "Drupal.formatPlural", "type": "FUNCTION", "value": "FUNCTION", "paramnames": [ "count", "singular", "plural", "args", "options" ] }, "vars": { "index": false } }, "description": "Format a string containing a count of items.\n\nThis function ensures that the string is pluralized correctly. Since Drupal.t() is\ncalled by this function, make sure not to pass already-localized strings to it.\n\nSee the documentation of the server-side format_plural() function for further details.", "params": [ { "name": "count", "description": "The item count to display." }, { "name": "singular", "description": "The string for the singular case. Please make sure it is clear this is\n singular, to ease translation (e.g. use \"1 new comment\" instead of \"1 new\").\n Do not use @count in the singular string." }, { "name": "plural", "description": "The string for the plural case. Please make sure it is clear this is plural,\n to ease translation. Use @count in place of the item count, as in \"@count\n new comments\"." }, { "name": "args", "description": "An object of replacements pairs to make after translation. Incidences\n of any key in this array are replaced with the corresponding value.\n See Drupal.formatString().\n Note that you do not need to include @count in this array.\n This replacement is done automatically for the plural case." }, { "name": "options", "description": "The options to pass to the Drupal.t() function." } ], "returns": [ { "description": "A translated string." } ], "name": "formatPlural", "kind": "function", "memberof": "Drupal", "longname": "Drupal.formatPlural", "scope": "static" }, { "comment": "", "meta": { "lineno": 275, "path": "/home/jhodgdon/Desktop/jsdoc3/jsdoc-tmp", "filename": "drupal.js", "code": { "id": "astnode1278414937", "name": "args", "type": "OR", "value": "OR" } }, "undocumented": true, "name": "args", "kind": "member", "longname": "args", "scope": "global" }, { "comment": "", "meta": { "lineno": 276, "path": "/home/jhodgdon/Desktop/jsdoc3/jsdoc-tmp", "filename": "drupal.js", "code": { "id": "astnode796347291", "name": "args['@count']", "type": "NAME", "value": "count" } }, "undocumented": true, "name": "args['@count']", "kind": "member", "longname": "args['@count']", "scope": "global" }, { "comment": "", "meta": { "lineno": 278, "path": "/home/jhodgdon/Desktop/jsdoc3/jsdoc-tmp", "filename": "drupal.js", "code": { "id": "astnode158981348", "name": "index", "type": "HOOK", "value": "HOOK" } }, "undocumented": true, "name": "index", "kind": "member", "memberof": "Drupal.formatPlural", "longname": "Drupal.formatPlural~index", "scope": "inner" }, { "comment": "", "meta": { "lineno": 287, "path": "/home/jhodgdon/Desktop/jsdoc3/jsdoc-tmp", "filename": "drupal.js", "code": { "id": "astnode1457155060", "name": "args['@count[' + index + ']']", "type": "GETELEM", "value": "args['@count']" } }, "undocumented": true, "name": "args['@count[' + index + ']']", "kind": "member", "longname": "args['@count[' + index + ']']", "scope": "global" }, { "comment": "/**\n * Generate the themed representation of a Drupal object.\n *\n * All requests for themed output must go through this function. It examines\n * the request and routes it to the appropriate theme function. If the current\n * theme does not provide an override function, the generic theme function is\n * called.\n *\n * For example, to retrieve the HTML for text that should be emphasized and\n * displayed as a placeholder inside a sentence, call\n * Drupal.theme('placeholder', text).\n *\n * @param func\n * The name of the theme function to call.\n * @param ...\n * Additional arguments to pass along to the theme function.\n * @return\n * Any data the theme function returns. This could be a plain HTML string,\n * but also a complex object.\n */", "meta": { "lineno": 313, "path": "/home/jhodgdon/Desktop/jsdoc3/jsdoc-tmp", "filename": "drupal.js", "code": { "id": "astnode1287251034", "name": "Drupal.theme", "type": "FUNCTION", "value": "FUNCTION", "paramnames": [ "func" ] }, "vars": { "args": false } }, "description": "Generate the themed representation of a Drupal object.\n\nAll requests for themed output must go through this function. It examines\nthe request and routes it to the appropriate theme function. If the current\ntheme does not provide an override function, the generic theme function is\ncalled.\n\nFor example, to retrieve the HTML for text that should be emphasized and\ndisplayed as a placeholder inside a sentence, call\nDrupal.theme('placeholder', text).", "params": [ { "name": "func", "description": "The name of the theme function to call." }, { "name": "...", "description": "Additional arguments to pass along to the theme function." } ], "returns": [ { "description": "Any data the theme function returns. This could be a plain HTML string,\n but also a complex object." } ], "name": "theme", "kind": "function", "memberof": "Drupal", "longname": "Drupal.theme", "scope": "static" }, { "comment": "", "meta": { "lineno": 314, "path": "/home/jhodgdon/Desktop/jsdoc3/jsdoc-tmp", "filename": "drupal.js", "code": { "id": "astnode1730147382", "name": "args", "type": "CALL", "value": "CALL" } }, "undocumented": true, "name": "args", "kind": "member", "memberof": "Drupal.theme", "longname": "Drupal.theme~args", "scope": "inner" }, { "comment": "/**\n * Freeze the current body height (as minimum height). Used to prevent\n * unnecessary upwards scrolling when doing DOM manipulations.\n */", "meta": { "lineno": 323, "path": "/home/jhodgdon/Desktop/jsdoc3/jsdoc-tmp", "filename": "drupal.js", "code": { "id": "astnode2126858590", "name": "Drupal.freezeHeight", "type": "FUNCTION", "value": "FUNCTION", "paramnames": [] } }, "description": "Freeze the current body height (as minimum height). Used to prevent\nunnecessary upwards scrolling when doing DOM manipulations.", "name": "freezeHeight", "kind": "function", "memberof": "Drupal", "longname": "Drupal.freezeHeight", "scope": "static" }, { "comment": "", "meta": { "lineno": 326, "path": "/home/jhodgdon/Desktop/jsdoc3/jsdoc-tmp", "filename": "drupal.js", "code": { "id": "astnode774471675", "name": "position", "type": "STRING", "value": "absolute" } }, "undocumented": true, "name": "position", "kind": "member", "longname": "position", "scope": "global" }, { "comment": "", "meta": { "lineno": 327, "path": "/home/jhodgdon/Desktop/jsdoc3/jsdoc-tmp", "filename": "drupal.js", "code": { "id": "astnode1115192682", "name": "top", "type": "STRING", "value": "0px" } }, "undocumented": true, "name": "top", "kind": "member", "longname": "top", "scope": "global" }, { "comment": "", "meta": { "lineno": 328, "path": "/home/jhodgdon/Desktop/jsdoc3/jsdoc-tmp", "filename": "drupal.js", "code": { "id": "astnode1544825066", "name": "left", 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The request returns an array of commands encoded in JSON, which is\n * then executed to make any changes that are necessary to the page.\n *\n * Drupal uses this file to enhance form elements with #ajax['path'] and\n * #ajax['wrapper'] properties. If set, this file will automatically be included\n * to provide Ajax capabilities.\n */", "meta": { "lineno": 1, "path": "/home/jhodgdon/Desktop/jsdoc3/jsdoc-tmp", "filename": "ajax.js", "code": {} }, "name": "file:/home/jhodgdon/Desktop/jsdoc3/jsdoc-tmp/ajax.js", "kind": "file", "description": "JavaScript for Ajax page updating.\n\nAjax is a method of making a request via JavaScript while viewing an HTML\npage. The request returns an array of commands encoded in JSON, which is\nthen executed to make any changes that are necessary to the page.\n\nDrupal uses this file to enhance form elements with #ajax['path'] and\n#ajax['wrapper'] properties. If set, this file will automatically be included\nto provide Ajax capabilities.", "preserveName": true, "longname": "file:/home/jhodgdon/Desktop/jsdoc3/jsdoc-tmp/ajax.js" }, { "comment": "", "meta": { "lineno": 17, "path": "/home/jhodgdon/Desktop/jsdoc3/jsdoc-tmp", "filename": "ajax.js", "code": { "id": "astnode948252856", "name": "Drupal.ajax", "type": "OR", "value": "OR" } }, "undocumented": true, "name": "ajax", "kind": "member", "memberof": "Drupal", "longname": "Drupal.ajax", "scope": "static" }, { "comment": "/**\n * Attaches the Ajax behavior to each Ajax form element.\n *\n * @property {function} attach\n * Description of the attach function goes here.\n */", "meta": { "lineno": 25, "path": "/home/jhodgdon/Desktop/jsdoc3/jsdoc-tmp", "filename": "ajax.js", "code": { "id": "astnode1675553600", "name": "Drupal.behaviors.AJAX", "type": "OBJECTLIT", "value": "OBJECTLIT" } }, "description": "Attaches the Ajax behavior to each Ajax form element.", "properties": [ { "type": { "names": 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You can access them from\n * your module's JavaScript file to override properties or functions.\n *\n * For example, if your Ajax enabled button has the ID 'edit-submit', you can\n * redefine the function that is called to insert the new content like this\n * (inside a Drupal.behaviors attach block):\n * @code\n * Drupal.behaviors.myCustomAJAXStuff = {\n * attach: function (context, settings) {\n * Drupal.ajax['edit-submit'].commands.insert = function (ajax, response, status) {\n * new_content = $(;\n * $('#my-wrapper').append(new_content);\n * alert('New content was appended to #my-wrapper');\n * }\n * }\n * };\n * @endcode\n */", "meta": { "lineno": 104, "path": "/home/jhodgdon/Desktop/jsdoc3/jsdoc-tmp", "filename": "ajax.js", "code": { "id": "astnode1320864185", "name": "Drupal.ajax", "type": "FUNCTION", "value": "FUNCTION", "paramnames": [ "base", "element", "element_settings" ] }, "vars": { "defaults": false, "ajax": false, "": false } }, "description": "Constructs an Ajax object.", "kind": "class", "classdesc": "Provides Ajax page updating via jQuery $.ajax.\n\nAll Ajax objects on a page are accessible through the global Drupal.ajax\nobject and are keyed by the submit button's ID. You can access them from\nyour module's JavaScript file to override properties or functions.\n\nFor example, if your Ajax enabled button has the ID 'edit-submit', you can\nredefine the function that is called to insert the new content like this\n(inside a Drupal.behaviors attach block):", "tags": [ { "originalTitle": "code", "title": "code", "text": "Drupal.behaviors.myCustomAJAXStuff = {\n attach: function (context, settings) {\n Drupal.ajax['edit-submit'].commands.insert = function (ajax, response, status) {\n new_content = $(;\n $('#my-wrapper').append(new_content);\n alert('New content was appended to #my-wrapper');\n }\n }\n };", "value": "Drupal.behaviors.myCustomAJAXStuff = {\n attach: function (context, settings) {\n Drupal.ajax['edit-submit'].commands.insert = function (ajax, response, status) {\n new_content = $(;\n $('#my-wrapper').append(new_content);\n alert('New content was appended to #my-wrapper');\n }\n }\n };" }, { "originalTitle": "endcode", "title": "endcode", 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This\n * will test to see if the key press is valid to trigger this event and\n * if it is, trigger it for us and prevent other keypresses from triggering.\n * In this case we're handling RETURN and SPACEBAR keypresses (event codes 13\n * and 32. RETURN is often used to submit a form when in a textfield, and\n * SPACE is often used to activate an element without submitting.\n */", "meta": { "lineno": 210, "path": "/home/jhodgdon/Desktop/jsdoc3/jsdoc-tmp", "filename": "ajax.js", "code": { "id": "astnode666249899", "name": "Drupal.ajax.prototype.keypressResponse", "type": "FUNCTION", "value": "FUNCTION", "paramnames": [ "element", "event" ] }, "vars": { "ajax": false } }, "description": "Handles a key press.\n\nThe Ajax object will, if instructed, bind to a key press response. 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RETURN is often used to submit a form when in a textfield, and\nSPACE is often used to activate an element without submitting.", "name": "keypressResponse", "kind": "function", "memberof": "Drupal.ajax", "longname": "Drupal.ajax#keypressResponse", "scope": "instance" }, { "comment": "", "meta": { "lineno": 212, "path": "/home/jhodgdon/Desktop/jsdoc3/jsdoc-tmp", "filename": "ajax.js", "code": { "id": "astnode1280551684", "name": "ajax", "type": "THIS", "value": "this" } }, "undocumented": true, "name": "ajax", "kind": "member", "memberof": "Drupal.ajax#keypressResponse", "longname": "Drupal.ajax#keypressResponse~ajax", "scope": "inner" }, { "comment": "/**\n * Handles an event that triggers an Ajax response.\n *\n * When an event that triggers an Ajax response happens, this method will\n * perform the actual Ajax call. It is bound to the event using\n * bind() in the constructor, and it uses the options specified on the\n * ajax object.\n */", "meta": { "lineno": 232, "path": "/home/jhodgdon/Desktop/jsdoc3/jsdoc-tmp", "filename": "ajax.js", "code": { "id": "astnode249895724", "name": "Drupal.ajax.prototype.eventResponse", "type": "FUNCTION", "value": "FUNCTION", "paramnames": [ "element", "event" ] }, "vars": { "ajax": false } }, "description": "Handles an event that triggers an Ajax response.\n\nWhen an event that triggers an Ajax response happens, this method will\nperform the actual Ajax call. It is bound to the event using\nbind() in the constructor, and it uses the options specified on the\najax object.", "name": "eventResponse", "kind": "function", "memberof": "Drupal.ajax", "longname": "Drupal.ajax#eventResponse", "scope": "instance" }, { "comment": "", "meta": { "lineno": 234, "path": "/home/jhodgdon/Desktop/jsdoc3/jsdoc-tmp", "filename": "ajax.js", "code": { "id": "astnode103468119", "name": "ajax", "type": "THIS", "value": "this" } }, "undocumented": true, "name": "ajax", "kind": "member", "memberof": "Drupal.ajax#eventResponse", "longname": "Drupal.ajax#eventResponse~ajax", "scope": "inner" }, { "comment": "", "meta": { "lineno": 250, "path": "/home/jhodgdon/Desktop/jsdoc3/jsdoc-tmp", "filename": "ajax.js", "code": { "id": "astnode1109376982", "name": "element.form.clk", "type": "NAME", "value": "element" } }, "undocumented": true, "name": "clk", "kind": "member", "memberof": "element.form", "longname": "element.form.clk", "scope": "static" }, { "comment": "", 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"path": "/home/jhodgdon/Desktop/jsdoc3/jsdoc-tmp", "filename": "autocomplete.js", "code": { "id": "astnode1352126502", "name": "this.searchString", "type": "STRING" } }, "undocumented": true, "name": "searchString", "kind": "member", "memberof": "Drupal.ACDB", "longname": "Drupal.ACDB#searchString", "scope": "instance" }, { "comment": "/**\n * @file JavaScript for draggable tables.\n */", "meta": { "lineno": 1, "path": "/home/jhodgdon/Desktop/jsdoc3/jsdoc-tmp", "filename": "tabledrag.js", "code": {} }, "name": "file:/home/jhodgdon/Desktop/jsdoc3/jsdoc-tmp/tabledrag.js", "kind": "file", "description": "JavaScript for draggable tables.", "preserveName": true, "longname": "file:/home/jhodgdon/Desktop/jsdoc3/jsdoc-tmp/tabledrag.js" }, { "comment": "/**\n * Indicates that columns have changed in a table.\n *\n * @param type\n * Type of change: 'show' or 'hide'.\n *\n * @event columnschange\n */", "meta": { "lineno": 53, "path": "/home/jhodgdon/Desktop/jsdoc3/jsdoc-tmp", "filename": "tabledrag.js", "code": {} }, "description": "Indicates that columns have changed in a table.", "params": [ { "name": "type", "description": "Type of change: 'show' or 'hide'." } ], "kind": "event", "name": "columnschange", "longname": "event:columnschange" }, { "comment": "/**\n * Attaches the table drag behavior to tables.\n *\n * @property {function} attach\n * Description of the attach function goes here.\n */", "meta": { "lineno": 12, "path": "/home/jhodgdon/Desktop/jsdoc3/jsdoc-tmp", "filename": "tabledrag.js", "code": { "id": "astnode412645939", "name": "Drupal.behaviors.tableDrag", "type": "OBJECTLIT", "value": "OBJECTLIT" } }, "description": "Attaches the table drag behavior to tables.", "properties": [ { "type": { "names": [ "function" ], "optional": null, "nullable": null, "variable": null }, "description": "Description of the attach function goes here.", "name": "attach" } ], "name": "tableDrag", "kind": "member", "memberof": "Drupal.behaviors", "longname": "Drupal.behaviors.tableDrag", "scope": "static" }, { "comment": "", "meta": { "lineno": 13, "path": "/home/jhodgdon/Desktop/jsdoc3/jsdoc-tmp", "filename": "tabledrag.js", "code": { "id": "astnode1482981398", "name": "attach", "type": "FUNCTION", "value": "FUNCTION", "paramnames": [ "context", "settings" ] } }, "undocumented": true, "name": "attach", "kind": "function", "memberof": "Drupal.behaviors.tableDrag", "scope": "static", "longname": "Drupal.behaviors.tableDrag.attach" }, { "comment": "/**\n * Returns the value of foo for the current widget.\n *\n * Description of this ordinary function in the Drupal namespace goes here.\n *\n * @return\n * The value of foo in the current widget.\n */", "meta": { "lineno": 26, "path": "/home/jhodgdon/Desktop/jsdoc3/jsdoc-tmp", "filename": "tabledrag.js", "code": { "id": "astnode2040926578", "name": "Drupal.getCurrentFoo", "type": "FUNCTION", "value": "FUNCTION", "paramnames": [] } }, "description": "Returns the value of foo for the current widget.\n\nDescription of this ordinary function in the Drupal namespace goes here.", "returns": [ { "description": "The value of foo in the current widget." } ], "name": "getCurrentFoo", "kind": "function", "memberof": "Drupal", "longname": "Drupal.getCurrentFoo", "scope": "static" }, { "comment": "/**\n * Constructs a table drag object.\n *\n * @param {HTMLTableElement} table\n * DOM object for the table to be made draggable.\n * @param {object} tableSettings\n * Settings for the table.\n *\n * @constructor\n * @classdesc Provides the ability to drag to manipulate a table and its fields.\n */", "meta": { "lineno": 41, "path": "/home/jhodgdon/Desktop/jsdoc3/jsdoc-tmp", "filename": "tabledrag.js", "code": { "id": "astnode1172733546", "name": "Drupal.tableDrag", "type": "FUNCTION", "value": "FUNCTION", "paramnames": [ "table", "tableSettings" ] } }, "description": "Constructs a table drag object.", "params": [ { "type": { "names": [ "HTMLTableElement" ], "optional": null, "nullable": null, "variable": null }, "name": "table", "description": "DOM object for the table to be made draggable." }, { "type": { "names": [ "object" ], "optional": null, "nullable": null, "variable": null }, "name": "tableSettings", "description": "Settings for the table." } ], "kind": "class", "classdesc": "Provides the ability to drag to manipulate a table and its fields.", "name": "tableDrag", "memberof": "Drupal", "longname": "Drupal.tableDrag", "scope": "static" }, { "comment": "/**\n * Hides the columns containing weight and parent form elements.\n *\n * @fires columnschange\n * @see Drupal.tableDrag.showColumns\n */", "meta": { "lineno": 51, "path": "/home/jhodgdon/Desktop/jsdoc3/jsdoc-tmp", "filename": "tabledrag.js", "code": { "id": "astnode1123127663", "name": "Drupal.tableDrag.prototype.hideColumns", "type": "FUNCTION", "value": "FUNCTION", "paramnames": [] } }, "description": "Hides the columns containing weight and parent form elements.", "fires": [ "event:columnschange" ], "see": [ "Drupal.tableDrag.showColumns" ], "name": "hideColumns", "kind": "function", "memberof": "Drupal.tableDrag", "longname": "Drupal.tableDrag#hideColumns", "scope": "instance" }, { "comment": "/**\n * Shows the columns containing weight and parent form elements.\n *\n * @fires columnschange\n * @see Drupal.tableDrag.hideColumns\n */", "meta": { "lineno": 71, "path": "/home/jhodgdon/Desktop/jsdoc3/jsdoc-tmp", "filename": "tabledrag.js", "code": { "id": "astnode1721906704", "name": "Drupal.tableDrag.prototype.showColumns", "type": "FUNCTION", "value": "FUNCTION", "paramnames": [] } }, "description": "Shows the columns containing weight and parent form elements.", "fires": [ "event:columnschange" ], "see": [ "Drupal.tableDrag.hideColumns" ], "name": "showColumns", "kind": "function", "memberof": "Drupal.tableDrag", "longname": "Drupal.tableDrag#showColumns", "scope": "instance" }, { "files": [ "/home/jhodgdon/Desktop/jsdoc3/jsdoc-tmp/drupal.js", "/home/jhodgdon/Desktop/jsdoc3/jsdoc-tmp/ajax.js", "/home/jhodgdon/Desktop/jsdoc3/jsdoc-tmp/autocomplete.js", "/home/jhodgdon/Desktop/jsdoc3/jsdoc-tmp/tabledrag.js" ], "kind": "package", "longname": "package:undefined" } ]