t('Cycle'), ); return $options; } /** * Define form fields to be displayed in the views settings form. * These fields would help configure your slideshow type. */ function hook_views_slideshow_slideshow_type_form(&$form, &$form_state, &$view) { $form['views_slideshow_cycle']['effect'] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Effect'), '#options' => $effects, '#default_value' => $view->options['views_slideshow_cycle']['effect'], '#description' => t('The transition effect that will be used to change between images. Not all options below may be relevant depending on the effect. ' . l('Follow this link to see examples of each effect.', 'http://jquery.malsup.com/cycle/browser.html', array('attributes' => array('target' => '_blank')))), ); } /** * Set default values for your form fields specified in hook_views_slideshow_type_form * * @return * Associative array of slideshow type name and options. */ function hook_views_slideshow_option_definition() { $options['views_slideshow_cycle'] = array( 'contains' => array( // Transition 'effect' => array('default' => 'fade'), 'transition_advanced' => array('default' => 0), 'timeout' => array('default' => 5000), 'speed' => array('default' => 700), //normal 'delay' => array('default' => 0), 'sync' => array('default' => 1), 'random' => array('default' => 0), ) ); return $options; } /** * Form validation callback for the slideshow settings. */ function hook_views_slideshow_options_form_validate(&$form, &$form_state, &$view) { if (!is_numeric($form_state['values']['style_options']['views_slideshow_cycle']['speed'])) { form_error($form['views_slideshow_cycle']['speed'], t('!setting must be numeric!', array('Speed'))); } if (!is_numeric($form_state['values']['style_options']['views_slideshow_cycle']['timeout'])) { form_error($form['views_slideshow_cycle']['speed'], t('!setting must be numeric!', array('timeout'))); } if (!is_numeric($form_state['values']['style_options']['views_slideshow_cycle']['remember_slide_days'])) { form_error($form['views_slideshow_cycle']['remember_slide_days'], t('!setting must be numeric!', array('Slide days'))); } } /** * Form submission callback for the slideshow settings. */ function hook_views_slideshow_options_form_submit($form, &$form_state) { // Act on option submission. } /** * Define slideshow skins to be available to the end user. */ function hook_views_slideshow_skins() { return array( 'default' => array( 'title' => t('Default'), ), ); } /** * Define new widgets (pagers, controls, counters). * * @return * Array keyed by the widget names. */ function hook_views_slideshow_widget_info() { return array( 'views_slideshow_pager' => 'Pager', 'views_slideshow_controls' => 'Controls', 'views_slideshow_slide_counter' => 'Slide Counter', ); } /** * Form fields to be added for a specific widget type. Example of a widget type would be views_slideshow_pager or views_slideshow_slide_counter. */ function [widget-type]_views_slideshow_widget_form_options(&$form, $form_state, $view, $defaults, $dependency) { } /** * Define JS methods to be run when a certain slideshow event is fired. * * Available events: * - viewsSlideshowPause * - viewsSlideshowPlay * - viewsSlideshowNextSlide * - viewsSlideshowPreviousSlide * - viewsSlideshowGoToSlide * - viewsSlideshowTransitionBegin * - viewsSlideshowTransitionEnd * @return * array of methods. */ function hook_views_slideshow_js_method_register() { return array( 'views_slideshow_cycle', ); } /** * Hook called by the pager widget to configure it, the fields that should be shown. */ function hook_views_slideshow_pager_settings($view, $option_values, $dependency_prefix) { } /** * @} End of "addtogroup hooks". */