0) ? '--since="'. gmdate('D M j G:i:s Y O', $repository['git_specific']['updated']) .'"' : ''; $date_updated = time(); $file_revisions = array(); // Call GIT in order to get the raw logs. $command = "cd $root;"."git log --numstat --summary --pretty=medium $date"; if (variable_get('versioncontrol_git_log_use_file', 1)) { $temp_dir = variable_get('file_directory_temp', (PHP_OS == 'WINNT' ? 'c:\\windows\\temp' : '/tmp')); $temp_file = $temp_dir .'/git-'. rand(); exec($command . " > $temp_file"); $logs = fopen($temp_file, 'r'); } else { exec($command, $logs); // TODO match above reset($logs); // reset the array pointer, so that we can use next() } watchdog('special', $command); // Parse the info from the raw output. _versioncontrol_git_log_parse($repository, $logs, $file_revisions); if (variable_get('versioncontrol_git_log_use_file', 1)) { fclose($logs); unlink($temp_file); } // Having retrieved the file revisions, insert those into the database // as Version Control API commits. _versioncontrol_git_log_process($repository, $file_revisions); $repository['git_specific']['updated'] = $date_updated; // Everything's done, remember the time when we updated the log (= now). db_query('UPDATE {versioncontrol_git_repositories} SET updated = %d WHERE repo_id = %d', $repository['git_specific']['updated'], $repository['repo_id']); return TRUE; } /** * Parse the logs into a list of file revision objects, so that they * can be processed more easily. * * @param $repository * The repository array, as given by the Version Control API. * @param $logs * Either an array containing all the output lines (if the output was * directly read by exec()) or a file handle of the temporary file * that the output was written to. * @param $file_revisions * An array that will be filled with a simple, flat list of * file revision objects. Each object has the following properties: * * - revision: The revision number (a string, e.g. '1.1' or ''). * - date: The time of the revision, as Unix timestamp. * - username: The GIT username of the committer. * - dead: TRUE if the file revision is in the "dead" (deleted) state, * or FALSE if it currently exists in the repository. * - lines_added: An integer that specifies how many lines have been added * in this revision. * - lines_removed: An integer that specifies how many lines have been added * in this revision. * - commitid: Optional property, may exist in more recent versions of GIT. * (It seems to have been introduced in 2005 or something.) If given, * this is a string which is the same for all file revisions in a commit. * - message: The commit message (a string with possible line breaks). * - branch: The branch that this file revision was committed to, * as string containing the name of the branch. */ function _versioncontrol_git_log_parse($repository, &$logs, &$file_revisions) { // If the log was retrieved by taking the return value of exec(), we've // got an array and navigate it via next(). If we stored the log in a // temporary file, $logs is a file handle that we need to fgets() instead. $next = is_array($logs) ? 'next' : 'fgets'; $root_path = $repository['root']; while (($line = $next($logs)) !== FALSE) { // Revision info. $matches_found = preg_match('/^commit (.+)$/', $line, $matches); if (!$matches_found) { continue; } $commit_id = $matches[1]; $line = $next($logs); if (preg_match('/^Author: ([^<]+)/', $line, $matches)) { // Ignore e-mail address. $author = trim($matches[1]); } $line = $next($logs); if (preg_match('/^Date: (.+)$/', $line, $matches)) { $date = trim($matches[1]); } // Get revision message. $next($logs); // Blank line. $message = ''; while (($line = $next($logs)) !== FALSE) { if (trim($line) != '') { $message .= trim($line); } else { break; } } // Read file line revisions. $revisions = array(); while (($line = $next($logs)) !== FALSE) { if (is_numeric($line[0]) && preg_match('/^(\S+)'."\t".'(\S+)'."\t".'(.+)$/', $line, $matches)) { // Begins with num lines added and matches expression. $file_revision = new StdClass(); $file_revision->commit_id = $commit_id; $file_revision->username = $author; $file_revision->date = strtotime($date); $file_revision->message = $message; $file_revision->lines_added = $matches[1]; $file_revision->lines_removed = $matches[2]; $file_revision->path = '/'. $matches[3]; $file_revision->action = VERSIONCONTROL_ACTION_MODIFIED; $revisions[] = $file_revision; } else { break; } } // Read file actions. $i = 0; do { if (preg_match('/^ (\S+) (\S+) (\S+) (.+)$/', $line, $matches)) { // Ensure that same file, they should be in same order. $revisions[$i]->action = ($matches[1] == 'create' ? VERSIONCONTROL_ACTION_ADDED : VERSIONCONTROL_ACTION_DELETED); $i++; } else { break; } } while (($line = $next($logs)) !== FALSE); $file_revisions = array_merge($file_revisions, $revisions); } // Loop to the next revision. } /** * Update the database by processing and inserting the previously retrieved * file revision objects. * * @param $repository * The repository array, as given by the Version Control API. * @param $file_revisions * A simple, flat list of file revision objects - the combined set of * return values from _versioncontrol_git_log_parse(). */ function _versioncontrol_git_log_process($repository, $file_revisions) { $commit_actions = array(); foreach ($file_revisions as $file_revision) { // Don't insert the same revision twice. $count = db_result(db_query( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {versioncontrol_git_item_revisions} ir INNER JOIN {versioncontrol_operations} op ON ir.vc_op_id = op.vc_op_id WHERE op.repo_id = %d AND op.type = %d AND ir.path = '%s' AND ir.commit_id = '%s'", $repository['repo_id'], VERSIONCONTROL_OPERATION_COMMIT, $file_revision->path, $file_revision->commit_id )); if ($count > 0) { continue; } // We might only pick one of those (depending if the file // has been added, modified or deleted) but let's add both // current and source items for now. $commit_action = array( 'action' => VERSIONCONTROL_ACTION_MODIFIED, // default, might be changed 'current item' => array( 'type' => VERSIONCONTROL_ITEM_FILE, 'path' => $file_revision->path, 'commit_id' => $file_revision->commit_id, ), 'source items' => array( array( 'type' => VERSIONCONTROL_ITEM_FILE, 'path' => $file_revision->path, 'commit_id' => versioncontrol_git_get_previous_commit_id($repository['repo_id'], VERSIONCONTROL_OPERATION_COMMIT, $file_revision->path), ), ), 'git_specific' => array( 'file_revision' => $file_revision, // Temporary. 'lines_added' => $file_revision->lines_added, 'lines_removed' => $file_revision->lines_removed, 'commit_id' => $file_revision->commit_id, ), ); // Clean up $commit_action based on the action being performed. if ($file_revision->action == VERSIONCONTROL_ACTION_DELETED) { $commit_action['action'] = VERSIONCONTROL_ACTION_DELETED; unset($commit_action['current item']); } else if ($file_revision->action == VERSIONCONTROL_ACTION_ADDED) { $commit_action['action'] = VERSIONCONTROL_ACTION_ADDED; unset($commit_action['source items']); } $commit_actions[$file_revision->commit_id][$file_revision->path] = $commit_action; } $commits = array(); foreach ($commit_actions as $commit_id => $commit_actions) { _versioncontrol_git_log_construct_commit($repository, $commit_actions, $commits); } // Ok, we've got all commits gathered and in a nice array with // the commit date as key. So the only thing that's left is to sort them // and then send each commit to the API function for inserting into the db. ksort($commits); foreach ($commits as $date => $date_commits) { foreach ($date_commits as $commit_info) { versioncontrol_insert_commit($commit_info->commit, $commit_info->commit_actions); } } } /** * Get the previous commit id of file under version control, * given the repository id, path, and operation id. * * @return string Previous commit id. */ function versioncontrol_git_get_previous_commit_id($repo_id, $path, $op_id) { $result = db_result(db_query( "SELECT ir.commit_id FROM {versioncontrol_git_item_revisions} ir INNER JOIN {versioncontrol_operations} op ON ir.vc_op_id = op.vc_op_id WHERE op.repo_id = %d AND ir.path = '%s' AND op.date < (SELECT date FROM {versioncontrol_operations} WHERE vc_op_id = %d) ORDER BY op.date DESC LIMIT 1", $repo_id, $path, $op_id )); return ($result !== FALSE ? $result : NULL); } /** * Use the additional file revision information that has been stored * in each commit action array in order to assemble the associated commit. * That commit information is then stored as a list item in the given * $commits array as an object with 'commit' and 'commit_actions' properties. */ function _versioncontrol_git_log_construct_commit($repository, $commit_actions, &$commits) { $date = 0; // Get any of those commit properties, apart from the date (which may // vary in large commits) they should all be the same anyways. foreach ($commit_actions as $path => $commit_action) { $file_revision = $commit_action['git_specific']['file_revision']; unset($commit_actions[$path]['git_specific']['file_revision']); if ($file_revision->date > $date) { $date = $file_revision->date; } $username = $file_revision->username; $message = $file_revision->message; $branch_name = 'master'; // $file_revision->branch; } // Get the branch id, and insert the branch into the database // if it doesn't exist yet. $branch_id = versioncontrol_ensure_branch($branch_name, $repository['repo_id']); // Yay, we have all commit actions and all information. Ready to go! $commit = array( 'repo_id' => $repository['repo_id'], 'date' => $date, 'username' => $username, 'message' => $message, 'revision' => '', 'git_specific' => array( 'branch_id' => $branch_id, ), ); $commit_info = new StdClass(); $commit_info->commit = $commit; $commit_info->commit_actions = $commit_actions; $commits[$date][] = $commit_info; }