'syclo subdomain', 'description' => 'Installation profile generated automatically on 24th Nov 2010 07:00pm', ); } /******************************** * MODULES * ********************************/ function syclosubdomain_profile_modules() { return array ( 0 => 'admin_menu', 1 => 'aggregator', 2 => 'ahah_helper', 3 => 'captcha', 4 => 'backup_files', 5 => 'backup_migrate', 6 => 'block', 7 => 'ca', 8 => 'ascii_art_captcha', 9 => 'ckeditor', 10 => 'ckeditor_link', 11 => 'ckeditor_swf', 12 => 'cmf', 13 => 'color', 14 => 'content', 15 => 'conditional_fields', 16 => 'content_copy', 17 => 'css_captcha', 18 => 'ctools', 19 => 'currency_api', 20 => 'currency', 21 => 'optionwidgets', 22 => 'date_api', 23 => 'date_timezone', 24 => 'date_popup', 25 => 'date', 26 => 'dblog', 27 => 'menu', 28 => 'devel_generate', 29 => 'dhtml_menu', 30 => 'filefield', 31 => 'token', 32 => 'filefield_sources', 33 => 'filter', 34 => 'swftools', 35 => 'googleanalytics', 36 => 'help', 37 => 'image_captcha', 38 => 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'uc_termsofservice', 88 => 'update', 89 => 'upload', 90 => 'uploadpath', 91 => 'user', 92 => 'videofield', 93 => 'views', 94 => 'views_horizontal_slider', 95 => 'views_slideshow', 96 => 'views_slideshow_singleframe', 97 => 'views_slideshow_thumbnailhover', 98 => 'views_ui', 99 => 'webform', 100 => 'webform_submissions_acl', 101 => 'wijering4', 102 => 'workflow', 103 => 'workflow_access', 104 => 'xmlsitemap', 105 => 'xmlsitemap_engines', 106 => 'xmlsitemap_node', ); } /******************************** * TASKS * ********************************/ function syclosubdomain_profile_tasks() { /******************************** * INSTALL PROFILE API * ********************************/ install_include(syclosubdomain_profile_modules()); /******************************** * VARIABLES (AND THEMES) * ********************************/ variable_set("add_date_format_title", ''); variable_set("add_date_format_type", ''); variable_set("anonymous", 'Anonymous'); variable_set("apachesolr_cron_limit", '200'); 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Optional. New customers may supply custom account details.
We will create these for you if no values are entered.

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Your order is almost complete. Please review the details below and click 'Submit order' if all the information is correct. You may use the 'Back' button to make changes to your order if necessary.


Terms of Payment                           

Payment, in U.S. Dollars, must be received in our office no later than five (5) business days prior to the start of class.  We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Checks or Money Orders as form of payment. Classroom space is not guaranteed until payment is received.

Cancellation Policy

Cancellations received up to ten (10) business days before class are fully refundable. Cancellations received between three (3) and ten (10) business days are refundable, subject to an administrative service charge of $100.00. Cancellations received less than three (3) business days before class are subject to the entire course fee, which may be applied to any future class.  Please note that if you do not cancel and do not attend, you are responsible for full payment of the class.  Substitutions of one student for another may be made at any time provided the substitute meets course prerequisites. Please do not schedule any travel plans until two weeks prior to the start of class. Please be aware that classes are subject to cancellation if the minimum requirements for attendance are not met.

In order to receive a full refund, send an email to training@syclo.com or call +1 847.230.3800 or toll free 800.567.9256, ten (10) business days before the class start date.

  ( Check box on left to agree )


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Enter a coupon code for this order.

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We were unable to process your credit card payment. Please verify your card details and try again. If the problem persists, contact us to complete your order.

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Your billing information must match the billing address for the credit card entered below or we will be unable to process your payment.

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Return to the front page.

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Thank you for shopping at [store-name]. While logged in, you may continue shopping or view your current order status and order history.

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Your order is complete! Your order number is [order-id].

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Enter your purchase order number below or leave blank if not known

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$tids[1] = install_taxonomy_add_term($vid, $term["name"], $term["description"], $term); $term = array ( 'name' => 'Transportation', 'description' => '', 'weight' => '0', ); $term["parent"] = array($tids[0]); $tids[1] = install_taxonomy_add_term($vid, $term["name"], $term["description"], $term); $term = array ( 'name' => 'Utilities', 'description' => '', 'weight' => '0', ); $term["parent"] = array($tids[0]); $tids[1] = install_taxonomy_add_term($vid, $term["name"], $term["description"], $term); $term = array ( 'name' => 'Water / Waste Water', 'description' => '', 'weight' => '0', ); $term["parent"] = array($tids[0]); $tids[1] = install_taxonomy_add_term($vid, $term["name"], $term["description"], $term); /******************************** * TAXONOMY: SOLUTIONS * ********************************/ $vid = install_taxonomy_add_vocabulary('Solutions', array ( 'article' => 'article', 'brochure' => 'brochure', 'calculator' => 'calculator', 'casestudy' => 'casestudy', 'event' => 'event', 'faq' => 'faq', 'image' => 'image', 'landing_page' => 'landing_page', 'link' => 'link', 'news' => 'news', 'page' => 'page', 'product' => 'product', 'report' => 'report', 'success_stories' => 'success_stories', 'video' => 'video', 'whitepaper' => 'whitepaper', ), array ( 'name' => 'Solutions', 'description' => '', 'help' => '', 'relations' => '1', 'hierarchy' => '1', 'multiple' => '0', 'required' => '0', 'tags' => '0', 'module' => 'taxonomy', 'weight' => '-5', )); $term = array ( 'name' => 'Agentry Mobile Platform', 'description' => '', 'weight' => '0', ); $term["parent"] = array($tids[0]); $tids[1] = install_taxonomy_add_term($vid, $term["name"], $term["description"], $term); $term = array ( 'name' => 'Agentry Application Templates', 'description' => '', 'weight' => '0', ); $term["parent"] = array($tids[1]); $tids[2] = install_taxonomy_add_term($vid, $term["name"], $term["description"], $term); $term = array ( 'name' => 'Smart Mobile Suite', 'description' => '', 'weight' => '2', ); $term["parent"] = array($tids[0]); $tids[1] = install_taxonomy_add_term($vid, $term["name"], $term["description"], $term); $term = array ( 'name' => 'Auditing', 'description' => '', 'weight' => '0', ); $term["parent"] = array($tids[1]); $tids[2] = install_taxonomy_add_term($vid, $term["name"], $term["description"], $term); $term = array ( 'name' => 'Approval Manager', 'description' => 'SMART Approval manager', 'weight' => '1', ); $term["parent"] = array($tids[1]); $tids[2] = install_taxonomy_add_term($vid, $term["name"], $term["description"], $term); $term = array ( 'name' => 'Insepctions', 'description' => '', 'weight' => '2', ); $term["parent"] = array($tids[1]); $tids[2] = install_taxonomy_add_term($vid, $term["name"], $term["description"], $term); $term = array ( 'name' => 'Inventory Management', 'description' => '', 'weight' => '3', ); $term["parent"] = array($tids[1]); $tids[2] = install_taxonomy_add_term($vid, $term["name"], $term["description"], $term); $term = array ( 'name' => 'IT Asset Management', 'description' => '', 'weight' => '4', ); $term["parent"] = array($tids[1]); $tids[2] = install_taxonomy_add_term($vid, $term["name"], $term["description"], $term); $term = array ( 'name' => 'Rounds', 'description' => '', 'weight' => '5', ); $term["parent"] = array($tids[1]); $tids[2] = install_taxonomy_add_term($vid, $term["name"], $term["description"], $term); $term = array ( 'name' => 'Sales', 'description' => '', 'weight' => '6', ); $term["parent"] = array($tids[1]); $tids[2] = install_taxonomy_add_term($vid, $term["name"], $term["description"], $term); $term = array ( 'name' => 'Scheduling', 'description' => '', 'weight' => '7', ); $term["parent"] = array($tids[1]); $tids[2] = install_taxonomy_add_term($vid, $term["name"], $term["description"], $term); $term = array ( 'name' => 'Service Management', 'description' => '', 'weight' => '8', ); $term["parent"] = array($tids[1]); $tids[2] = install_taxonomy_add_term($vid, $term["name"], $term["description"], $term); $term = array ( 'name' => 'Task Tracking', 'description' => '', 'weight' => '9', ); $term["parent"] = array($tids[1]); $tids[2] = install_taxonomy_add_term($vid, $term["name"], $term["description"], $term); $term = array ( 'name' => 'Work Management', 'description' => '', 'weight' => '10', ); $term["parent"] = array($tids[1]); $tids[2] = install_taxonomy_add_term($vid, $term["name"], $term["description"], $term); /********************************* * TAXONOMY: SUPPORTED SYSTEMS * *********************************/ $vid = install_taxonomy_add_vocabulary('Supported Systems', array ( 'article' => 'article', 'brochure' => 'brochure', 'calculator' => 'calculator', 'casestudy' => 'casestudy', 'event' => 'event', 'faq' => 'faq', 'image' => 'image', 'landing_page' => 'landing_page', 'link' => 'link', 'news' => 'news', 'page' => 'page', 'product' => 'product', 'report' => 'report', 'success_stories' => 'success_stories', 'video' => 'video', 'whitepaper' => 'whitepaper', ), array ( 'name' => 'Supported Systems', 'description' => '', 'help' => '', 'relations' => '1', 'hierarchy' => '0', 'multiple' => '0', 'required' => '0', 'tags' => '0', 'module' => 'taxonomy', 'weight' => '-4', )); $term = array ( 'name' => 'Datastream', 'description' => '', 'weight' => '0', ); $term["parent"] = array($tids[0]); $tids[1] = install_taxonomy_add_term($vid, $term["name"], $term["description"], $term); $term = array ( 'name' => 'IBM Maximo', 'description' => '', 'weight' => '0', ); $term["parent"] = array($tids[0]); $tids[1] = install_taxonomy_add_term($vid, $term["name"], $term["description"], $term); $term = array ( 'name' => 'Oracle', 'description' => '', 'weight' => '0', ); $term["parent"] = array($tids[0]); $tids[1] = install_taxonomy_add_term($vid, $term["name"], $term["description"], $term); $term = array ( 'name' => 'Other', 'description' => '', 'weight' => '0', ); $term["parent"] = array($tids[0]); $tids[1] = install_taxonomy_add_term($vid, $term["name"], $term["description"], $term); $term = array ( 'name' => 'SAP', 'description' => '', 'weight' => '0', ); $term["parent"] = array($tids[0]); $tids[1] = install_taxonomy_add_term($vid, $term["name"], $term["description"], $term); $term = array ( 'name' => 'TRIRIGA', 'description' => '', 'weight' => '0', ); $term["parent"] = array($tids[0]); $tids[1] = install_taxonomy_add_term($vid, $term["name"], $term["description"], $term); $term = array ( 'name' => 'Ventyx', 'description' => '', 'weight' => '0', ); $term["parent"] = array($tids[0]); $tids[1] = install_taxonomy_add_term($vid, $term["name"], $term["description"], $term); /******************************** * TAXONOMY: PARTNERS * ********************************/ $vid = install_taxonomy_add_vocabulary('Partners', array ( ), array ( 'name' => 'Partners', 'description' => '', 'help' => '', 'relations' => '1', 'hierarchy' => '1', 'multiple' => '0', 'required' => '0', 'tags' => '0', 'module' => 'taxonomy', 'weight' => '-3', )); $term = array ( 'name' => 'Solution Implementers', 'description' => '', 'weight' => '0', ); $term["parent"] = array($tids[0]); $tids[1] = install_taxonomy_add_term($vid, $term["name"], $term["description"], $term); $term = array ( 'name' => 'Solution Providors', 'description' => '', 'weight' => '0', ); $term["parent"] = array($tids[0]); $tids[1] = install_taxonomy_add_term($vid, $term["name"], $term["description"], $term); $term = array ( 'name' => 'Technology', 'description' => '', 'weight' => '0', ); $term["parent"] = array($tids[0]); $tids[1] = install_taxonomy_add_term($vid, $term["name"], $term["description"], $term); /******************************** * TAXONOMY: DEVICES * ********************************/ $vid = install_taxonomy_add_vocabulary('Devices', array ( 'article' => 'article', 'brochure' => 'brochure', 'calculator' => 'calculator', 'casestudy' => 'casestudy', 'event' => 'event', 'faq' => 'faq', 'image' => 'image', 'landing_page' => 'landing_page', 'link' => 'link', 'news' => 'news', 'page' => 'page', 'product' => 'product', 'report' => 'report', 'success_stories' => 'success_stories', 'video' => 'video', 'whitepaper' => 'whitepaper', ), array ( 'name' => 'Devices', 'description' => '', 'help' => '', 'relations' => '1', 'hierarchy' => '0', 'multiple' => '0', 'required' => '0', 'tags' => '0', 'module' => 'taxonomy', 'weight' => '-2', )); $term = array ( 'name' => 'Android', 'description' => '', 'weight' => '0', ); $term["parent"] = array($tids[0]); $tids[1] = install_taxonomy_add_term($vid, $term["name"], $term["description"], $term); $term = array ( 'name' => 'Blackberry', 'description' => '', 'weight' => '0', ); $term["parent"] = array($tids[0]); $tids[1] = install_taxonomy_add_term($vid, $term["name"], $term["description"], $term); $term = array ( 'name' => 'iPad/iPhone', 'description' => '', 'weight' => '0', ); $term["parent"] = array($tids[0]); $tids[1] = install_taxonomy_add_term($vid, $term["name"], $term["description"], $term); $term = array ( 'name' => 'Laptop', 'description' => '', 'weight' => '0', ); $term["parent"] = array($tids[0]); $tids[1] = install_taxonomy_add_term($vid, $term["name"], $term["description"], $term); $term = array ( 'name' => 'Ruggedized (Motorola, Panasonic, Symbol)', 'description' => '', 'weight' => '0', ); $term["parent"] = array($tids[0]); $tids[1] = install_taxonomy_add_term($vid, $term["name"], $term["description"], $term); $term = array ( 'name' => 'Windows (Nokia, HTC, Samsung)', 'description' => '', 'weight' => '0', ); $term["parent"] = array($tids[0]); $tids[1] = install_taxonomy_add_term($vid, $term["name"], $term["description"], $term); /******************************** * ROLES AND PERMISSIONS * ********************************/ $roles_map[1] = install_add_role('anonymous user'); install_add_permissions($roles_map[1], array ( 0 => 'use PHP for block visibility', 1 => 'access content', 2 => 'search content', 3 => 'use advanced search', 4 => 'pay by purchase order', )); $roles_map[2] = install_add_role('authenticated user'); install_add_permissions($roles_map[2], array ( 0 => 'use PHP for block visibility', 1 => 'access ckeditor', 2 => 'administer ckeditor', 3 => 'access ckeditor link', 4 => 'access content', 5 => 'administer search', 6 => 'search content', 7 => 'use advanced search', 8 => 'pay by purchase order', )); $roles_map[3] = install_add_role('administrator'); install_add_permissions($roles_map[3], array ( 0 => 'access administration menu', 1 => 'display drupal links', 2 => 'access news feeds', 3 => 'administer news feeds', 4 => 'use backup_files', 5 => 'access backup and migrate', 6 => 'access backup files', 7 => 'administer backup and migrate', 8 => 'delete backup files', 9 => 'perform backup', 10 => 'restore from backup', 11 => 'administer blocks', 12 => 'use PHP for block visibility', 13 => 'administer conditional actions', 14 => 'administer CAPTCHA settings', 15 => 'skip CAPTCHA', 16 => 'access ckeditor', 17 => 'administer ckeditor', 18 => 'access ckeditor link', 19 => 'filter and manage site content', 20 => 'view user content list', 21 => 'administer conditional fields', 22 => 'Use PHP input for field settings (dangerous - grant with care)', 23 => 'use currency', 24 => 'view date repeats', 25 => 'access devel information', 26 => 'display source code', 27 => 'execute php code', 28 => 'switch users', 29 => 'administer filters', 30 => 'administer google analytics', 31 => 'opt-in or out of tracking', 32 => 'administer imageapi', 33 => 'administer imagecache', 34 => 'flush imagecache', 35 => 'view imagecache cart', 36 => 'view imagecache frontpage_banner', 37 => 'view imagecache frontpage_success_logo', 38 => 'view imagecache product', 39 => 'view imagecache product_full', 40 => 'view imagecache product_list', 41 => 'view imagecache uc_category', 42 => 'view imagecache uc_thumbnail', 43 => 'administer imce(execute PHP)', 44 => 'administer lightbox2', 45 => 'download original image', 46 => 'access broken links report', 47 => 'access own broken links report', 48 => 'administer linkchecker', 49 => 'edit link settings', 50 => 'administer mega menu', 51 => 'administer menu', 52 => 'access content', 53 => 'administer content types', 54 => 'administer nodes', 55 => 'create article content', 56 => 'create brochure content', 57 => 'create calculator content', 58 => 'create career content', 59 => 'create casestudy content', 60 => 'create event content', 61 => 'create faq content', 62 => 'create image content', 63 => 'create landing_page content', 64 => 'create link content', 65 => 'create news content', 66 => 'create page content', 67 => 'create report content', 68 => 'create success_stories content', 69 => 'create video content', 70 => 'create webform content', 71 => 'create whitepaper content', 72 => 'delete any article content', 73 => 'delete any brochure content', 74 => 'delete any calculator content', 75 => 'delete any career content', 76 => 'delete any casestudy content', 77 => 'delete any event content', 78 => 'delete any faq content', 79 => 'delete any image content', 80 => 'delete any landing_page content', 81 => 'delete any link content', 82 => 'delete any news content', 83 => 'delete any page content', 84 => 'delete any report content', 85 => 'delete any success_stories content', 86 => 'delete any video content', 87 => 'delete any webform content', 88 => 'delete any whitepaper content', 89 => 'delete own article content', 90 => 'delete own brochure content', 91 => 'delete own calculator content', 92 => 'delete own career content', 93 => 'delete own casestudy content', 94 => 'delete own event content', 95 => 'delete own faq content', 96 => 'delete own image content', 97 => 'delete own landing_page content', 98 => 'delete own link content', 99 => 'delete own news content', 100 => 'delete own page content', 101 => 'delete own report content', 102 => 'delete own success_stories content', 103 => 'delete own video content', 104 => 'delete own webform content', 105 => 'delete own whitepaper content', 106 => 'delete revisions', 107 => 'edit any article content', 108 => 'edit any brochure content', 109 => 'edit any calculator content', 110 => 'edit any career content', 111 => 'edit any casestudy content', 112 => 'edit any event content', 113 => 'edit any faq content', 114 => 'edit any image content', 115 => 'edit any landing_page content', 116 => 'edit any link content', 117 => 'edit any news content', 118 => 'edit any page content', 119 => 'edit any report content', 120 => 'edit any success_stories content', 121 => 'edit any video content', 122 => 'edit any webform content', 123 => 'edit any whitepaper content', 124 => 'edit own article content', 125 => 'edit own brochure content', 126 => 'edit own calculator content', 127 => 'edit own career content', 128 => 'edit own casestudy content', 129 => 'edit own event content', 130 => 'edit own faq content', 131 => 'edit own image content', 132 => 'edit own landing_page content', 133 => 'edit own link content', 134 => 'edit own news content', 135 => 'edit own page content', 136 => 'edit own report content', 137 => 'edit own success_stories content', 138 => 'edit own video content', 139 => 'edit own webform content', 140 => 'edit own whitepaper content', 141 => 'revert revisions', 142 => 'view revisions', 143 => 'administer nodequeue', 144 => 'manipulate all queues', 145 => 'manipulate queues', 146 => 'administer meta tags', 147 => 'edit canonical URL meta tag', 148 => 'edit meta tag ABSTRACT', 149 => 'edit meta tag COPYRIGHT', 150 => 'edit meta tag DESCRIPTION', 151 => 'edit meta tag KEYWORDS', 152 => 'edit meta tag REVISIT-AFTER', 153 => 'edit meta tag ROBOTS', 154 => 'edit location meta tags', 155 => 'edit meta tag Dublin Core CONTRIBUTOR', 156 => 'edit meta tag Dublin Core CREATOR', 157 => 'edit meta tag Dublin Core DATE', 158 => 'edit meta tag Dublin Core DESCRIPTION', 159 => 'edit meta tag Dublin Core PUBLISHER', 160 => 'edit meta tag Dublin Core TITLE', 161 => 'edit meta tag PICS-LABEL', 162 => 'edit Bing Webmaster Center verification meta tag', 163 => 'edit Google Webmaster Tools verification meta tag', 164 => 'edit Yahoo! Site Explorer verification meta tag', 165 => 'administer url aliases', 166 => 'create url aliases', 167 => 'administer redirects', 168 => 'administer pathauto', 169 => 'notify of path changes', 170 => 'generate installation profile', 171 => 'edit revisions', 172 => 'publish revisions', 173 => 'unpublish current revision', 174 => 'view revision status messages', 175 => 'view revisions of any article content', 176 => 'view revisions of any brochure content', 177 => 'view revisions of any calculator content', 178 => 'view revisions of any career content', 179 => 'view revisions of any casestudy content', 180 => 'view revisions of any event content', 181 => 'view revisions of any faq content', 182 => 'view revisions of any image content', 183 => 'view revisions of any landing_page content', 184 => 'view revisions of any link content', 185 => 'view revisions of any news content', 186 => 'view revisions of any page content', 187 => 'view revisions of any product content', 188 => 'view revisions of any report content', 189 => 'view revisions of any success_stories content', 190 => 'view revisions of any video content', 191 => 'view revisions of any webform content', 192 => 'view revisions of any whitepaper content', 193 => 'view revisions of own article content', 194 => 'view revisions of own brochure content', 195 => 'view revisions of own calculator content', 196 => 'view revisions of own career content', 197 => 'view revisions of own casestudy content', 198 => 'view revisions of own event content', 199 => 'view revisions of own faq content', 200 => 'view revisions of own image content', 201 => 'view revisions of own landing_page content', 202 => 'view revisions of own link content', 203 => 'view revisions of own news content', 204 => 'view revisions of own page content', 205 => 'view revisions of own product content', 206 => 'view revisions of own report content', 207 => 'view revisions of own success_stories content', 208 => 'view revisions of own video content', 209 => 'view revisions of own webform content', 210 => 'view revisions of own whitepaper content', 211 => 'administer rules', 212 => 'administer search', 213 => 'search content', 214 => 'use advanced search', 215 => 'access seochecklist content', 216 => 'access statistics', 217 => 'view post access counter', 218 => 'administer flash', 219 => 'access administration pages', 220 => 'access site reports', 221 => 'administer actions', 222 => 'administer files', 223 => 'administer site configuration', 224 => 'select different theme', 225 => 'administer taxonomy', 226 => 'administer attributes', 227 => 'administer product attributes', 228 => 'administer product options', 229 => 'administer catalog', 230 => 'view catalog', 231 => 'coupon wholesale pricing', 232 => 'manage store coupons', 233 => 'view store coupons', 234 => 'administer credit cards', 235 => 'process credit cards', 236 => 'view cc details', 237 => 'view cc numbers', 238 => 'administer order workflow', 239 => 'create orders', 240 => 'delete orders', 241 => 'edit orders', 242 => 'unconditionally delete orders', 243 => 'view all orders', 244 => 'view own orders', 245 => 'delete payments', 246 => 'manual payments', 247 => 'view payments', 248 => 'pay by purchase order', 249 => 'administer product classes', 250 => 'administer product features', 251 => 'administer products', 252 => 'create products', 253 => 'delete all products', 254 => 'delete own products', 255 => 'edit all products', 256 => 'edit own products', 257 => 'view reports', 258 => 'administer product stock', 259 => 'administer store', 260 => 'view customers', 261 => 'view store reports', 262 => 'upload files', 263 => 'view uploaded files', 264 => 'access user profiles', 265 => 'administer permissions', 266 => 'administer users', 267 => 'change own username', 268 => 'access all views', 269 => 'administer views', 270 => 'access all webform results', 271 => 'access own webform results', 272 => 'access own webform submissions', 273 => 'delete all webform submissions', 274 => 'delete own webform submissions', 275 => 'edit all webform submissions', 276 => 'edit own webform submissions', 277 => 'access workflow summary views', 278 => 'administer workflow', 279 => 'schedule workflow transitions', 280 => 'administer xmlsitemap', )); $roles_map[7] = install_add_role('human resources'); install_add_permissions($roles_map[7], array ( 0 => 'access administration menu', 1 => 'filter and manage site content', 2 => 'view user content list', 3 => 'administer filters', 4 => 'access content', 5 => 'create career content', 6 => 'delete own career content', 7 => 'edit any career content', 8 => 'edit own career content', 9 => 'view revisions', 10 => 'generate installation profile', 11 => 'edit revisions', 12 => 'publish revisions', 13 => 'unpublish current revision', 14 => 'view revision status messages', 15 => 'view revisions of any career content', 16 => 'view revisions of own career content', 17 => 'view revisions of own page content', 18 => 'search content', 19 => 'use advanced search', 20 => 'access all views', )); $roles_map[4] = install_add_role('marketing'); install_add_permissions($roles_map[4], array ( 0 => 'access administration menu', 1 => 'display drupal links', 2 => 'access news feeds', 3 => 'administer news feeds', 4 => 'use PHP for block visibility', 5 => 'access ckeditor', 6 => 'administer ckeditor', 7 => 'access ckeditor link', 8 => 'filter and manage site content', 9 => 'view user content list', 10 => 'use currency', 11 => 'view date repeats', 12 => 'administer filters', 13 => 'administer imageapi', 14 => 'administer imagecache', 15 => 'flush imagecache', 16 => 'view imagecache cart', 17 => 'view imagecache product', 18 => 'view imagecache product_full', 19 => 'view imagecache product_list', 20 => 'view imagecache uc_category', 21 => 'view imagecache uc_thumbnail', 22 => 'administer imce(execute PHP)', 23 => 'administer lightbox2', 24 => 'download original image', 25 => 'access broken links report', 26 => 'access own broken links report', 27 => 'edit link settings', 28 => 'administer mega menu', 29 => 'administer menu', 30 => 'access content', 31 => 'administer content types', 32 => 'administer nodes', 33 => 'create article content', 34 => 'create brochure content', 35 => 'create calculator content', 36 => 'create career content', 37 => 'create casestudy content', 38 => 'create event content', 39 => 'create faq content', 40 => 'create image content', 41 => 'create landing_page content', 42 => 'create link content', 43 => 'create news content', 44 => 'create page content', 45 => 'create report content', 46 => 'create success_stories content', 47 => 'create video content', 48 => 'create webform content', 49 => 'create whitepaper content', 50 => 'edit any article content', 51 => 'edit any brochure content', 52 => 'edit any calculator content', 53 => 'edit any career content', 54 => 'edit any casestudy content', 55 => 'edit any event content', 56 => 'edit any faq content', 57 => 'edit any image content', 58 => 'edit any landing_page content', 59 => 'edit any link content', 60 => 'edit any news content', 61 => 'edit any page content', 62 => 'edit any report content', 63 => 'edit any success_stories content', 64 => 'edit any video content', 65 => 'edit any webform content', 66 => 'edit any whitepaper content', 67 => 'edit own article content', 68 => 'edit own brochure content', 69 => 'edit own calculator content', 70 => 'edit own career content', 71 => 'edit own casestudy content', 72 => 'edit own event content', 73 => 'edit own faq content', 74 => 'edit own image content', 75 => 'edit own landing_page content', 76 => 'edit own link content', 77 => 'edit own news content', 78 => 'edit own page content', 79 => 'edit own report content', 80 => 'edit own success_stories content', 81 => 'edit own video content', 82 => 'edit own webform content', 83 => 'edit own whitepaper content', 84 => 'view revisions', 85 => 'administer nodequeue', 86 => 'manipulate all queues', 87 => 'manipulate queues', 88 => 'administer meta tags', 89 => 'edit canonical URL meta tag', 90 => 'edit meta tag ABSTRACT', 91 => 'edit meta tag COPYRIGHT', 92 => 'edit meta tag DESCRIPTION', 93 => 'edit meta tag KEYWORDS', 94 => 'edit meta tag REVISIT-AFTER', 95 => 'edit meta tag ROBOTS', 96 => 'edit Bing Webmaster Center verification meta tag', 97 => 'edit Google Webmaster Tools verification meta tag', 98 => 'edit Yahoo! Site Explorer verification meta tag', 99 => 'administer url aliases', 100 => 'create url aliases', 101 => 'administer redirects', 102 => 'administer pathauto', 103 => 'notify of path changes', 104 => 'generate installation profile', 105 => 'edit revisions', 106 => 'view revision status messages', 107 => 'view revisions of any article content', 108 => 'view revisions of any brochure content', 109 => 'view revisions of any calculator content', 110 => 'view revisions of any career content', 111 => 'view revisions of any casestudy content', 112 => 'view revisions of any event content', 113 => 'view revisions of any faq content', 114 => 'view revisions of any image content', 115 => 'view revisions of any landing_page content', 116 => 'view revisions of any link content', 117 => 'view revisions of any news content', 118 => 'view revisions of any page content', 119 => 'view revisions of any product content', 120 => 'view revisions of any report content', 121 => 'view revisions of any success_stories content', 122 => 'view revisions of any video content', 123 => 'view revisions of any webform content', 124 => 'view revisions of any whitepaper content', 125 => 'administer search', 126 => 'search content', 127 => 'use advanced search', 128 => 'access seochecklist content', 129 => 'access statistics', 130 => 'view post access counter', 131 => 'administer flash', 132 => 'access administration pages', 133 => 'access site reports', 134 => 'administer taxonomy', 135 => 'administer attributes', 136 => 'administer product attributes', 137 => 'administer product options', 138 => 'administer catalog', 139 => 'view catalog', 140 => 'coupon wholesale pricing', 141 => 'manage store coupons', 142 => 'view store coupons', 143 => 'administer credit cards', 144 => 'process credit cards', 145 => 'view cc details', 146 => 'view cc numbers', 147 => 'administer order workflow', 148 => 'create orders', 149 => 'delete orders', 150 => 'edit orders', 151 => 'unconditionally delete orders', 152 => 'view all orders', 153 => 'view own orders', 154 => 'delete payments', 155 => 'manual payments', 156 => 'view payments', 157 => 'pay by purchase order', 158 => 'administer product classes', 159 => 'administer product features', 160 => 'administer products', 161 => 'create products', 162 => 'delete all products', 163 => 'delete own products', 164 => 'edit all products', 165 => 'edit own products', 166 => 'view reports', 167 => 'administer product stock', 168 => 'administer store', 169 => 'view customers', 170 => 'view store reports', 171 => 'upload files', 172 => 'view uploaded files', 173 => 'access user profiles', 174 => 'access all views', 175 => 'administer views', 176 => 'access all webform results', 177 => 'access own webform results', 178 => 'access own webform submissions', 179 => 'edit own webform submissions', 180 => 'administer xmlsitemap', )); $roles_map[5] = install_add_role('publisher'); install_add_permissions($roles_map[5], array ( 0 => 'access administration menu', 1 => 'display drupal links', 2 => 'access news feeds', 3 => 'administer news feeds', 4 => 'administer blocks', 5 => 'use PHP for block visibility', 6 => 'administer conditional actions', 7 => 'access ckeditor', 8 => 'administer ckeditor', 9 => 'access ckeditor link', 10 => 'filter and manage site content', 11 => 'view user content list', 12 => 'use currency', 13 => 'view date repeats', 14 => 'administer filters', 15 => 'administer imageapi', 16 => 'administer imagecache', 17 => 'flush imagecache', 18 => 'view imagecache cart', 19 => 'view imagecache frontpage_banner', 20 => 'view imagecache frontpage_success_logo', 21 => 'view imagecache product', 22 => 'view imagecache product_full', 23 => 'view imagecache product_list', 24 => 'view imagecache uc_category', 25 => 'view imagecache uc_thumbnail', 26 => 'administer imce(execute PHP)', 27 => 'administer lightbox2', 28 => 'download original image', 29 => 'access broken links report', 30 => 'access own broken links report', 31 => 'edit link settings', 32 => 'administer mega menu', 33 => 'administer menu', 34 => 'access content', 35 => 'administer content types', 36 => 'administer nodes', 37 => 'create article content', 38 => 'create brochure content', 39 => 'create calculator content', 40 => 'create career content', 41 => 'create casestudy content', 42 => 'create event content', 43 => 'create faq content', 44 => 'create image content', 45 => 'create landing_page content', 46 => 'create link content', 47 => 'create news content', 48 => 'create page content', 49 => 'create report content', 50 => 'create success_stories content', 51 => 'create video content', 52 => 'create webform content', 53 => 'create whitepaper content', 54 => 'delete any article content', 55 => 'delete any brochure content', 56 => 'delete any calculator content', 57 => 'delete any career content', 58 => 'delete any casestudy content', 59 => 'delete any event content', 60 => 'delete any faq content', 61 => 'delete any image content', 62 => 'delete any landing_page content', 63 => 'delete any link content', 64 => 'delete any news content', 65 => 'delete any page content', 66 => 'delete any report content', 67 => 'delete any success_stories content', 68 => 'delete any video content', 69 => 'delete any webform content', 70 => 'delete any whitepaper content', 71 => 'delete revisions', 72 => 'edit any article content', 73 => 'edit any brochure content', 74 => 'edit any calculator content', 75 => 'edit any career content', 76 => 'edit any casestudy content', 77 => 'edit any event content', 78 => 'edit any faq content', 79 => 'edit any image content', 80 => 'edit any landing_page content', 81 => 'edit any link content', 82 => 'edit any news content', 83 => 'edit any page content', 84 => 'edit any report content', 85 => 'edit any success_stories content', 86 => 'edit any video content', 87 => 'edit any webform content', 88 => 'edit any whitepaper content', 89 => 'revert revisions', 90 => 'view revisions', 91 => 'administer nodequeue', 92 => 'manipulate all queues', 93 => 'manipulate queues', 94 => 'administer meta tags', 95 => 'edit canonical URL meta tag', 96 => 'edit meta tag ABSTRACT', 97 => 'edit meta tag COPYRIGHT', 98 => 'edit meta tag DESCRIPTION', 99 => 'edit meta tag KEYWORDS', 100 => 'edit meta tag REVISIT-AFTER', 101 => 'edit meta tag ROBOTS', 102 => 'edit Bing Webmaster Center verification meta tag', 103 => 'edit Google Webmaster Tools verification meta tag', 104 => 'edit Yahoo! Site Explorer verification meta tag', 105 => 'administer url aliases', 106 => 'create url aliases', 107 => 'administer redirects', 108 => 'administer pathauto', 109 => 'notify of path changes', 110 => 'generate installation profile', 111 => 'edit revisions', 112 => 'publish revisions', 113 => 'unpublish current revision', 114 => 'view revision status messages', 115 => 'view revisions of any article content', 116 => 'view revisions of any brochure content', 117 => 'view revisions of any calculator content', 118 => 'view revisions of any career content', 119 => 'view revisions of any casestudy content', 120 => 'view revisions of any event content', 121 => 'view revisions of any faq content', 122 => 'view revisions of any image content', 123 => 'view revisions of any landing_page content', 124 => 'view revisions of any link content', 125 => 'view revisions of any news content', 126 => 'view revisions of any page content', 127 => 'view revisions of any product content', 128 => 'view revisions of any report content', 129 => 'view revisions of any success_stories content', 130 => 'view revisions of any video content', 131 => 'view revisions of any webform content', 132 => 'view revisions of any whitepaper content', 133 => 'view revisions of own article content', 134 => 'view revisions of own brochure content', 135 => 'view revisions of own calculator content', 136 => 'view revisions of own career content', 137 => 'view revisions of own casestudy content', 138 => 'view revisions of own event content', 139 => 'view revisions of own faq content', 140 => 'view revisions of own image content', 141 => 'view revisions of own landing_page content', 142 => 'view revisions of own link content', 143 => 'view revisions of own news content', 144 => 'view revisions of own page content', 145 => 'view revisions of own product content', 146 => 'view revisions of own report content', 147 => 'view revisions of own success_stories content', 148 => 'view revisions of own video content', 149 => 'view revisions of own webform content', 150 => 'view revisions of own whitepaper content', 151 => 'administer rules', 152 => 'administer search', 153 => 'search content', 154 => 'use advanced search', 155 => 'access seochecklist content', 156 => 'access statistics', 157 => 'view post access counter', 158 => 'administer flash', 159 => 'access administration pages', 160 => 'access site reports', 161 => 'administer actions', 162 => 'administer files', 163 => 'administer site configuration', 164 => 'administer taxonomy', 165 => 'administer attributes', 166 => 'administer product attributes', 167 => 'administer product options', 168 => 'administer catalog', 169 => 'view catalog', 170 => 'coupon wholesale pricing', 171 => 'manage store coupons', 172 => 'view store coupons', 173 => 'administer credit cards', 174 => 'process credit cards', 175 => 'view cc details', 176 => 'view cc numbers', 177 => 'administer order workflow', 178 => 'create orders', 179 => 'delete orders', 180 => 'edit orders', 181 => 'unconditionally delete orders', 182 => 'view all orders', 183 => 'view own orders', 184 => 'delete payments', 185 => 'manual payments', 186 => 'view payments', 187 => 'pay by purchase order', 188 => 'administer product classes', 189 => 'administer product features', 190 => 'administer products', 191 => 'create products', 192 => 'delete all products', 193 => 'delete own products', 194 => 'edit all products', 195 => 'edit own products', 196 => 'view reports', 197 => 'administer product stock', 198 => 'administer store', 199 => 'view customers', 200 => 'view store reports', 201 => 'upload files', 202 => 'view uploaded files', 203 => 'access user profiles', 204 => 'administer permissions', 205 => 'administer users', 206 => 'change own username', 207 => 'access all views', 208 => 'administer views', 209 => 'access all webform results', 210 => 'access own webform results', 211 => 'access own webform submissions', 212 => 'delete all webform submissions', 213 => 'delete own webform submissions', 214 => 'edit all webform submissions', 215 => 'edit own webform submissions', 216 => 'access workflow summary views', 217 => 'administer workflow', 218 => 'schedule workflow transitions', 219 => 'administer xmlsitemap', )); $roles_map[6] = install_add_role('training'); install_add_permissions($roles_map[6], array ( 0 => 'access administration menu', 1 => 'use PHP for block visibility', 2 => 'access ckeditor', 3 => 'administer ckeditor', 4 => 'access ckeditor link', 5 => 'use currency', 6 => 'view date repeats', 7 => 'view imagecache cart', 8 => 'view imagecache product', 9 => 'view imagecache product_full', 10 => 'view imagecache product_list', 11 => 'view imagecache uc_category', 12 => 'view imagecache uc_thumbnail', 13 => 'access content', 14 => 'revert revisions', 15 => 'view revisions', 16 => 'edit revisions', 17 => 'view revision status messages', 18 => 'view revisions of any product content', 19 => 'view revisions of own page content', 20 => 'view revisions of own product content', 21 => 'search content', 22 => 'use advanced search', 23 => 'access administration pages', 24 => 'access site reports', 25 => 'administer catalog', 26 => 'view catalog', 27 => 'coupon wholesale pricing', 28 => 'manage store coupons', 29 => 'view store coupons', 30 => 'administer credit cards', 31 => 'process credit cards', 32 => 'view cc details', 33 => 'view cc numbers', 34 => 'administer order workflow', 35 => 'create orders', 36 => 'delete orders', 37 => 'edit orders', 38 => 'unconditionally delete orders', 39 => 'view all orders', 40 => 'view own orders', 41 => 'manual payments', 42 => 'view payments', 43 => 'pay by purchase order', 44 => 'administer product classes', 45 => 'administer product features', 46 => 'administer products', 47 => 'create products', 48 => 'delete all products', 49 => 'delete own products', 50 => 'edit all products', 51 => 'edit own products', 52 => 'view reports', 53 => 'administer product stock', 54 => 'administer store', 55 => 'view customers', 56 => 'view store reports', )); /******************************** * FILTERS AND FORMATS * ********************************/ $formats_map[1] = install_add_format('Filtered HTML', '1'); install_add_format(array ( $roles_map[2], $roles_map[3],), $formats_map[1]); $formats_map[2] = install_add_format('Full HTML', '1'); install_add_format(array ( $roles_map[1], $roles_map[2], $roles_map[3], $roles_map[4],), $formats_map[2]); $formats_map[3] = install_add_format('PHP code', '0'); install_add_format(array (), $formats_map[3]); install_set_filter($formats_map[1], 'filter', '0', '-9'); install_set_filter($formats_map[1], 'filter', '3', '-7'); install_set_filter($formats_map[2], 'filter', '2', '-10'); install_set_filter($formats_map[2], 'swftools', '0', '-6'); install_set_filter($formats_map[1], 'ckeditor_swf', '0', '-6'); install_set_filter($formats_map[2], 'filter', '1', '-9'); install_set_filter($formats_map[1], 'ckeditor_link', '0', '10'); install_set_filter($formats_map[2], 'filter', '3', '10'); install_set_filter($formats_map[2], 'ckeditor_swf', '0', '-5'); install_set_filter($formats_map[2], 'ckeditor_link', '0', '-8'); install_set_filter($formats_map[1], 'filter', '1', '-8'); install_set_filter($formats_map[1], 'filter', '2', '-10'); install_set_filter($formats_map[3], 'php', '0', '0'); /******************************** * VIEWS * ********************************/ module_load_include('inc', 'views', 'includes/view'); /******************************** * VIEW: ALL_TRAINING * ********************************/ $view = new view; $view->name = 'all_training'; $view->description = 'Training List'; $view->tag = 'custom'; $view->view_php = ''; $view->base_table = 'node'; $view->is_cacheable = FALSE; $view->api_version = 2; $view->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default view disabled initially */ $handler = $view->new_display('default', 'Defaults', 'default'); $handler->override_option('fields', array( 'title' => array( 'label' => '', 'alter' => array( 'alter_text' => 0, 'text' => '', 'make_link' => 0, 'path' => '', 'link_class' => '', 'alt' => '', 'prefix' => '', 'suffix' => '', 'target' => '', 'help' => '', 'trim' => 0, 'max_length' => '', 'word_boundary' => 1, 'ellipsis' => 1, 'html' => 0, 'strip_tags' => 0, ), 'empty' => '', 'hide_empty' => 0, 'empty_zero' => 0, 'link_to_node' => 1, 'exclude' => 0, 'id' => 'title', 'table' => 'node', 'field' => 'title', 'relationship' => 'none', ), 'field_cost_currency' => array( 'label' => 'Cost', 'alter' => array( 'alter_text' => 0, 'text' => '', 'make_link' => 0, 'path' => '', 'link_class' => '', 'alt' => '', 'prefix' => '', 'suffix' => '', 'target' => '', 'help' => '', 'trim' => 0, 'max_length' => '', 'word_boundary' => 1, 'ellipsis' => 1, 'html' => 0, 'strip_tags' => 0, ), 'empty' => '', 'hide_empty' => 0, 'empty_zero' => 0, 'link_to_node' => 0, 'label_type' => 'widget', 'format' => 'default', 'multiple' => array( 'group' => TRUE, 'multiple_number' => '', 'multiple_from' => '', 'multiple_reversed' => FALSE, ), 'exclude' => 0, 'id' => 'field_cost_currency', 'table' => 'node_data_field_cost', 'field' => 'field_cost_currency', 'relationship' => 'none', ), 'field_location_value' => array( 'label' => 'Location', 'alter' => array( 'alter_text' => 0, 'text' => '', 'make_link' => 0, 'path' => '', 'link_class' => '', 'alt' => '', 'prefix' => '', 'suffix' => '', 'target' => '', 'help' => '', 'trim' => 0, 'max_length' => '', 'word_boundary' => 1, 'ellipsis' => 1, 'html' => 0, 'strip_tags' => 0, ), 'empty' => '', 'hide_empty' => 0, 'empty_zero' => 0, 'link_to_node' => 0, 'label_type' => 'widget', 'format' => 'default', 'multiple' => array( 'group' => TRUE, 'multiple_number' => '', 'multiple_from' => '', 'multiple_reversed' => FALSE, ), 'exclude' => 0, 'id' => 'field_location_value', 'table' => 'node_data_field_location', 'field' => 'field_location_value', 'relationship' => 'none', ), 'field_session_date_value' => array( 'label' => 'Session date', 'alter' => array( 'alter_text' => 0, 'text' => '', 'make_link' => 0, 'path' => '', 'link_class' => '', 'alt' => '', 'prefix' => '', 'suffix' => '', 'target' => '', 'help' => '', 'trim' => 0, 'max_length' => '', 'word_boundary' => 1, 'ellipsis' => 1, 'html' => 0, 'strip_tags' => 0, ), 'empty' => '', 'hide_empty' => 0, 'empty_zero' => 0, 'link_to_node' => 0, 'label_type' => 'widget', 'format' => 'default', 'multiple' => array( 'multiple_number' => '', 'multiple_from' => '', 'multiple_to' => '', 'group' => '', ), 'repeat' => array( 'show_repeat_rule' => '', ), 'fromto' => array( 'fromto' => 'both', ), 'exclude' => 0, 'id' => 'field_session_date_value', 'table' => 'node_data_field_session_date', 'field' => 'field_session_date_value', 'relationship' => 'none', ), 'field_training_brochure_fid' => array( 'label' => 'Training Brochure', 'alter' => array( 'alter_text' => 0, 'text' => '', 'make_link' => 0, 'path' => '', 'link_class' => '', 'alt' => '', 'prefix' => '', 'suffix' => '', 'target' => '', 'help' => '', 'trim' => 0, 'max_length' => '', 'word_boundary' => 1, 'ellipsis' => 1, 'html' => 0, 'strip_tags' => 0, ), 'empty' => '', 'hide_empty' => 0, 'empty_zero' => 0, 'link_to_node' => 0, 'label_type' => 'widget', 'format' => 'default', 'multiple' => array( 'group' => 1, 'multiple_number' => '', 'multiple_from' => '', 'multiple_reversed' => 0, ), 'exclude' => 0, 'id' => 'field_training_brochure_fid', 'table' => 'node_data_field_training_brochure', 'field' => 'field_training_brochure_fid', 'relationship' => 'none', ), )); $handler->override_option('filters', array( 'status' => array( 'operator' => '=', 'value' => '1', 'group' => '0', 'exposed' => FALSE, 'expose' => array( 'operator' => FALSE, 'label' => '', ), 'id' => 'status', 'table' => 'node', 'field' => 'status', 'relationship' => 'none', ), 'type' => array( 'operator' => 'in', 'value' => array( 'product' => 'product', ), 'group' => '0', 'exposed' => FALSE, 'expose' => array( 'operator' => FALSE, 'label' => '', ), 'id' => 'type', 'table' => 'node', 'field' => 'type', 'relationship' => 'none', ), )); $handler->override_option('access', array( 'type' => 'none', )); $handler->override_option('cache', array( 'type' => 'none', )); $handler = $view->new_display('block', 'Block', 'block_1'); $handler->override_option('block_description', 'Training'); $handler->override_option('block_caching', -1); $handler = $view->new_display('page', 'Page', 'page_1'); $handler->override_option('path', 'training'); $handler->override_option('menu', array( 'type' => 'none', 'title' => '', 'description' => '', 'weight' => 0, 'name' => 'navigation', )); $handler->override_option('tab_options', array( 'type' => 'none', 'title' => '', 'description' => '', 'weight' => 0, 'name' => 'navigation', )); $view->save(); /******************************** * VIEW: NODEQUEUE_1 * ********************************/ $view = new view; $view->name = 'nodequeue_1'; $view->description = 'Display a list of all nodes in queue \'Articles\''; $view->tag = 'nodequeue'; $view->view_php = ''; $view->base_table = 'node'; $view->is_cacheable = FALSE; $view->api_version = 2; $view->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default view disabled initially */ $handler = $view->new_display('default', 'Defaults', 'default'); $handler->override_option('relationships', array( 'nodequeue_rel' => array( 'id' => 'nodequeue_rel', 'table' => 'node', 'field' => 'nodequeue_rel', 'label' => 'queue', 'required' => 1, 'limit' => TRUE, 'qids' => array( '1' => '1', ), 'relationship' => 'none', ), )); $handler->override_option('fields', array( 'field_teaser_value' => array( 'label' => '', 'alter' => array( 'alter_text' => 0, 'text' => '', 'make_link' => 0, 'path' => '', 'link_class' => '', 'alt' => '', 'prefix' => '', 'suffix' => '', 'target' => '', 'help' => '', 'trim' => 1, 'max_length' => '300', 'word_boundary' => 1, 'ellipsis' => 1, 'html' => 0, 'strip_tags' => 0, ), 'empty' => '', 'hide_empty' => 0, 'empty_zero' => 0, 'link_to_node' => 1, 'label_type' => 'none', 'format' => 'default', 'multiple' => array( 'group' => TRUE, 'multiple_number' => '', 'multiple_from' => '', 'multiple_reversed' => FALSE, ), 'exclude' => 0, 'id' => 'field_teaser_value', 'table' => 'node_data_field_teaser', 'field' => 'field_teaser_value', 'override' => array( 'button' => 'Override', ), 'relationship' => 'none', ), )); $handler->override_option('sorts', array( 'position' => array( 'id' => 'position', 'table' => 'nodequeue_nodes', 'field' => 'position', 'order' => 'ASC', 'relationship' => 'nodequeue_rel', ), )); $handler->override_option('filters', array( 'status_extra' => array( 'id' => 'status_extra', 'table' => 'node', 'field' => 'status_extra', 'operator' => '=', 'value' => '', 'group' => 0, 'exposed' => FALSE, 'expose' => array( 'operator' => FALSE, 'label' => '', ), 'relationship' => 'none', ), )); $handler->override_option('access', array( 'type' => 'none', )); $handler->override_option('cache', array( 'type' => 'none', )); $handler->override_option('title', 'Resources'); $handler->override_option('empty', 'Resources will be added soon.'); $handler->override_option('empty_format', '2'); $handler->override_option('use_pager', '1'); $handler->override_option('use_more', 1); $handler->override_option('row_plugin', 'node'); $handler->override_option('row_options', array( 'teaser' => 1, 'links' => 1, )); 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$handler->override_option('items_per_page', 5); $handler->override_option('use_pager', '0'); $handler->override_option('style_plugin', 'list'); $handler->override_option('style_options', array( 'grouping' => '', 'type' => 'ul', )); $handler->override_option('row_plugin', 'fields'); $handler->override_option('row_options', array( 'inline' => array(), 'separator' => '', )); $handler->override_option('block_description', 'Resources Block'); $handler->override_option('block_caching', -1); $view->save(); /******************************** * VIEW: NODEQUEUE_2 * ********************************/ $view = new view; $view->name = 'nodequeue_2'; $view->description = 'Display a list of all nodes in queue \'News & Events\''; $view->tag = 'nodequeue'; $view->view_php = ''; $view->base_table = 'node'; $view->is_cacheable = FALSE; $view->api_version = 2; $view->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default view disabled initially */ $handler = $view->new_display('default', 'Defaults', 'default'); 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[type_1]: [field_learning_center_nr_nid]
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Upcoming Events

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Subscribe to our latest press releases

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[type]: [field_learning_center_nr_nid]
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[type]: [field_learning_center_nr_nid]
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[type]: [field_file_fid]
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[type]: [field_file_data]
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[type_1]: [field_learning_center_nr_nid]
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Upcoming Events

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Upcoming Events

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If you are a Syclo customer with a current Support Maintenance Plan (SMP) in-force, there are three ways to contact us:

  1. Technical Support Contact Web Form to the left
  2. Email support@syclo.com
  3. Phone us at +1 847.713.9117 or 800.567.9256 ext. 505

Support Maintenance Plan (SMP)

Syclo's Support & Maintenance Program is an integral part of your mobile solution. With changes happening in your business and the applications that drive operations staying active means staying current and is your insurance that the products will work today and tomorrow.

SMP maximizes your software investment by giving you technology flexibility, minimizing your support costs and helping you keep your application running and your employees productive. 

Active customers have Syclo training class discounts available. Contact our Customer Account Management team for eligibility.  

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), 'relationship' => 'none', ), )); $handler->override_option('access', array( 'type' => 'none', )); $handler->override_option('cache', array( 'type' => 'none', )); $handler->override_option('footer', 'Link to Syclo\'s YouTube channel'); $handler->override_option('footer_format', '2'); $handler->override_option('footer_empty', 0); $handler->override_option('use_pager', '1'); $handler->override_option('use_more', 1); $handler->override_option('row_plugin', 'node'); $handler->override_option('row_options', array( 'teaser' => 1, 'links' => 1, )); $handler = $view->new_display('page', 'Page', 'page'); $handler->override_option('path', 'nodequeue/6'); $handler->override_option('menu', array( 'type' => 'none', 'title' => '', 'description' => '', 'weight' => 0, 'name' => 'navigation', )); $handler->override_option('tab_options', array( 'type' => 'none', 'title' => '', 'description' => '', 'weight' => 0, 'name' => 'navigation', )); $handler = $view->new_display('block', 'Block', 'block'); 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$mlids["navigation_kids_235_6_10"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/build/trigger', 'Triggers', 'Tell Drupal when to execute actions.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_6"], '0', 'system', '0', TRUE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_6_10_0"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/build/trigger/unassign', 'Unassign', 'Unassign an action from a trigger.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_6_10"], '0', 'system', '-1', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_6_11"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/build/workflow', 'Workflow', 'Allows the creation and assignment of arbitrary workflows to node types.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_6"], '0', 'system', '0', TRUE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_6_11_0"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/build/workflow/state', 'Add state', 0, $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_6_11"], '0', 'system', '-1', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_6_11_1"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/build/workflow/delete', 'Delete workflow', 0, $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_6_11"], '0', 'system', '-1', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_6_11_2"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/build/workflow/edit/%', 'Edit workflow', 0, $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_6_11"], '0', 'system', '-1', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_6_12"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/build/path-redirect', 'URL redirects', 'Redirect users from one URL to another.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_6"], '0', 'system', '0', TRUE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_6_12_0"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/build/path-redirect/edit/%', 'Edit redirect', 'Edit an existing URL redirect.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_6_12"], '0', 'system', '-1', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_6_12_1"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/build/path-redirect/delete/%', 'Delete redirect', 'Delete an existing URL redirect.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_6_12"], '0', 'system', '-1', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_6_13"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/build/selfdestruct', 'Self Destruct', 'Drop all tables in the site database. USE WITH EXTREME CAUTION.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_6"], '0', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_6_14"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/build/menu', 'Menus', 'Control your site\'s navigation menu, primary links and secondary links. as well as rename and reorganize menu items.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_6"], '0', 'system', '0', TRUE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_6_14_0"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/build/menu/item/%/delete', 'Delete menu item', 0, $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_6_14"], '0', 'system', '-1', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_6_14_1"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/build/menu/item/%/edit', 'Edit menu item', 0, $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_6_14"], '0', 'system', '-1', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_6_14_2"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/build/menu/item/%/reset', 'Reset menu item', 0, $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_6_14"], '0', 'system', '-1', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_6_14_3"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/build/menu-customize/navigation', 'Navigation', 0, $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_6_14"], '0', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_6_14_4"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/build/menu-customize/primary-links', 'Primary links', 0, $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_6_14"], '0', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_6_14_5"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/build/menu-customize/secondary-links', 'Training Classes', 0, $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_6_14"], '0', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_6_14_6"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/build/menu-customize/menu-site-menu', 'Site Header Menu', 0, $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_6_14"], '0', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_6_14_7"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/build/menu-customize/menu-work-areas', 'Work Areas', 0, $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_6_14"], '0', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_6_14_8"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/build/menu-customize/menu-about-syclo', 'About Syclo', 0, $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_6_14"], '0', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_6_14_9"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/build/menu-customize/menu-industry-solutions', 'Industry Solutions', 0, $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_6_14"], '0', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_6_14_10"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/build/menu-customize/menu-secondary-links', 'Secondary Links', 0, $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_6_14"], '0', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_6_14_11"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/build/menu-customize/menu-supported-systems', 'Supported Systems', 0, $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_6_14"], '0', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_6_14_12"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/build/menu-customize/menu-interior-navigation-menu', 'Interior navigation menu', 0, $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_6_14"], '0', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/settings', 'Site configuration', 'Adjust basic site configuration options.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235"], '-5', 'system', '0', TRUE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_0"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/settings/actions', 'Actions', 'Manage the actions defined for your site.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7"], '0', 'system', '0', TRUE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_0_0"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/settings/actions/configure', 'Configure an advanced action', 0, $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_0"], '0', 'system', '-1', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_0_1"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/settings/actions/orphan', 'Remove orphans', 0, $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_0"], '0', 'system', '-1', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_0_2"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/settings/actions/delete/%', 'Delete action', 'Delete an action.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_0"], '0', 'system', '-1', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_1"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/settings/admin', 'Administration theme', 'Settings for how your administrative pages should look.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7"], '0', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_2"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/settings/clean-urls', 'Clean URLs', 'Enable or disable clean URLs for your site.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7"], '0', 'system', '0', TRUE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_2_0"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/settings/clean-urls/check', 'Clean URL check', 0, $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_2"], '0', 'system', '-1', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_3"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/settings/date_popup', 'Date Popup Configuration', 'Allows the user to configure the Date Popup settings.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7"], '0', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_4"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/settings/date-time', 'Date and time', 'Settings for how Drupal displays date and time, as well as the system\'s default timezone.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7"], '0', 'system', '0', TRUE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_4_0"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/settings/date-time/lookup', 'Date and time lookup', 0, $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_4"], '0', 'system', '-1', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_4_1"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/settings/date-time/formats/lookup', 'Date and time lookup', 0, $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_4"], '0', 'system', '-1', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_4_2"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/settings/date-time/delete/%', 'Delete date format type', 'Allow users to delete a configured date format type.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_4"], '0', 'system', '-1', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_4_3"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/settings/date-time/formats/delete/%', 'Delete date format', 'Allow users to delete a configured date format.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_4"], '0', 'system', '-1', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_5"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/settings/error-reporting', 'Error reporting', 'Control how Drupal deals with errors including 403/404 errors as well as PHP error reporting.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7"], '0', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_6"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/settings/file-system', 'File system', 'Tell Drupal where to store uploaded files and how they are accessed.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7"], '0', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_7"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/settings/image-toolkit', 'Image toolkit', 'Choose which image toolkit to use if you have installed optional toolkits.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7"], '0', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_8"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/settings/filters', 'Input formats', 'Configure how content input by users is filtered, including allowed HTML tags. Also allows enabling of module-provided filters.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7"], '0', 'system', '0', TRUE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_8_0"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/settings/filters/%', '', 0, $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_8"], '0', 'system', '-1', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_8_1"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/settings/filters/delete', 'Delete input format', 0, $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_8"], '0', 'system', '-1', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_9"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/settings/performance', 'Performance', 'Enable or disable page caching for anonymous users and set CSS and JS bandwidth optimization options.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7"], '0', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_10"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/settings/site-information', 'Site information', 'Change basic site information, such as the site name, slogan, e-mail address, mission, front page and more.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7"], '0', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_11"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/settings/site-maintenance', 'Site maintenance', 'Take the site off-line for maintenance or bring it back online.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7"], '0', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_12"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/settings/admin_menu', 'Administration menu', 'Adjust administration menu settings.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7"], '0', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_13"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/settings/devel', 'Devel settings', 'Helper functions, pages, and blocks to assist Drupal developers. The devel blocks can be managed via the block administration page.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7"], '0', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_14"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/settings/uploads', 'File uploads', 'Control how files may be attached to content.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7"], '0', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_15"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/settings/imageapi', 'ImageAPI', 'Configure ImageAPI.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7"], '0', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_16"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/settings/currency', 'Currency', 'Settings for currency exchange rates.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7"], '0', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_17"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/settings/currency_api', 'Currency API', 'Settings for currency API.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7"], '0', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_18"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/settings/ckeditor', 'CKEditor', 'Configure the rich text editor.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7"], '0', 'system', '0', TRUE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_18_0"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/settings/ckeditor/addg', 'Add CKEditor Global profile', 'Configure the rich text editor.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_18"], '0', 'system', '-1', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_18_1"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/settings/ckeditor/add', 'Add new CKEditor profile', 'Configure the rich text editor.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_18"], '0', 'system', '-1', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_18_2"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/settings/ckeditor/editg', 'Edit CKEditor Global profile', 'Configure the rich text editor.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_18"], '0', 'system', '-1', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_18_3"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/settings/ckeditor/clone/%', 'Clone CKEditor profile', 'Configure the rich text editor.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_18"], '0', 'system', '-1', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_18_4"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/settings/ckeditor/delete/%', 'Delete CKEditor profile', 'Configure the rich text editor.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_18"], '0', 'system', '-1', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_18_5"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/settings/ckeditor/edit/%', 'Edit CKEditor profile', 'Configure the rich text editor.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_18"], '0', 'system', '-1', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_19"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/settings/imce', 'IMCE', 'Control how your image/file browser works.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7"], '0', 'system', '0', TRUE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_19_0"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/settings/imce/profile', 'Add new profile', 0, $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_19"], '0', 'system', '-1', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_20"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/settings/videofield', 'Videofield', 'Configure Videofield.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7"], '0', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_21"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/settings/ckeditor_swf', 'CKEditor SWF', 'Configure CKEditor SWF.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7"], '0', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_22"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/settings/jquery_update', 'jQuery Update', 'Configure settings for jQuery Update module.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7"], '0', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_23"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/settings/dhtml_menu', 'DHTML Menu', 'Configure the effects of DHTML Menu', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7"], '0', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_24"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/settings/seochecklist', 'SEO Checklist', 'Keep track of your Drupal Search Engine Optimization tasks.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7"], '0', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_25"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/settings/webform', 'Webform settings', 'Global configuration of webform functionality.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7"], '0', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_26"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/settings/uploadpath', 'File upload paths', 'Configure a prefix to apply to the path of uploaded files.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7"], '0', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_27"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/settings/search', 'Search settings', 'Configure relevance settings for search and other indexing options', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7"], '0', 'system', '0', TRUE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_27_0"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/settings/search/wipe', 'Clear index', 0, $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_27"], '0', 'system', '-1', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_28"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/settings/apachesolr', 'Apache Solr', 'Administer Apache Solr.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7"], '0', 'system', '0', TRUE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_28_0"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/settings/apachesolr/mlt/add_block', '', 0, $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_28"], '0', 'system', '-1', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_28_1"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/settings/apachesolr/mlt/delete_block/%', '', 0, $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_28"], '0', 'system', '-1', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_28_2"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/settings/apachesolr/index/delete/confirm', 'Confirm index deletion', 0, $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_28"], '0', 'system', '-1', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_28_3"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/settings/apachesolr/index/clear/confirm', 'Confirm the re-indexing of all content', 0, $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_28"], '0', 'system', '-1', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_29"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/settings/lightbox2', 'Lightbox2', 'Allows the user to configure the lightbox2 settings', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7"], '0', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_30"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/settings/special_menu_items', 'Special Menu Items', 'Configure Special Menu Items.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7"], '0', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_31"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/settings/revisioning', 'Revisioning', 'Configure how links to view and edit content behave.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7"], '0', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_32"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/settings/module_grants', 'Module grants', 'Configure how node access modules interact and customise the Accessible-content page.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7"], '0', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_33"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/settings/linkchecker', 'Link checker', 'Configure the link checker settings.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7"], '0', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_34"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/settings/googleanalytics', 'Google Analytics', 'Configure the settings used to generate your Google Analytics tracking code.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7"], '0', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_35"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/settings/uc_ssl', 'Ubercart SSL module settings', 'Ubercart SSL module settings', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7"], '0', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_36"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/settings/node_export', 'Node Export', 'Configure the settings for Node Export.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7"], '0', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_37"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/settings/profile-generator', 'Generate installation profile', 'Generate a Drupal installation profile', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7"], '0', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_38"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/settings/logging', 'Logging and alerts', 'Settings for logging and alerts modules. Various modules can route Drupal\'s system events to different destination, such as syslog, database, email, ...etc.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7"], '0', 'system', '0', TRUE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_38_0"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/settings/logging/dblog', 'Database logging', 'Settings for logging to the Drupal database logs. This is the most common method for small to medium sites on shared hosting. The logs are viewable from the admin pages.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_38"], '0', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_38_1"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/settings/logging/syslog', 'Syslog', 'Settings for syslog logging. Syslog is an operating system administrative logging tool used in systems management and security auditing. Most suited to medium and large sites, syslog provides filtering tools that allow messages to be routed by type and severity.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_38"], '0', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_39"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/settings/swftools', 'SWF Tools', 'Settings to control how SWF Tools integrates with Adobe Flash related methods and tools like video players, MP3 players and image viewers.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7"], '0', 'system', '0', TRUE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_39_0"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/settings/swftools/cck', 'CCK formatters', 'Additional settings to control how SWF Tools should interact with CCK.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_39"], '0', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_39_1"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/settings/swftools/embed', 'Embedding settings', 'Set the embedding method that SWF Tools should use, and configure embedding defaults.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_39"], '-2', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_39_2"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/settings/swftools/handling', 'File handling', 'Configure how SWF Tools should handle different types of file.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_39"], '-1', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_39_3"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/settings/swftools/generic', 'Generic players', 'Basic Flash players that ship with SWF Tools', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_39"], '-1', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_39_4"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/settings/swftools/flowplayer', 'FlowPlayer', 'Settings for FlowPlayer.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_39"], '0', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_39_5"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/settings/swftools/wijering4', 'JW Media Player 4', 'Settings for Jeroen Wijering's FLV Media Player 4.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_39"], '0', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_40"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/settings/xmlsitemap', 'XML sitemap', 'Configure your site\'s XML sitemaps to help search engines find and index pages on your site.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7"], '0', 'system', '0', TRUE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_40_0"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/settings/xmlsitemap/add', 'Add XML sitemap', 0, $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_40"], '0', 'system', '-1', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_40_1"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/settings/xmlsitemap/delete/%', '', 0, $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_40"], '0', 'system', '-1', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_40_2"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/settings/xmlsitemap/edit/%', 'Edit XML sitemap', 0, $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_40"], '0', 'system', '-1', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_40_3"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/settings/xmlsitemap/settings/%/%', '', 0, $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_7_40"], '0', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_8"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/user', 'User management', 'Manage your site\'s users, groups and access to site features.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235"], '0', 'system', '0', TRUE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_8_0"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/user/rules', 'Access rules', 'List and create rules to disallow usernames, e-mail addresses, and IP addresses.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_8"], '0', 'system', '0', TRUE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_8_0_0"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/user/rules/delete', 'Delete rule', 0, $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_8_0"], '0', 'system', '-1', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_8_0_1"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/user/rules/edit', 'Edit rule', 0, $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_8_0"], '0', 'system', '-1', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_8_1"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/user/permissions', 'Permissions', 'Determine access to features by selecting permissions for roles.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_8"], '0', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_8_2"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/user/roles', 'Roles', 'List, edit, or add user roles.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_8"], '0', 'system', '0', TRUE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_8_2_0"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/user/roles/edit', 'Edit role', 0, $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_8_2"], '0', 'system', '-1', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_8_3"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/user/settings', 'User settings', 'Configure default behavior of users, including registration requirements, e-mails, and user pictures.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_8"], '0', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_8_4"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/user/user', 'Users', 'List, add, and edit users.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_8"], '0', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_8_5"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/user/captcha', 'CAPTCHA', 'Administer how and where CAPTCHAs are used.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_8"], '0', 'system', '0', TRUE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_8_5_0"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/user/captcha/captcha/captcha_point', 'CAPTCHA point administration', 0, $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_8_5"], '0', 'system', '-1', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_8_5_1"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/user/captcha/image_captcha/font_preview', 'Font example', 0, $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_8_5"], '0', 'system', '-1', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_8_6"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/user/taxonomy_access', 'Taxonomy access permissions', 'Taxonomy-based access control for content', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_8"], '0', 'system', '0', TRUE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_8_6_0"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/user/taxonomy_access/edit', '', 0, $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_8_6"], '0', 'system', '-1', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_8_6_1"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/user/taxonomy_access/delete', '', 0, $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_8_6"], '0', 'system', '-1', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_9"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/generate', 'Generate items', 'Populate your database with dummy items.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235"], '0', 'system', '0', TRUE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_9_0"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/generate/taxonomy', 'Generate categories', 'Generate a given number of vocabularies and terms. Optionally delete current categories.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_9"], '0', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_9_1"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/generate/content', 'Generate content', 'Generate a given number of nodes and comments. Optionally delete current items.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_9"], '0', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_9_2"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/generate/user', 'Generate users', 'Generate a given number of users. Optionally delete current users.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_9"], '0', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/store', 'Store administration', 'Administer store settings, products, orders, and more.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235"], '0', 'system', '0', TRUE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10_0"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/store/ca', 'Conditional actions', 'Administer the predicates setup to automate your store.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10"], '5', 'system', '0', TRUE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10_0_0"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/store/ca/%/delete', 'Delete a predicate', 0, $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10_0"], '0', 'system', '-1', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10_0_1"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/store/ca/%/edit', 'Edit predicate', 'Edit a predicate\'s meta data, conditions, and actions.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10_0"], '0', 'system', '-1', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10_0_2"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/store/ca/%/reset', 'Reset a predicate', 0, $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10_0"], '0', 'system', '-1', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10_1"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/store/attributes', 'Attributes', 'Create and edit attributes and options.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10"], '-1', 'system', '0', TRUE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10_1_0"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/store/attributes/%/edit', 'Edit attribute', 0, $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10_1"], '0', 'system', '-1', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10_1_1"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/store/attributes/%/delete', '', 0, $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10_1"], '0', 'system', '-1', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10_1_2"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/store/attributes/%/options', 'Options', 0, $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10_1"], '0', 'system', '-1', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10_2"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/store/settings', 'Configuration', 'Adjust configuration settings for Ubercart.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10"], '6', 'system', '0', TRUE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10_2_0"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/store/settings/cart', 'Cart settings', 'Configure the cart settings.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10_2"], '0', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10_2_1"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/store/settings/catalog', 'Catalog settings', 'Configure the catalog settings.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10_2"], '0', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10_2_2"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/store/settings/checkout', 'Checkout settings', 'Configure the checkout settings.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10_2"], '0', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10_2_3"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/store/settings/countries', 'Country settings', 'Configure country specific settings.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10_2"], '0', 'system', '0', TRUE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10_2_3_0"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/store/settings/countries/%/disable', 'Disable a country', 'Disable a country from use.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10_2_3"], '0', 'system', '-1', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10_2_3_1"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/store/settings/countries/%/remove', 'Remove a country', 'Remove an installed country.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10_2_3"], '0', 'system', '-1', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10_2_3_2"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/store/settings/countries/%/enable', 'Enable a country', 'Enable a disabled country.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10_2_3"], '0', 'system', '-1', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10_2_3_3"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/store/settings/countries/%/update/%', 'Update a country', 'Update an installed country.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10_2_3"], '0', 'system', '-1', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10_2_4"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/store/settings/orders', 'Order settings', 'Configure the order settings.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10_2"], '0', 'system', '0', TRUE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10_2_4_0"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/store/settings/orders/edit/workflow/create', 'Create an order status', 'Create a custom order status for your store.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10_2_4"], '0', 'system', '-1', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10_2_5"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/store/settings/price-handlers', 'Price handler settings', 'Select which price handlers to use for your store.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10_2"], '0', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10_2_6"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/store/settings/products', 'Product settings', 'Configure product settings.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10_2"], '0', 'system', '0', TRUE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10_2_6_0"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/store/settings/products/defaults', '', 0, $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10_2_6"], '0', 'system', '-1', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10_2_7"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/store/settings/uc_out_of_stock', 'Out of Stock Settings', 'Configure out of stock settings.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10_2"], '0', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10_2_8"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/store/settings/reports', 'Report settings', 'View the report settings.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10_2"], '0', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10_2_9"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/store/settings/stock', 'Stock settings', 'View the stock settings.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10_2"], '0', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10_2_10"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/store/settings/payment', 'Payment settings', 'Configure the payment settings.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10_2"], '0', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10_2_11"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/store/settings/attributes', 'Attribute settings', 'Configure the attribute settings', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10_2"], '0', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10_2_12"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/store/settings/store', 'Store settings', 'Configure the main store settings.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10_2"], '0', 'system', '0', TRUE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10_2_12_0"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/store/settings/store/initials', 'User initials', 'Assign initials to user accounts.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10_2_12"], '0', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10_3"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/store/customers', 'Customers', 'View and modify customer information and orders.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10"], '-6', 'system', '0', TRUE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10_3_0"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/store/customers/search', 'Search customers', 'Search through your customer list.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10_3"], '-5', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10_3_1"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/store/customers/view', 'View customers', 'View and modify customer information and orders.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10_3"], '-10', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10_3_2"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/store/customers/orders/%', 'Customer orders', 'View a list of orders placed by this customer.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10_3"], '-5', 'system', '-1', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10_3_3"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/store/customers/coupon', 'Coupons', 'Manage store discount coupons.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10_3"], '0', 'system', '0', TRUE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10_3_3_0"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/store/customers/coupon/%/delete', 'Delete coupon', 'Delete a coupon.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10_3_3"], '0', 'system', '-1', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10_3_3_1"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/store/customers/coupon/%/codes', 'Download bulk coupon codes', 'Download the list of bulk coupon codes as a CSV file.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10_3_3"], '0', 'system', '-1', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10_3_3_2"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/store/customers/coupon/%/edit', 'Edit coupon', 'Edit an existing coupon.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10_3_3"], '0', 'system', '-1', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10_4"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/store/help', 'Help', 'Links to get help!', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10"], '10', 'system', '0', TRUE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10_4_0"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/store/help/tokens', 'Using tokens', 'Understand what tokens are and how to use them.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10_4"], '0', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10_5"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/store/orders', 'Orders', 'View and process orders.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10"], '-10', 'system', '0', TRUE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10_5_0"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/store/orders/po', 'Search by PO', 'Search orders by PO number.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10_5"], '5', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10_5_1"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/store/orders/create', 'Create order', 'Create an empty new order.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10_5"], '-5', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10_5_2"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/store/orders/search', 'Search orders', 'Search existing orders.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10_5"], '0', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10_5_3"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('admin/store/orders/address_book', 'Select address', 0, $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_235_10_5"], '0', 'system', '-1', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); 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By default, a page entry does not allow visitor comments and is not featured on the site\'s initial home page.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_236"], '0', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_236_1"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/add/article', 'Article', 0, $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_236"], '0', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_236_2"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/add/product', 'Product', 'This node displays the representation of a product for sale on the website. It includes all the unique information that can be attributed to a specific model number.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_236"], '0', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_236_3"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/add/news', 'News', 0, $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_236"], '0', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_236_4"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/add/event', 'Event', 0, $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_236"], '0', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_236_5"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/add/landing-page', 'Landing Page', 0, $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_236"], '0', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_236_6"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/add/video', 'Video', 0, $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_236"], '0', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_236_7"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/add/image', 'Image', 0, $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_236"], '0', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_236_8"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/add/success-stories', 'Success Stories', 0, $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_236"], '0', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_236_9"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/add/brochure', 'Brochure', 0, $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_236"], '0', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_236_10"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/add/calculator', 'Calculator', 0, $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_236"], '0', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_236_11"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/add/faq', 'FAQ', 0, $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_236"], '0', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_236_12"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/add/link', 'Link', 0, $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_236"], '0', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_236_13"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/add/report', 'Report', 0, $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_236"], '0', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_236_14"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/add/casestudy', 'Case Study', 0, $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_236"], '0', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_236_15"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/add/whitepaper', 'White Paper', 0, $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_236"], '0', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_236_16"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/add/webform', 'Webform', 'Create a new form or questionnaire accessible to users. Submission results and statistics are recorded and accessible to privileged users.', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_236"], '0', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_236_17"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/add/career', 'Career', 'The career\'s detail', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_236"], '0', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_236_18"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/add/front-page-accordion-item', 'Front Page Accordion Item', 'This will send content to the front page accordion', $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_236"], '0', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_237"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('aggregator', 'Feed aggregator', 0, $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids"], '-42', 'system', '0', TRUE, '0', '1', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_237_0"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('aggregator/opml', 'OPML feed', 0, $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_237"], '0', 'system', '-1', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_237_1"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('aggregator/rss', 'RSS feed', 0, $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_237"], '0', 'system', '-1', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_237_2"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('aggregator/sources', 'Sources', 0, $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_237"], '0', 'system', '0', TRUE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_237_2_0"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('aggregator/sources/%', '', 0, $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_237_2"], '0', 'system', '-1', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_237_3"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('aggregator/categories', 'Categories', 0, $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_237"], '0', 'system', '0', TRUE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["navigation_kids_237_3_0"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('aggregator/categories/%', '', 0, $menu_name, $mlids["navigation_kids_237_3"], '0', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); /******************************** * MENU: INDUSTRY SOLUTIONS * ********************************/ $menu_name = install_menu_create_menu('Industry Solutions', 'industry-solutions', 'Appears in footer of interior pages.'); $mlids["menu-industry-solutions_kids"] = 0; $mlids["menu-industry-solutions_kids_0"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/635', 'EAM Asset Management', '', $menu_name, $mlids["menu-industry-solutions_kids"], '-47', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '0', '1', '0'); $mlids["menu-industry-solutions_kids_1"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/286', 'Utilities', '', $menu_name, $mlids["menu-industry-solutions_kids"], '-50', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '1', '1', '0'); $mlids["menu-industry-solutions_kids_2"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/276', 'Oil & Gas', '', $menu_name, $mlids["menu-industry-solutions_kids"], '-49', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '1', '1', '0'); $mlids["menu-industry-solutions_kids_3"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/277', 'Life Sciences', '', $menu_name, $mlids["menu-industry-solutions_kids"], '-48', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '1', '1', '0'); $mlids["menu-industry-solutions_kids_4"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/279', 'CRM Field Service', '', $menu_name, $mlids["menu-industry-solutions_kids"], '-46', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '1', '1', '0'); $mlids["menu-industry-solutions_kids_5"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/280', 'Facility Management', '', $menu_name, $mlids["menu-industry-solutions_kids"], '-45', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '1', '1', '0'); $mlids["menu-industry-solutions_kids_6"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/312', 'Water/Wastewater', '', $menu_name, $mlids["menu-industry-solutions_kids"], '-41', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '1', '1', '0'); $mlids["menu-industry-solutions_kids_7"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/282', 'Transportation', '', $menu_name, $mlids["menu-industry-solutions_kids"], '-42', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '1', '1', '0'); $mlids["menu-industry-solutions_kids_8"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/283', 'Manufacturing', '', $menu_name, $mlids["menu-industry-solutions_kids"], '-43', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '1', '1', '0'); $mlids["menu-industry-solutions_kids_9"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/464', 'Government', '', $menu_name, $mlids["menu-industry-solutions_kids"], '-44', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '1', '1', '0'); /******************************** * MENU: PRIMARY LINKS * ********************************/ $menu_name = install_menu_create_menu('Primary links', 'primary-links', 'Horizontal menu which contains all of the primary and mega menu links. This appears on the front page (home).'); $mlids["primary-links_kids"] = 0; $mlids["primary-links_kids_0"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/308', 'Partners', '', $menu_name, $mlids["primary-links_kids"], '-46', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '0', '1', '0'); $mlids["primary-links_kids_1"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/262', 'MOBILE SOLUTIONS', '
', $menu_name, $mlids["primary-links_kids"], '-50', 'menu', '0', TRUE, '0', '1', '0'); $mlids["primary-links_kids_1_0"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/262', 'SMART Mobile Suite', '
', $menu_name, $mlids["primary-links_kids_1"], '-50', 'menu', '0', TRUE, '0', '1', '0'); $mlids["primary-links_kids_1_0_0"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/264', 'Work Management', '', $menu_name, $mlids["primary-links_kids_1_0"], '-50', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '0', '1', '0'); $mlids["primary-links_kids_1_0_1"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/266', 'Inventory Management', '', $menu_name, $mlids["primary-links_kids_1_0"], '-48', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '0', '1', '0'); $mlids["primary-links_kids_1_0_2"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/265', 'Service Management', '', $menu_name, $mlids["primary-links_kids_1_0"], '-49', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '0', '1', '0'); $mlids["primary-links_kids_1_0_3"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/267', 'Auditing', '
', $menu_name, $mlids["primary-links_kids_1_0"], '-47', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '0', '1', '0'); $mlids["primary-links_kids_1_0_4"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/380', 'Approvals & Workflow Mgmt', '', $menu_name, $mlids["primary-links_kids_1_0"], '-46', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '0', '1', '0'); $mlids["primary-links_kids_1_0_5"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/274', 'Inspections', '', $menu_name, $mlids["primary-links_kids_1_0"], '-45', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '0', '1', '0'); $mlids["primary-links_kids_1_0_6"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/268', 'Rounds', '', $menu_name, $mlids["primary-links_kids_1_0"], '-44', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '0', '1', '0'); $mlids["primary-links_kids_1_0_7"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/269', 'Scheduling', '', $menu_name, $mlids["primary-links_kids_1_0"], '-43', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '0', '1', '0'); $mlids["primary-links_kids_1_0_8"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/270', 'Task Tracking', '', $menu_name, $mlids["primary-links_kids_1_0"], '-42', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '0', '1', '0'); $mlids["primary-links_kids_1_0_9"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/271', 'IT Asset Management', '', $menu_name, $mlids["primary-links_kids_1_0"], '-41', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '0', '1', '0'); $mlids["primary-links_kids_1_0_10"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/272', 'Field Sales', '', $menu_name, $mlids["primary-links_kids_1_0"], '-40', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '0', '1', '0'); $mlids["primary-links_kids_1_1"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/352', 'Agentry Mobile Platform', '', $menu_name, $mlids["primary-links_kids_1"], '-49', 'menu', '0', TRUE, '0', '1', '0'); $mlids["primary-links_kids_1_1_0"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/353', 'Rapid App Development', '', $menu_name, $mlids["primary-links_kids_1_1"], '-50', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '0', '1', '0'); $mlids["primary-links_kids_1_1_1"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/354', 'Any Device Support', '', $menu_name, $mlids["primary-links_kids_1_1"], '-49', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '0', '1', '0'); $mlids["primary-links_kids_1_1_2"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/355', 'Security', '', $menu_name, $mlids["primary-links_kids_1_1"], '-48', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '0', '1', '0'); $mlids["primary-links_kids_1_1_3"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/438', 'Management & Analytics', '', $menu_name, $mlids["primary-links_kids_1_1"], '-47', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '0', '1', '0'); $mlids["primary-links_kids_1_1_4"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/356', 'Connectivity', '', $menu_name, $mlids["primary-links_kids_1_1"], '-46', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '0', '1', '0'); $mlids["primary-links_kids_1_1_5"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/357', 'Integration', '', $menu_name, $mlids["primary-links_kids_1_1"], '-45', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '0', '1', '0'); $mlids["primary-links_kids_2"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('', 'Support', '

Syclo Professional Services

', $menu_name, $mlids["primary-links_kids"], '-47', 'menu', '0', TRUE, '0', '1', '0'); $mlids["primary-links_kids_2_0"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('http://resource.syclo.com', 'Resource Center', '', $menu_name, $mlids["primary-links_kids_2"], '-46', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '0', '1', '0'); $mlids["primary-links_kids_2_1"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/310', 'Professional Services', '', $menu_name, $mlids["primary-links_kids_2"], '-50', 'menu', '0', TRUE, '0', '1', '0'); $mlids["primary-links_kids_2_1_0"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/361', 'Technical Support', '', $menu_name, $mlids["primary-links_kids_2_1"], '-50', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '0', '1', '0'); $mlids["primary-links_kids_2_1_1"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/342', 'Training', '', $menu_name, $mlids["primary-links_kids_2_1"], '-48', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '0', '1', '0'); $mlids["primary-links_kids_2_1_2"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/331', 'Support and Maintenance', '', $menu_name, $mlids["primary-links_kids_2_1"], '-49', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '0', '1', '0'); $mlids["primary-links_kids_3"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/300', 'ABOUT US', '', $menu_name, $mlids["primary-links_kids"], '0', 'menu', '0', TRUE, '0', '1', '0'); $mlids["primary-links_kids_3_0"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/300', 'About Syclo', '', $menu_name, $mlids["primary-links_kids_3"], '-50', 'menu', '0', TRUE, '0', '1', '0'); $mlids["primary-links_kids_3_0_0"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/301', 'Syclo Management', '', $menu_name, $mlids["primary-links_kids_3_0"], '-50', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '0', '1', '0'); $mlids["primary-links_kids_3_0_1"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/306', 'ROI', '', $menu_name, $mlids["primary-links_kids_3_0"], '-49', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '0', '1', '0'); $mlids["primary-links_kids_3_0_2"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/307', 'Careers', '', $menu_name, $mlids["primary-links_kids_3_0"], '-48', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '0', '1', '0'); $mlids["primary-links_kids_3_0_3"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/303', 'News', '', $menu_name, $mlids["primary-links_kids_3_0"], '-47', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '0', '1', '0'); $mlids["primary-links_kids_3_0_4"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/542', 'Events', '
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/******************************** * MENU: WORK AREAS * ********************************/ $menu_name = install_menu_create_menu('Work Areas', 'work-areas', 'Appears in footer of all pages. '); $mlids["menu-work-areas_kids"] = 0; $mlids["menu-work-areas_kids_0"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/264', 'Work Management', '', $menu_name, $mlids["menu-work-areas_kids"], '-50', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '1', '1', '0'); $mlids["menu-work-areas_kids_1"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/266', 'Inventory Management', '', $menu_name, $mlids["menu-work-areas_kids"], '-48', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '1', '1', '0'); $mlids["menu-work-areas_kids_2"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/265', 'Service Management', '', $menu_name, $mlids["menu-work-areas_kids"], '-49', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '1', '1', '0'); $mlids["menu-work-areas_kids_3"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/267', 'Auditing', '', $menu_name, $mlids["menu-work-areas_kids"], '-47', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '1', '1', '0'); $mlids["menu-work-areas_kids_4"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/380', 'Approvals & Workflow Mgmt', '', $menu_name, $mlids["menu-work-areas_kids"], '-46', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '1', '1', '0'); $mlids["menu-work-areas_kids_5"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/274', 'Inspections', '', $menu_name, $mlids["menu-work-areas_kids"], '-45', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '1', '1', '0'); $mlids["menu-work-areas_kids_6"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/268', 'Rounds', '', $menu_name, $mlids["menu-work-areas_kids"], '-44', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '1', '1', '0'); $mlids["menu-work-areas_kids_7"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/269', 'Scheduling', '', $menu_name, $mlids["menu-work-areas_kids"], '-43', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '1', '1', '0'); $mlids["menu-work-areas_kids_8"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/270', 'Task Tracking', '', $menu_name, $mlids["menu-work-areas_kids"], '-42', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '1', '1', '0'); $mlids["menu-work-areas_kids_9"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/271', 'IT Asset Management', '', $menu_name, $mlids["menu-work-areas_kids"], '-41', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '1', '1', '0'); $mlids["menu-work-areas_kids_10"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/272', 'Field Sales', '', $menu_name, $mlids["menu-work-areas_kids"], '-40', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '1', '1', '0'); /******************************** * MENU: DEVELOPMENT * ********************************/ $menu_name = install_menu_create_menu('Development', 'devel', 'Appears in left sidebar of admin-level users. **(This menu is generated by the Devel module which will be disabled before site goes live.)**'); 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All menu items return to their default settings.', $menu_name, $mlids["devel_kids"], '0', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["devel_kids_13"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('devel/theme/registry', 'Theme registry', 'View a list of available theme functions across the whole site.', $menu_name, $mlids["devel_kids"], '0', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["devel_kids_14"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('devel/queries', 'Database queries', 0, $menu_name, $mlids["devel_kids"], '0', 'system', '0', TRUE, '0', '0', '0'); $mlids["devel_kids_14_0"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('devel/queries/empty', 'Empty database queries', 0, $menu_name, $mlids["devel_kids_14"], '0', 'system', '0', FALSE, '0', '0', '0'); /******************************** * MENU: SITE HEADER MENU * ********************************/ $menu_name = install_menu_create_menu('Site Header Menu', 'site-menu', 'Appears in black bar at top of screen.'); $mlids["menu-site-menu_kids"] = 0; $mlids["menu-site-menu_kids_0"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/374', 'Contact Syclo »', '', $menu_name, $mlids["menu-site-menu_kids"], '0', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '0', '1', '0'); $mlids["menu-site-menu_kids_1"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/361', 'Customer Support »', '', $menu_name, $mlids["menu-site-menu_kids"], '-50', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '0', '1', '0'); $mlids["menu-site-menu_kids_2"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('http://resource.syclo.com', 'Resource Center »', '', $menu_name, $mlids["menu-site-menu_kids"], '-49', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '0', '1', '0'); /******************************** * MENU: ABOUT SYCLO * ********************************/ $menu_name = install_menu_create_menu('About Syclo', 'about-syclo', 'Appears in footer of front page.'); $mlids["menu-about-syclo_kids"] = 0; $mlids["menu-about-syclo_kids_0"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/300', 'About Syclo', '', $menu_name, $mlids["menu-about-syclo_kids"], '-50', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '1', '1', '0'); $mlids["menu-about-syclo_kids_1"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/307', 'Careers', '', $menu_name, $mlids["menu-about-syclo_kids"], '-46', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '1', '1', '0'); $mlids["menu-about-syclo_kids_2"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/303', 'News', '', $menu_name, $mlids["menu-about-syclo_kids"], '-48', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '1', '1', '0'); $mlids["menu-about-syclo_kids_3"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('events', 'Events', '', $menu_name, $mlids["menu-about-syclo_kids"], '-47', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '1', '1', '0'); $mlids["menu-about-syclo_kids_4"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/301', 'Syclo Management', '

Syclo Management

', $menu_name, $mlids["menu-about-syclo_kids"], '-49', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '1', '1', '0'); /******************************** * MENU: SUPPORTED SYSTEMS * ********************************/ $menu_name = install_menu_create_menu('Supported Systems', 'supported-systems', 'Appears in footer of interior pages.'); $mlids["menu-supported-systems_kids"] = 0; $mlids["menu-supported-systems_kids_0"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/291', 'IBM Maximo', '', $menu_name, $mlids["menu-supported-systems_kids"], '-50', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '1', '1', '0'); $mlids["menu-supported-systems_kids_1"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/293', 'SAP', '', $menu_name, $mlids["menu-supported-systems_kids"], '-49', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '1', '1', '0'); $mlids["menu-supported-systems_kids_2"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/292', 'TRIRIGA', '', $menu_name, $mlids["menu-supported-systems_kids"], '-48', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '1', '1', '0'); $mlids["menu-supported-systems_kids_3"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/294', 'Oracle', '', $menu_name, $mlids["menu-supported-systems_kids"], '-47', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '1', '1', '0'); $mlids["menu-supported-systems_kids_4"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/295', 'Ventyx', '', $menu_name, $mlids["menu-supported-systems_kids"], '-46', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '1', '1', '0'); $mlids["menu-supported-systems_kids_5"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/296', 'Datastream', '', $menu_name, $mlids["menu-supported-systems_kids"], '-45', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '1', '1', '0'); $mlids["menu-supported-systems_kids_6"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/297', 'Other Systems', '', $menu_name, $mlids["menu-supported-systems_kids"], '-44', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '1', '1', '0'); /************************************ * MENU: INTERIOR NAVIGATION MENU * ************************************/ $menu_name = install_menu_create_menu('Interior navigation menu', 'interior-navigation-menu', 'This menu is used to navigate on interior web pages.'); $mlids["menu-interior-navigation-menu_kids"] = 0; $mlids["menu-interior-navigation-menu_kids_0"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/262', 'Work Areas', '', $menu_name, $mlids["menu-interior-navigation-menu_kids"], '-50', 'menu', '0', TRUE, '0', '1', '0'); $mlids["menu-interior-navigation-menu_kids_0_0"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/380', 'Approvals & Workflow Mgmt', '
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', $menu_name, $mlids["menu-interior-navigation-menu_kids"], '-47', 'menu', '0', TRUE, '0', '1', '0'); $mlids["menu-interior-navigation-menu_kids_3_0"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/438', 'Management & Analytics', '', $menu_name, $mlids["menu-interior-navigation-menu_kids_3"], '-46', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '0', '1', '0'); $mlids["menu-interior-navigation-menu_kids_3_1"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/357', 'Integration', '
', $menu_name, $mlids["menu-interior-navigation-menu_kids_3"], '-44', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '0', '1', '0'); $mlids["menu-interior-navigation-menu_kids_3_2"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/356', 'Connectivity', '
', $menu_name, $mlids["menu-interior-navigation-menu_kids_3"], '-45', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '0', '1', '0'); $mlids["menu-interior-navigation-menu_kids_3_3"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/354', 'Any Device Support', '
', $menu_name, $mlids["menu-interior-navigation-menu_kids_3"], '-48', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '0', '1', '0'); $mlids["menu-interior-navigation-menu_kids_3_4"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/353', 'Rapid App Development', '
', $menu_name, $mlids["menu-interior-navigation-menu_kids_3"], '-49', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '0', '1', '0'); $mlids["menu-interior-navigation-menu_kids_3_5"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/355', 'Security', '
', $menu_name, $mlids["menu-interior-navigation-menu_kids_3"], '-47', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '0', '1', '0'); $mlids["menu-interior-navigation-menu_kids_4"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/300', 'About Syclo', '', $menu_name, $mlids["menu-interior-navigation-menu_kids"], '-46', 'menu', '0', TRUE, '0', '1', '0'); $mlids["menu-interior-navigation-menu_kids_4_0"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/303', 'News', '', $menu_name, $mlids["menu-interior-navigation-menu_kids_4"], '-47', 'menu', '0', TRUE, '0', '1', '0'); $mlids["menu-interior-navigation-menu_kids_4_0_0"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/334', 'Syclo News Articles from 2005', 'Press News Syclo 2005 A', $menu_name, $mlids["menu-interior-navigation-menu_kids_4_0"], '0', 'menu', '1', FALSE, '0', '1', '0'); $mlids["menu-interior-navigation-menu_kids_4_1"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/301', 'Syclo Management', '', $menu_name, $mlids["menu-interior-navigation-menu_kids_4"], '-49', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '0', '1', '0'); $mlids["menu-interior-navigation-menu_kids_4_2"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/542', 'Events', '
', $menu_name, $mlids["menu-interior-navigation-menu_kids_4"], '-46', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '0', '1', '0'); $mlids["menu-interior-navigation-menu_kids_4_3"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/308', 'Partners', '', $menu_name, $mlids["menu-interior-navigation-menu_kids_4"], '-45', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '0', '1', '0'); $mlids["menu-interior-navigation-menu_kids_4_4"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/307', 'Careers', '', $menu_name, $mlids["menu-interior-navigation-menu_kids_4"], '-41', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '0', '1', '0'); $mlids["menu-interior-navigation-menu_kids_4_5"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/306', 'ROI', '', $menu_name, $mlids["menu-interior-navigation-menu_kids_4"], '-48', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '0', '1', '0'); $mlids["menu-interior-navigation-menu_kids_4_6"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/361', 'Technical Support', '
', $menu_name, $mlids["menu-interior-navigation-menu_kids_4"], '-43', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '0', '1', '0'); $mlids["menu-interior-navigation-menu_kids_4_7"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/310', 'Professional Services', '', $menu_name, $mlids["menu-interior-navigation-menu_kids_4"], '-44', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '0', '1', '0'); $mlids["menu-interior-navigation-menu_kids_4_8"] = install_menu_create_menu_item('node/342', 'Training', '', $menu_name, $mlids["menu-interior-navigation-menu_kids_4"], '-42', 'menu', '0', FALSE, '0', '1', '0'); /******************************** * BLOCKS AND BOXES * ********************************/ $block = (object) array ( 'module' => 'user', 'delta' => '0', 'theme' => 'garland', 'status' => '1', 'weight' => '-17', 'region' => 'left', 'custom' => '0', 'throttle' => '0', 'visibility' => '0', 'pages' => '', 'title' => '', 'cache' => '-1', ); $block_map[1] = install_create_block($block); $block = (object) array ( 'module' => 'user', 'delta' => '1', 'theme' => 'garland', 'status' => '1', 'weight' => '-18', 'region' => 'left', 'custom' => '0', 'throttle' => '0', 'visibility' => '0', 'pages' => '', 'title' => '', 'cache' => '-1', ); 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$block = (object) array ( 'module' => 'user', 'delta' => '0', 'theme' => 'zen', 'status' => '1', 'weight' => '-17', 'region' => 'sidebar_first', 'custom' => '0', 'throttle' => '0', 'visibility' => '0', 'pages' => '', 'title' => '', 'cache' => '-1', ); $block_map[122] = install_create_block($block); $block = (object) array ( 'module' => 'user', 'delta' => '1', 'theme' => 'zen', 'status' => '1', 'weight' => '-18', 'region' => 'sidebar_first', 'custom' => '0', 'throttle' => '0', 'visibility' => '0', 'pages' => '', 'title' => '', 'cache' => '-1', ); $block_map[123] = install_create_block($block); $block = (object) array ( 'module' => 'user', 'delta' => '2', 'theme' => 'zen', 'status' => '0', 'weight' => '-8', 'region' => 'sidebar_first', 'custom' => '0', 'throttle' => '0', 'visibility' => '0', 'pages' => '', 'title' => '', 'cache' => '1', ); $block_map[124] = install_create_block($block); $block = (object) array ( 'module' => 'user', 'delta' => '3', 'theme' => 'zen', 'status' => '0', 'weight' => '-6', 'region' => 'sidebar_first', 'custom' => '0', 'throttle' => '0', 'visibility' => '0', 'pages' => '', 'title' => '', 'cache' => '-1', ); 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$block = (object) array ( 'module' => 'views', 'delta' => 'nodequeue_2-block', 'theme' => 'zen', 'status' => '1', 'weight' => '-14', 'region' => 'sidebar_first', 'custom' => '0', 'throttle' => '0', 'visibility' => '1', 'pages' => '', 'title' => '', 'cache' => '-1', ); $block_map[129] = install_create_block($block); $block = (object) array ( 'module' => 'views', 'delta' => 'nodequeue_3-block', 'theme' => 'zen', 'status' => '1', 'weight' => '-13', 'region' => 'sidebar_first', 'custom' => '0', 'throttle' => '0', 'visibility' => '1', 'pages' => '', 'title' => '', 'cache' => '-1', ); $block_map[130] = install_create_block($block); $block = (object) array ( 'module' => 'views', 'delta' => 'nodequeue_4-block', 'theme' => 'zen', 'status' => '0', 'weight' => '-7', 'region' => 'sidebar_first', 'custom' => '0', 'throttle' => '0', 'visibility' => '1', 'pages' => '', 'title' => '', 'cache' => '-1', ); $block_map[131] = install_create_block($block); $block = (object) array ( 'module' => 'views', 'delta' => 'nodequeue_4-block_1', 'theme' => 'syclo', 'status' => '0', 'weight' => '-34', 'region' => '', 'custom' => '0', 'throttle' => '0', 'visibility' => '0', 'pages' => '', 'title' => '', 'cache' => '-1', ); $block_map[174] = install_create_block($block); $block = (object) array ( 'module' => 'menu', 'delta' => 'menu-interior-navigation-menu', 'theme' => 'syclo', 'status' => '1', 'weight' => '-34', 'region' => 'sidebar_first', 'custom' => '0', 'throttle' => '0', 'visibility' => '0', 'pages' => ' wp/* faq/* meap calculator tools/calculator/mobile-calculator', 'title' => '', 'cache' => '-1', ); $block_map[134] = install_create_block($block); $block = (object) array ( 'module' => 'views', 'delta' => 'Events-block_1', 'theme' => 'syclo', 'status' => '1', 'weight' => '-29', 'region' => 'sidebar_first', 'custom' => '0', 'throttle' => '0', 'visibility' => '1', 'pages' => 'news/* about_syclo/* about_syclo news/index news', 'title' => '', 'cache' => '-1', ); $block_map[136] = install_create_block($block); $block = (object) array ( 'module' => 'views', 'delta' => 'learning_center_test-block_1', 'theme' => 'syclo', 'status' => '0', 'weight' => '-30', 'region' => '', 'custom' => '0', 'throttle' => '0', 'visibility' => '1', 'pages' => 'node/337', 'title' => '', 'cache' => '-1', ); $block_map[157] = install_create_block($block); $block = (object) array ( 'module' => 'views', 'delta' => 'learning_center_test1-block_1', 'theme' => 'syclo', 'status' => '0', 'weight' => '-23', 'region' => '', 'custom' => '0', 'throttle' => '0', 'visibility' => '1', 'pages' => 'articles/chris-test-learning-center-page', 'title' => 'learning_center_test_block1', 'cache' => '-1', ); $block_map[166] = install_create_block($block); $block = (object) array ( 'module' => 'views', 'delta' => 'News-block_1', 'theme' => 'syclo', 'status' => '1', 'weight' => '-34', 'region' => 'content_bottom', 'custom' => '0', 'throttle' => '0', 'visibility' => '1', 'pages' => 'news', 'title' => '', 'cache' => '-1', ); $block_map[143] = install_create_block($block); $block = (object) array ( 'module' => 'block', 'delta' => '3', 'theme' => 'syclo', 'status' => '1', 'weight' => '-36', 'region' => 'content_top', 'custom' => '0', 'throttle' => '0', 'visibility' => '1', 'pages' => '', 'title' => '', 'cache' => '-1', ); $block_map[155] = install_create_block($block); $block = (object) array ( 'module' => 'block', 'delta' => '3', 'theme' => 'garland', 'status' => '0', 'weight' => '0', 'region' => '', 'custom' => '0', 'throttle' => '0', 'visibility' => '1', 'pages' => '', 'title' => '', 'cache' => '-1', ); $block_map[156] = install_create_block($block); $block = (object) array ( 'module' => 'block', 'delta' => '4', 'theme' => 'syclo', 'status' => '1', 'weight' => '-28', 'region' => 'content_bottom', 'custom' => '0', 'throttle' => '0', 'visibility' => '1', 'pages' => 'chris_test_block_page', 'title' => 'chris test block ', 'cache' => '-1', ); $block->box = (object) array ( 'body' => ' extract node ". $my_node. " field_file ,registration, learning_ for node coming in on the URL "; //print " registration =".$node[\'registration\']; //print " is learning center".$node[\'is_learning\']; foreach ($node as $key=>$value) { # //echo "
1st for each The actual key is $key."; if (is_array($value) && $key == "field_file") { //print "
array 1 =".print_r($value); $my_array = $value[0]; $filename = $my_array[\'filename\']; $filepath = $my_array[\'filepath\']; print "

*** filepath =".$filepath.",filename = ". $filename."

"; } if (is_array($value) && $key == "field_learning_center") { //print "
array 1 =".print_r($value); $my_array = $value[0]; $learning_center = $my_array[\'value\']; print "

*** learning_center =".$learning_center."

"; } if (is_array($value) && $key == "field_registration") { //print "
array 1 =".print_r($value); $my_array = $value[0]; $learning_center = $my_array[\'value\']; print "

*** registration =".$learning_center."

"; } } print "

print the teaser & node via API

"; print($node->teaser); print ""; print_r($node); ?>', 'info' => 'chris test block', 'format' => '3', ); $block_map[160] = install_create_block($block); $block = (object) array ( 'module' => 'block', 'delta' => '4', 'theme' => 'garland', 'status' => '0', 'weight' => '0', 'region' => '', 'custom' => '0', 'throttle' => '0', 'visibility' => '1', 'pages' => 'chris_test_block_page', 'title' => 'chris test block ', 'cache' => '-1', ); $block->box = (object) array ( 'body' => ' extract node ". $my_node. " field_file ,registration, learning_ for node coming in on the URL "; //print " registration =".$node[\'registration\']; //print " is learning center".$node[\'is_learning\']; foreach ($node as $key=>$value) { # //echo "
1st for each The actual key is $key."; if (is_array($value) && $key == "field_file") { //print "
array 1 =".print_r($value); $my_array = $value[0]; $filename = $my_array[\'filename\']; $filepath = $my_array[\'filepath\']; print "

*** filepath =".$filepath.",filename = ". $filename."

"; } if (is_array($value) && $key == "field_learning_center") { //print "
array 1 =".print_r($value); $my_array = $value[0]; $learning_center = $my_array[\'value\']; print "

*** learning_center =".$learning_center."

"; } if (is_array($value) && $key == "field_registration") { //print "
array 1 =".print_r($value); $my_array = $value[0]; $learning_center = $my_array[\'value\']; print "

*** registration =".$learning_center."

"; } } print "

print the teaser & node via API

"; print($node->teaser); print ""; print_r($node); ?>', 'info' => 'chris test block', 'format' => '3', ); $block_map[161] = install_create_block($block); $block = (object) array ( 'module' => 'views', 'delta' => 'careers_list_block-block_1', 'theme' => 'syclo', 'status' => '1', 'weight' => '-29', 'region' => 'content_bottom', 'custom' => '0', 'throttle' => '0', 'visibility' => '1', 'pages' => 'about_syclo/careers', 'title' => '', 'cache' => '-1', ); $block_map[162] = install_create_block($block); $block = (object) array ( 'module' => 'views', 'delta' => 'nodequeue_5-block', 'theme' => 'syclo', 'status' => '0', 'weight' => '-4', 'region' => '', 'custom' => '0', 'throttle' => '0', 'visibility' => '0', 'pages' => '', 'title' => '', 'cache' => '-1', ); $block_map[163] = install_create_block($block); $block = (object) array ( 'module' => 'views', 'delta' => 'hans_test_view-block_1', 'theme' => 'syclo', 'status' => '0', 'weight' => '-3', 'region' => '', 'custom' => '0', 'throttle' => '0', 'visibility' => '0', 'pages' => '', 'title' => '', 'cache' => '-1', ); 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