$Id$ ====================================================================== This file contains specific instructions for upgrading your site's version of project.module to a new release. You should always check this file when you download a new version to see if there are any specific things you need to know about a certain upgrade. ====================================================================== -------------------------------------------------- Upgrading to 4.7.x-2.* (from the 4.7.x-1.* series) -------------------------------------------------- During the 4.7.x development of the project modules, a fundamental change was made to the code, which resulted in the split between the 4.7.x-1.* and 4.7.x-2.* versions. Previously, project releases were represented via a special table in the database, and all of their behavior was hard-coded into the project.module. Starting with the 4.7.x-2.* series, project releases are now represented by release nodes (see http://drupal.org/node/94000 for more information). To see if your site is effected, you should run the following query: "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM project_releases;" (This assumes your site is not using any table prefixing, alter the table name with your site's table prefix if needed). If your {project_releases} table is empty, your 4.7.x-1.* or earlier site does not use releases and upgrading to the 4.7.x-2.* series is quite easy. In this case, the normal upgrade procedure should be followed, see http://drupal.org/upgrade for details instructions. Basically: 1) Backup your site and database. 2) Install the latest 4.7.x-2.* release of project and project_issue. 3) Run update.php. (Please note that the 4.7.x-2.* versions of project and project_issue must be upgraded at the same time. For example, you cannot run project version 4.7.x-2.* with project_issue version 4.7.x-1.*). However, if your {project_releases} table has records, you are using the old releases system, and upgrading your site will be a somewhat difficult process. In that case, you should view the following handbook page on drupal.org *BEFORE* you start upgrading: http://drupal.org/node/163616