File: /var/www/d8/core/modules/file/src/Element/ManagedFile.php Line 316. Possible array element creation during by-reference assignment: // Let #id point to the file element, so the field label's 'for' corresponds // with it. $element['#id'] =& $element['upload']['#id']; File: /var/www/d8/core/modules/comment/src/Plugin/views/filter/StatisticsLastUpdated.php Line 29. Indirect variable, property or method access: $this->{$info[$this->operator]['method']}($field); File: /var/www/d8/core/modules/comment/src/Plugin/views/row/Rss.php Line 127. Possible object property creation during by-reference assignment: // Provide a reference so that the render call in // template_preprocess_views_view_row_rss() can still access it. $item->elements =& $comment->rss_elements; File: /var/www/d8/core/modules/system/tests/modules/image_test/src/Plugin/ImageToolkit/TestToolkit.php Line 99. Function argument(s) returned by "func_get_args" might have been modified: func_get_args(); Line 140. Function argument(s) returned by "func_get_args" might have been modified: func_get_args(); Line 155. Function argument(s) returned by "func_get_args" might have been modified: func_get_args(); Line 266. Function argument(s) returned by "func_get_args" might have been modified: func_get_args(); File: /var/www/d8/core/modules/system/src/Tests/Entity/EntityQueryTest.php Line 521. Function argument(s) returned by "func_get_args" might have been modified: func_get_args(); File: /var/www/d8/core/modules/system/system.api.php Line 25. Nested by-reference foreach loop, make sure there is no iteration over the same array: foreach ($theme_groups[$state] as &$theme) { } File: /var/www/d8/core/modules/views/views.api.php Line 831. Nested by-reference foreach loop, make sure there is no iteration over the same array: foreach ($condition_group['conditions'] as &$condition) { } File: /var/www/d8/core/modules/views/src/Element/View.php Line 79. Possible array element creation during by-reference assignment: $element['#title'] =& $element['view_build']['#title']; File: /var/www/d8/core/modules/views/src/Plugin/views/field/Field.php Line 819. Indirect variable, property or method access: $this->createEntityForGroupBy($this->getEntity($values), $values)->{$this->definition['field_name']}; Line 980. Indirect variable, property or method access: $this->getEntity($values)->{$this->definition['field_name']}; File: /var/www/d8/core/modules/views/src/Plugin/views/style/Mapping.php Line 106. Indirect variable, property or method access: $this::$mapping[$key]['#filter']($field_options); File: /var/www/d8/core/modules/views/src/Plugin/views/filter/StringFilter.php Line 257. Indirect variable, property or method access: $this->{$info[$this->operator]['method']}($field); File: /var/www/d8/core/modules/views/src/Plugin/views/filter/NumericFilter.php Line 248. Indirect variable, property or method access: $this->{$info[$this->operator]['method']}($field); File: /var/www/d8/core/modules/views/src/Plugin/views/filter/Combine.php Line 93. Indirect variable, property or method access: $this->{$info[$this->operator]['method']}($expression); File: /var/www/d8/core/modules/views/src/Plugin/views/filter/GroupByNumeric.php Line 25. Indirect variable, property or method access: $this->{$info[$this->operator]['method']}($field); File: /var/www/d8/core/modules/views/src/Plugin/views/argument/ArgumentPluginBase.php Line 231. Indirect variable, property or method access: $this->{$info['form method']}($form, $form_state); File: /var/www/d8/core/modules/views/src/Plugin/views/HandlerBase.php Line 163. Possible object property creation during by-reference assignment: $this->query =& $view->query; File: /var/www/d8/core/modules/views/src/Plugin/views/query/Sql.php Line 1139. Indirect variable, property or method access: $this::$info[$field['function']]['method']($field['function'], $string); File: /var/www/d8/core/modules/views/src/Tests/Handler/FieldUnitTest.php Line 348. Indirect variable, property or method access: // Test a valid string. $view->result[0]->{$column_map_reversed['name']}; Line 355. Indirect variable, property or method access: // Test an empty string. $view->result[0]->{$column_map_reversed['name']}; Line 362. Indirect variable, property or method access: // Test zero as an integer. $view->result[0]->{$column_map_reversed['name']}; Line 369. Indirect variable, property or method access: // Test zero as a string. $view->result[0]->{$column_map_reversed['name']}; Line 381. Indirect variable, property or method access: // Test a valid string. $view->result[0]->{$column_map_reversed['name']}; Line 388. Indirect variable, property or method access: // Test an empty string. $view->result[0]->{$column_map_reversed['name']}; Line 395. Indirect variable, property or method access: // Test zero as an integer. $view->result[0]->{$column_map_reversed['name']}; Line 402. Indirect variable, property or method access: // Test zero as a string. $view->result[0]->{$column_map_reversed['name']}; Line 414. Indirect variable, property or method access: // Test zero as an integer. $view->result[0]->{$column_map_reversed['name']}; Line 421. Indirect variable, property or method access: // Test zero as a string. $view->result[0]->{$column_map_reversed['name']}; Line 436. Indirect variable, property or method access: // Test a valid string. $view->result[0]->{$column_map_reversed['name']}; Line 443. Indirect variable, property or method access: // Test an empty string. $view->result[0]->{$column_map_reversed['name']}; Line 450. Indirect variable, property or method access: // Test zero as an integer. $view->result[0]->{$column_map_reversed['name']}; Line 457. Indirect variable, property or method access: // Test zero as a string. $view->result[0]->{$column_map_reversed['name']}; Line 471. Indirect variable, property or method access: // Test a valid string. $view->result[0]->{$column_map_reversed['name']}; Line 478. Indirect variable, property or method access: // Test an empty string. $view->result[0]->{$column_map_reversed['name']}; Line 485. Indirect variable, property or method access: // Test zero as an integer. $view->result[0]->{$column_map_reversed['name']}; Line 492. Indirect variable, property or method access: // Test zero as a string. $view->result[0]->{$column_map_reversed['name']}; Line 507. Indirect variable, property or method access: // Test a valid string. $view->result[0]->{$column_map_reversed['name']}; Line 514. Indirect variable, property or method access: // Test an empty string. $view->result[0]->{$column_map_reversed['name']}; Line 521. Indirect variable, property or method access: // Test zero as an integer. $view->result[0]->{$column_map_reversed['name']}; Line 528. Indirect variable, property or method access: // Test zero as a string. $view->result[0]->{$column_map_reversed['name']}; Line 543. Indirect variable, property or method access: // Test a valid string. $view->result[0]->{$column_map_reversed['name']}; Line 550. Indirect variable, property or method access: // Test an empty string. $view->result[0]->{$column_map_reversed['name']}; Line 557. Indirect variable, property or method access: // Test zero as an integer. $view->result[0]->{$column_map_reversed['name']}; Line 564. Indirect variable, property or method access: // Test zero as a string. $view->result[0]->{$column_map_reversed['name']}; Line 579. Indirect variable, property or method access: // Test a valid string. $view->result[0]->{$column_map_reversed['name']}; Line 586. Indirect variable, property or method access: // Test an empty string. $view->result[0]->{$column_map_reversed['name']}; Line 593. Indirect variable, property or method access: // Test zero as an integer. $view->result[0]->{$column_map_reversed['name']}; Line 600. Indirect variable, property or method access: // Test zero as a string. $view->result[0]->{$column_map_reversed['name']}; Line 622. Indirect variable, property or method access: $view->result[0]->{$column_map_reversed['name']}; Line 628. Indirect variable, property or method access: $view->result[0]->{$column_map_reversed['name']}; Line 634. Indirect variable, property or method access: $view->result[0]->{$column_map_reversed['name']}; Line 641. Indirect variable, property or method access: $view->result[0]->{$column_map_reversed['name']}; File: /var/www/d8/core/modules/views_ui/src/Tests/CustomBooleanTest.php Line 106. Indirect variable, property or method access: $this->{$values['test']}(strpos($output, $values['true']), format_string('Expected custom boolean TRUE value in output for %type.', $replacements)); Line 107. Indirect variable, property or method access: $this->{$values['test']}(strpos($output, $values['false']), format_string('Expected custom boolean FALSE value in output for %type', $replacements)); File: /var/www/d8/core/modules/node/src/Plugin/views/row/Rss.php Line 166. Possible object property creation during by-reference assignment: // Provide a reference so that the render call in // template_preprocess_views_view_row_rss() can still access it. $item->elements =& $node->rss_elements; File: /var/www/d8/core/modules/taxonomy/src/TermStorage.php Line 202. Function argument(s) returned by "func_get_args" might have been modified: func_get_args();