diff --git a/googleanalytics.admin.inc b/googleanalytics.admin.inc index ec30d77..d13b31b 100644 --- a/googleanalytics.admin.inc +++ b/googleanalytics.admin.inc @@ -589,7 +589,7 @@ function googleanalytics_token_element_validate(&$element, &$form_state) { $tokens = token_scan($value); $invalid_tokens = _googleanalytics_get_forbidden_tokens($tokens); if ($invalid_tokens) { - form_error($element, t('The %element-title is using the following forbidden tokens with personal identifying information: @invalid-tokens.', array('%element-title' => $element['#title'], '@invalid-tokens' => implode(', ', $invalid_tokens)))); + drupal_set_message(t('The %element-title is using the following tokens that might contain personal identifying information: @invalid-tokens. Please verify you are not in violation of Google terms of service.', array('%element-title' => $element['#title'], '@invalid-tokens' => implode(', ', $invalid_tokens))), 'warning'); } return $element;