Clean install of Drupal 6.14 Modules --------- Admin Menu 6.x.1.5 Devel 6.x.1.17 Views 6.x.2.x-dev Domain Access 6.x.2.0-rc9 Organic Groups 6.x.2.0 Actions -------- - Using Devel Generate -- Create 10 users -- Create 50 nodes - Promote all nodes to front page. - Test /node for admin and anon users. - Query success - Create View (attached) -- Display 10 most recent posts, by title, with teaser. -- Create page display at path 'front'. No problems. - Attaching two comments to a node, and adding the comment title to the view, and I see duplicates. - Enabling Domain Access, which creates two grants for each node, creates duplicates. Using the patch in, the duplicates can be eliminated.