message1: '#type': message '#message_message': | Inscription for the 4rd Module is mandatory for every participant.

Please fill out and send one form for each participant. '#message_close_effect': hide anmeldeschluss: '#type': message '#message_type': info '#message_message': |

deadline of inscription : Fr. 30.06.2017 / there are some place available.

'#message_close_effect': hide toggle_advanced: '#type': toggle '#title': 'I will participate at the next training' '#title_display': before '#description_display': before '#required': true '#admin_title': Anmeldung '#toggle_theme': iphone '#toggle_size': large '#on_text': 'YES' '#off_text': 'NO' contact_information: '#type': details '#title': 'Your particulars' '#open': true gender: '#type': radios '#title': Anrede '#title_display': before '#wrapper_attributes': class: - 'container-inline clearfix' '#options': titles '#options_display': side_by_side '#required': true titel_beruf: '#type': entity_select '#title': Title '#empty_option': '- choose your title -' '#format': label '#admin_title': 'Titel Berufsbezeichnung' '#target_type': taxonomy_term '#selection_handler': 'default:taxonomy_term' '#selection_settings': target_bundles: titel: titel name_vorname: '#type': textfield '#title': 'First- & Lastname' '#default_value': '[current-user:name]' '#required': true '#admin_title': 'Vorname und Name' emailadresse_email: '#type': email '#title': Email '#description': |

Please leave your emailaddress that we can communicate with you announcing changes of the program.

'#default_value': '[current-user:mail]' '#description_display': after '#required': true '#format_items': comma '#access_create_roles': - authenticated - anonymous '#access_update_roles': - authenticated - anonymous '#access_view_roles': { } adressangaben_: '#type': details '#title': 'address information' '#open': true adresse_address: '#type': address '#title': address '#default_value': address: '[current-user:field_strasse_nr]' city: '[current-user:field_ort]' postal_code: '[current-user:field_plz]' country: 'Schweiz / Switzerland' '#access_create_roles': - authenticated - anonymous '#access_update_roles': - authenticated - anonymous '#access_view_roles': - authenticated - anonymous '#address__title': Street '#address__required': true '#address_2__access': false '#city__title': 'City / Town' '#city__required': true '#state_province__access': false '#postal_code__title': 'Zip / Postal Code' '#postal_code__required': true '#country__title': Country '#country__required': true supervision: '#type': details '#title': 'I participate at Supervision on 20.08.2017' '#open': true '#admin_title': 'Teilnahme an der Supervision' supervision_more: '#type': radios '#title': Supervision '#options': yes_no '#options_display': side_by_side '#icheck': square-blue '#admin_title': Supervision '#required': true supervision_more_details: '#type': details '#title': 'in what kind of role' '#title_display': before '#open': true '#states': visible: ':input[name="supervision_more"]': value: 'Yes' radios_other_basic: '#type': radios '#title': 'choose your option' '#description': |

active - presenting videos / passive - spectator

the costs will be shared in a ration 2/3 actif - 1/3 passiv among all the participants.

'#description_display': after '#icheck': square-blue '#options': aktiv: aktive passiv: passive '#options_display': side_by_side '#states': required: ':input[name="supervision_more"]': filled: true '#access_create_roles': - authenticated - anonymous '#access_update_roles': - authenticated - anonymous '#access_view_roles': - authenticated - anonymous '#admin_title': 'aktiv / passiv' teilnahme_dinner: '#type': details '#title': 'I will participate at Dinner' '#description': '

dinner will be on your own expenses

' '#open': true '#access_create_roles': - authenticated - anonymous '#access_update_roles': - authenticated - anonymous '#access_view_roles': - authenticated - anonymous checkbox_more_dinner: '#type': checkbox '#title': '- YES' '#title_display': invisible '#field_suffix': '- YES' '#icheck': square-blue '#access_create_roles': - authenticated - anonymous '#access_update_roles': - authenticated - anonymous '#access_view_roles': - authenticated - anonymous '#admin_title': Nachtessen mein_menuwunsch: '#type': details '#title': 'menu selection' '#open': true '#states': visible: ':input[name="checkbox_more_dinner"]': checked: true menuwahl: '#type': radios_other '#title': 'Menu choice' '#title_display': invisible '#icheck': square-blue '#options': menuauswahl '#other__option_label': 'special dish' '#other__placeholder': 'your choice' '#other__description': 'i.e. gluten- lactose free' '#states': required: ':input[name="checkbox_more_dinner"]': filled: true '#access_create_roles': - authenticated - anonymous '#access_update_roles': - authenticated - anonymous '#access_view_roles': - authenticated - anonymous '#admin_title': Menuwahl personal_information: '#type': details '#title': 'personal information' '#open': true muttersprache: '#type': entity_select '#title': 'mother tongue' '#default_value': 'English / English / Anglais' '#empty_option': 'choose your' '#select2': true '#required': true '#format': label '#admin_title': Muttersprache '#target_type': taxonomy_term '#selection_handler': 'default:taxonomy_term' '#selection_settings': target_bundles: sprachen: sprachen spokenlanguages: '#type': checkboxes '#title': 'I understand' '#options': E: 'English / English' D: 'Deutsch / German' F: 'Französisch / French' I: 'Italienisch / Italian' '#options_display': side_by_side '#admin_title': 'Verstandene Sprachen' '#format_items': ol notes: '#type': textarea '#title': 'Your comment' '#description': |

This form will be sent to the organizing committee :
Lothar Matter, XxXXxxxxxxX

get more information by phone : XxXXxxxxxxXxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

'#description_display': after additional_information: '#type': details '#title': 'additional information on costs and payment' '#open': true '#access_create_roles': - authenticated - anonymous '#access_update_roles': - authenticated - anonymous '#access_view_roles': - authenticated - anonymous processed_text: '#type': processed_text '#display_on': both '#text': | costs normal : CHF 600.- (€ 570.-) reduced : CHF 550.- (€ 520.-) for those who applied for the 6 modules together for medical & psychology students CHF 400.- / € 350.- total cost supervision : CHF 4500.- the costs will be shared in a ration 2/3 activ - 1/3 passiv among all the participants. to be payed in favor of : 'purpose of payment': 'XxXXxxxxxxXxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' '#format': restricted_html geschaftsbedingungen: '#type': toggle '#title': 'I accept the terms of service' '#title_display': before '#toggle_theme': iphone '#on_text': 'YES' '#off_text': 'NO' '#required': true actions: '#type': webform_actions '#title': 'Submit button''s'