Drupal 7.23, 2013-08-07 ----------------------- - Fixed the default ordering of CSS files for sites using right-to-left languages, to consistently place the right-to-left override file immediately after the CSS it is overriding (API change: https://drupal.org/node/2058463). - Fixed drupal_render() to always return an empty string when there is no output, rather than sometimes returning NULL (minor API change). - Changed the password reset form to pre-fill the username when requested via a URL query parameter, and used this in the error message that appears after a failed login attempt (minor data structure and behavior change). - Added human-readable labels to image styles, in addition to the existing machine-readable name (API change: https://drupal.org/node/2058503). Drupal 7.22, 2013-04-03 ----------------------- - Fixed a bug which prevented empty HTTP headers (such as "0") from being set. (Minor behavior change: Callers of drupal_add_http_header() must now set FALSE explicitly to prevent a header from being sent at all; this was already indicated in the function's documentation.) - Fixed entity argument not being passed to implementations of hook_file_download_access_alter(). The fix adds an additional context parameter that can be passed when calling drupal_alter() for any hook (API change: http://drupal.org/node/1882722). - Fixed broken support for translatable comment fields (API change: http://drupal.org/node/1874724). - Added a link to "Install another module" after a module has been successfully downloaded via the Update Manager (UI change). - Added a link to the URL for running cron from outside the site to the Cron settings page (UI change). Drupal 7.17, 2012-11-07 ----------------------- - Prevented duplicate HTML IDs from appearing when two forms are displayed on the same page and one of them is submitted with invalid data (minor markup change). - Allowed aggregator feed items to have URLs longer than 255 characters (schema change which results in several columns in the Aggregator module's database tables changing from VARCHAR to TEXT fields). - Added hook_taxonomy_term_view() and standardized the process for rendering taxonomy terms to invoke hook_entity_view() and otherwise make it consistent with other entities (API change: http://drupal.org/node/1808870). - Changed the hook_menu() entry for Drupal's rss.xml page to prevent extra path components from being accidentally passed to the page callback function (data structure change). - Fixed the theme settings form to properly clean up submitted values in $form_state['values'] when the form is submitted (data structure change). - Fixed double occurrence of a "ul" HTML tag on secondary local tasks in the Seven theme (markup change). - Fixed bugs which caused taxonomy vocabulary and shortcut set titles to be double-escaped. The fix replaces the taxonomy vocabulary overview page and "Edit shortcuts" menu items' title callback entries in hook_menu() with new functions that do not escape HTML characters (data structure change). - Modified the node listing database query on Drupal's default front page to add table aliases for better query altering (this is a data structure change affecting code which implements hook_query_alter() on this query). Drupal 7.15, 2012-08-01 ----------------------- - Changed the System module's hook_block_info() implementation to assign the "Main page content" and "System help" blocks to appropriate regions by default and prevent error messages on the block administration page (data structure change). - Renamed the "Field" column on the Manage Fields screen to "Field type", since the former was confusing and inaccurate (UI change). - Introduced generic entity language support. Entities may now declare their language property in hook_entity_info(), and modules working with entities may access the language using entity_language() (API change: http://drupal.org/node/1626346). - Fixed issue where field form structure was incomplete if field_access() returned FALSE. Instead of being incomplete, the form structure now has #access set to FALSE and field form validation is skipped (data structure change: http://drupal.org/node/1663020). Drupal 7.14 2012-05-02 ---------------------- - Improve UX for machine names for fields (UI change). - Fixed user picture not appearing in comment preview (Markup change). Drupal 7.12, 2012-02-01 ---------------------- - Fixed bug with DrupalCacheArray property visibility preventing others from extending it (API change: http://drupal.org/node/1422264). - Fixed bug with handling of non-ASCII characters in file names (API change: http://drupal.org/node/1424840).