{ "patch": { "updated": "1346914624", "url": "https:\/\/www.drupal.org\/files\/color_field-1740438-3.patch" } } CSpell: passed(B ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Running PHPStan on changed files. ------ --------------------------------------------------------------------- Line modules/field/modules/color_field/color_field.module ------ --------------------------------------------------------------------- 16 Function url not found. 💡 Learn more at https://phpstan.org/user-guide/discovering-symbols ------ --------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Line modules/field/modules/color_field/lib/Drupal/color_field/Tests/ColorF ieldTest.php ------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 Class Drupal\color_field\Tests\ColorFieldTest extends unknown class Drupal\simpletest\WebTestBase. 💡 Learn more at https://phpstan.org/user-guide/discovering-symbols 33 Drupal\color_field\Tests\ColorFieldTest::setUp() calls parent::setUp() but Drupal\color_field\Tests\ColorFieldTest does not extend any class. 35 Access to an undefined property Drupal\color_field\Tests\ColorFieldTest::$web_user. 35 Call to an undefined method Drupal\color_field\Tests\ColorFieldTest::drupalCreateUser(). 40 Call to an undefined method Drupal\color_field\Tests\ColorFieldTest::drupalLogin(). 48 Access to an undefined property Drupal\color_field\Tests\ColorFieldTest::$field. 49 Call to an undefined method Drupal\color_field\Tests\ColorFieldTest::randomName(). 49 Function drupal_strtolower not found. 💡 Learn more at https://phpstan.org/user-guide/discovering-symbols 52 Function field_create_field not found. 💡 Learn more at https://phpstan.org/user-guide/discovering-symbols 53 Access to an undefined property Drupal\color_field\Tests\ColorFieldTest::$instance. 66 Function field_create_instance not found. 💡 Learn more at https://phpstan.org/user-guide/discovering-symbols 69 Call to an undefined method Drupal\color_field\Tests\ColorFieldTest::drupalGet(). 70 Constant LANGUAGE_NOT_SPECIFIED not found. 💡 Learn more at https://phpstan.org/user-guide/discovering-symbols 71 Call to an undefined method Drupal\color_field\Tests\ColorFieldTest::assertFieldByName(). 78 Call to an undefined method Drupal\color_field\Tests\ColorFieldTest::drupalPost(). 79 Access to an undefined property Drupal\color_field\Tests\ColorFieldTest::$url. 81 Call to an undefined method Drupal\color_field\Tests\ColorFieldTest::assertRaw(). 82 Call to an undefined method Drupal\color_field\Tests\ColorFieldTest::assertRaw(). 85 Function field_test_entity_test_load not found. 💡 Learn more at https://phpstan.org/user-guide/discovering-symbols 86 Function field_attach_view not found. 💡 Learn more at https://phpstan.org/user-guide/discovering-symbols 87 Call to an undefined method Drupal\color_field\Tests\ColorFieldTest::drupalSetContent(). 87 Function drupal_render not found. 💡 Learn more at https://phpstan.org/user-guide/discovering-symbols 88 Call to an undefined method Drupal\color_field\Tests\ColorFieldTest::assertText(). ------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [ERROR] Found 24 errors PHPStan: failed(B ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Checking core/modules/field/modules/color_field/color_field.info core/modules/field/modules/color_field/color_field.info passed(B ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Checking core/modules/field/modules/color_field/color_field.install FILE: ...pal10/core/modules/field/modules/color_field/color_field.install ---------------------------------------------------------------------- FOUND 3 ERRORS AFFECTING 3 LINES ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 | ERROR | [x] Short array syntax must be used to define arrays 13 | ERROR | [x] Short array syntax must be used to define arrays 19 | ERROR | [x] Short array syntax must be used to define arrays ---------------------------------------------------------------------- PHPCBF CAN FIX THE 3 MARKED SNIFF VIOLATIONS AUTOMATICALLY ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Time: 51ms; Memory: 8MB ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Checking core/modules/field/modules/color_field/color_field.module FILE: ...upal10/core/modules/field/modules/color_field/color_field.module ---------------------------------------------------------------------- FOUND 7 ERRORS AFFECTING 7 LINES ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 16 | ERROR | [x] Short array syntax must be used to define arrays 25 | ERROR | [x] Short array syntax must be used to define arrays 26 | ERROR | [x] Short array syntax must be used to define arrays 46 | ERROR | [x] Short array syntax must be used to define arrays 47 | ERROR | [x] Short array syntax must be used to define arrays 49 | ERROR | [x] Short array syntax must be used to define arrays 58 | ERROR | [x] Short array syntax must be used to define arrays ---------------------------------------------------------------------- PHPCBF CAN FIX THE 7 MARKED SNIFF VIOLATIONS AUTOMATICALLY ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Time: 57ms; Memory: 10MB ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Checking core/modules/field/modules/color_field/lib/Drupal/color_field/Tests/ColorFieldTest.php FILE: ...ules/color_field/lib/Drupal/color_field/Tests/ColorFieldTest.php ---------------------------------------------------------------------- FOUND 15 ERRORS AFFECTING 15 LINES ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 | ERROR | [x] Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should | | not begin with a file doc comment 22 | ERROR | [x] Short array syntax must be used to define arrays 25 | ERROR | [x] Short array syntax must be used to define arrays 32 | ERROR | [x] Visibility must be declared on method "setUp" 35 | ERROR | [x] Short array syntax must be used to define arrays 46 | ERROR | [x] Visibility must be declared on method | | "testColorField" 48 | ERROR | [x] Short array syntax must be used to define arrays 53 | ERROR | [x] Short array syntax must be used to define arrays 57 | ERROR | [x] Short array syntax must be used to define arrays 60 | ERROR | [x] Short array syntax must be used to define arrays 61 | ERROR | [x] Short array syntax must be used to define arrays 75 | ERROR | [x] Short array syntax must be used to define arrays 81 | ERROR | [x] Short array syntax must be used to define arrays 89 | ERROR | [x] Expected 1 blank line after function; 0 found 90 | ERROR | [x] The closing brace for the class must have an empty | | line before it ---------------------------------------------------------------------- PHPCBF CAN FIX THE 15 MARKED SNIFF VIOLATIONS AUTOMATICALLY ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Time: 58ms; Memory: 10MB ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Checking core/scripts/dev/commit-code-check.sh core/scripts/dev/commit-code-check.sh passed(B ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------