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'lint concat min'); + +}; diff --git a/core/modules/layout/js/collections/collections.js b/core/modules/layout/js/collections/collections.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9020725 --- /dev/null +++ b/core/modules/layout/js/collections/collections.js @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +/** + * @file + */ +(function ($, _, Backbone, Drupal, drupalSettings) { + "use strict"; + + Drupal.layout = Drupal.layout || {}; + + Drupal.layout.RegionsCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({ + model: Drupal.layout.RegionModel + }); + + Drupal.layout.BlocksCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({ + model: Drupal.layout.BlockModel + }); + + Drupal.layout.BlockInstancesCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({ + model: Drupal.layout.BlockInstanceModel, + comparator: function(model) { + return model.get('weight'); + } + }); + +})(jQuery, _, Backbone, Drupal, drupalSettings); diff --git a/core/modules/layout/js/models/app-model.js b/core/modules/layout/js/models/app-model.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8830e6c --- /dev/null +++ b/core/modules/layout/js/models/app-model.js @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +/** + * @file + */ +(function ($, _, Backbone, Drupal) { + "use strict"; + + Drupal.layout = Drupal.layout || {}; + Drupal.layout.AppModel = Backbone.Model.extend({ + url: function() { + return drupalSettings.layout.webserviceURL + '/layout'; + }, + defaults: { + 'id': null, + 'template': null, + 'regions': null, + 'config': null + } + }); + +})(jQuery, _, Backbone, Drupal); diff --git a/core/modules/layout/js/models/block-model.js b/core/modules/layout/js/models/block-model.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..167b030 --- /dev/null +++ b/core/modules/layout/js/models/block-model.js @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +/** + * @file + */ +(function ($, _, Backbone, Drupal, drupalSettings) { + "use strict"; + + Drupal.layout = Drupal.layout || {}; + + Drupal.layout.BlockModel = Backbone.Model.extend({ + defaults: { + /* CMI name */ + 'id': null, + 'label': '', + 'description': '', + 'config': {} + }, + createBlockInstance: function() { + return new Drupal.layout.BlockInstanceModel({ + // in real life this would need to come from somewhere else .. + // maybe time for UUID.js + 'id': this.get('id'), + 'label': this.get('id'), + 'blockId': this.get('id'), + 'config': this.get('config') + }); + } + }); + + +})(jQuery, _, Backbone, Drupal, drupalSettings); diff --git a/core/modules/layout/js/models/blockinstance-model.js b/core/modules/layout/js/models/blockinstance-model.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..26d3587 --- /dev/null +++ b/core/modules/layout/js/models/blockinstance-model.js @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +/** + * @file + */ +(function ($, _, Backbone, Drupal, drupalSettings) { + "use strict"; + + Drupal.layout = Drupal.layout || {}; + + Drupal.layout.BlockInstanceModel = Backbone.Model.extend({ + url: function() { + return drupalSettings.layout.webserviceURL + '/block'; + }, + defaults: { + 'id': null, + 'weight': null, + 'blockId': null, + 'region': '', + 'config': {} + } + }); + + + +})(jQuery, _, Backbone, Drupal, drupalSettings); diff --git a/core/modules/layout/js/models/region-model.js b/core/modules/layout/js/models/region-model.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6e0b22d --- /dev/null +++ b/core/modules/layout/js/models/region-model.js @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +/** + * @file + */ +(function ($, _, Backbone, Drupal) { + "use strict"; + + Drupal.layout = Drupal.layout || {}; + + Drupal.layout.RegionModel = Backbone.Model.extend({ + url: function() { + return drupalSettings.layout.webserviceURL + '/region/' + this.get('id'); + }, + defaults: { + 'id': null, + 'blockInstances': null, + 'config': null + } + }); + + +})(jQuery, _, Backbone, Drupal); diff --git a/core/modules/layout/js/theme.js b/core/modules/layout/js/theme.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f4af36c --- /dev/null +++ b/core/modules/layout/js/theme.js @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +/** + * @file + */ +(function ($) { + /** + * Theme function for a region. + * @param id + * @param label + * @return {String} + */ + Drupal.theme.layoutRegion = function (id, label) { + var html = + '
' + + '
' + + '
' + + '
' + + '
' + + '
' + + '
' + + '
' + label + '
' + + '
' + + '
' + + '
' + '
' + + '
' + + '
'; + return html; + } + + /** + * Theme function to get the html for a block instance. + * Poor man's _.template ... + * @return + * The corresponding HTML. + */ + Drupal.theme.layoutBlock = function (id, label, attributes) { + return '
' + + '
' + + '
' + + 'M' + + '' + id + ' block' + + '
' + + '
' + + '
' + + '
'; + }; + +})(jQuery); diff --git a/core/modules/layout/js/views/app-view.js b/core/modules/layout/js/views/app-view.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8fcaca9 --- /dev/null +++ b/core/modules/layout/js/views/app-view.js @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +(function ($, _, Backbone, Drupal) { + + "use strict"; + // sad panda. + Backbone.emulateJSON = true; + Backbone.emulateHTTP = true; + + Drupal.layout = Drupal.layout || {}; + Drupal.layout.AppView = Backbone.View.extend({ + events: { + 'change': 'onChange' + }, + initialize: function(options) { + this.regionsView = new Drupal.layout.RegionsView({ + collection: this.model.get('regions'), + el: this.$el.find('.layout-display') + }); + this.model.get('regions').on('change', function() { + console.log('Change!'); + }); + this.settings = options.settings; + }, + render: function() { + // @todo: let's do this in a better way. + if (this.settings.locked) { + return false; + } + this.regionsView.render(); + this.$el.sortable({ + items: '.block', + connectWith: '.connected-sortable', + cursor: 'move', + stop: function(event, ui) { + ui.item.trigger('drop', ui.item.index()); + } + }); + return this; + }, + remove: function() { + this.$el.sortable('destroy'); + this.regionsView.remove(); + this.$el.remove(); + }, + onChange: function() { + + } + }); + +})(jQuery, _, Backbone, Drupal); diff --git a/core/modules/layout/js/views/blockinstance-view.js b/core/modules/layout/js/views/blockinstance-view.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a407c3e --- /dev/null +++ b/core/modules/layout/js/views/blockinstance-view.js @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +(function ($, _, Backbone, Drupal) { + + "use strict"; + + Drupal.layout = Drupal.layout || {}; + + Drupal.layout.BlockInstanceView = Backbone.View.extend({ + events:{ + 'click':'onClick', + 'drop':'onDrop' + }, + onDrop:function (event, index) { + // Trigger reorder, will be handle in Drupal.layout.RegionView + this.$el.trigger('reorder', [this.model, index]); + // @todo: handle dropping onto enpty region. + event.preventDefault(); + event.stopPropagation(); + return ; + }, + onClick:function () { + this.dialogView = new Drupal.layout.BlockInstanceModalView({ + model: this.model, + title: this.model.get('label') + }); + this.dialogView.render(); + }, + render:function () { + this.setElement($(Drupal.theme('layoutBlock', this.model.get('id'), this.model.get('label'), this.model.attributes))); + return this; + } + }); + + +})(jQuery, _, Backbone, Drupal); diff --git a/core/modules/layout/js/views/blockinstancemodal-view.js b/core/modules/layout/js/views/blockinstancemodal-view.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ee3a521 --- /dev/null +++ b/core/modules/layout/js/views/blockinstancemodal-view.js @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +/** + * @file + */ +(function ($, _, Backbone, Drupal) { + + "use strict"; + + Drupal.layout = Drupal.layout || {}; + Drupal.layout.BlockInstanceModalView = Drupal.layout.ModalView.extend({ + events: { + 'click button.delete': 'removeBlockInstance' + }, + removeBlockInstance: function() { + // Remove model. + this.model.collection.remove(this.model); + // Destroy model on server. + this.model.destroy(); + // Close and remove dialog. + this.remove(); + }, + render: function() { + this.$el.html( + ' ' + + '' + ); + this.show(); + return this; + } + }); + +})(jQuery, _, Backbone, Drupal); + + diff --git a/core/modules/layout/js/views/blockselectormodal-view.js b/core/modules/layout/js/views/blockselectormodal-view.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..56d12d3 --- /dev/null +++ b/core/modules/layout/js/views/blockselectormodal-view.js @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +/** + * @file + */ +(function ($, _, Backbone, Drupal) { + + "use strict"; + + Drupal.layout = Drupal.layout || {}; + Drupal.layout.BlockSelectorModalView = Drupal.layout.ModalView.extend({ + events: { + 'select': 'selectBlock' + }, + selectBlock: function(e, block) { + // Model is RegionModel + var instance = block.createBlockInstance(); + this.model.get('blockInstances').add(instance); + // Remove & close dialog. + this.remove(); + }, + tagName: 'ul', + render: function() { + this.$el.empty(); + this._collectionView = new Drupal.layout.UpdatingCollectionView({ + collection:this.collection, + nestedViewConstructor:Drupal.layout.BlockListItemView, + nestedViewTagName:'li' + }); + this._collectionView.setElement(this.$el); + this._collectionView.render(); + this.show(); + return this; + }, + remove: function() { + if (this._collectionView) { + this._collectionView.remove(); + } + // Apparently no need to call this.dialog.close(); remove this.$el + // closes the jQueryUI Dialog, oh jqueryui magic ... + this.$el.remove(); + } + }); + + Drupal.layout.BlockListItemView = Backbone.View.extend({ + events: { + 'click a': 'selectBlock' + }, + selectBlock: function(e) { + // Pass this click & model to the parent view. + this.$el.trigger('select', [this.model]); + e.preventDefault(); + e.stopPropagation(); + return ; + }, + render: function() { + this.$el.html('Add Block ' + this.model.get('label') + ''); + return this; + } + }); + +})(jQuery, _, Backbone, Drupal); diff --git a/core/modules/layout/js/views/modal-view.js b/core/modules/layout/js/views/modal-view.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ea38807 --- /dev/null +++ b/core/modules/layout/js/views/modal-view.js @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +(function ($, _, Backbone, Drupal) { + + "use strict"; + + Drupal.layout = Drupal.layout || {}; + + Drupal.layout.ModalView = Backbone.View.extend({ + dialog: null, + callback: null, + initialize: function(options) { + this.callback = options.callback || null; + this.dialog = Drupal.dialog(this.$el, {title: this.options.title}); + }, + show: function() { + this.dialog.showModal(); + }, + close: function() { + this.dialog.close(); + }, + remove: function() { + // Apparently no need to call this.dialog.close(); remove this.$el + // closes the jQueryUI Dialog, oh jqueryui magic ... + this.$el.remove(); + } + }); + +})(jQuery, _, Backbone, Drupal); diff --git a/core/modules/layout/js/views/region-view.js b/core/modules/layout/js/views/region-view.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..705f68b --- /dev/null +++ b/core/modules/layout/js/views/region-view.js @@ -0,0 +1,97 @@ +(function ($, _, Backbone, Drupal) { + + "use strict"; + + Drupal.layout = Drupal.layout || {}; + + Drupal.layout.RegionView = Backbone.View.extend({ + events:{ + 'click .plus-icon':'onClickAdd', + 'click .gear-icon':'onClickConfigure', + 'reorder':'reorderInstances' + }, + + onClickConfigure:function (e) { + this.dialogView = new Drupal.layout.RegionModalView({ + model: this.model, + title: this.model.get('label') + }); + this.dialogView.render(); + }, + + onClickAdd:function (e) { + var collection = Drupal.layout.getBlocksCollection(); + this.modalView = new Drupal.layout.BlockSelectorModalView({ + model: this.model, + collection: collection, + title: Drupal.t('Please select a block to place in the regions %region', {'%region': this.model.get('label')}) + }); + this.modalView.render(); + e.preventDefault(); + e.stopPropagation(); + return ; + }, + // @todo: this should be on app-view.js but for now ... + saveFullLayout: function() { + // Show the "changed" notice. + $('.display-changed').removeClass('js-hide'); + Drupal.layout.appModel.save(); + }, + + initialize:function () { + var blockInstances = this.model.get('blockInstances'); + this._collectionView = new Drupal.layout.UpdatingCollectionView({ + collection:blockInstances, + nestedViewConstructor:Drupal.layout.BlockInstanceView, + nestedViewTagName:'div' + }); + + + // make sure we gather a bunch (300ms) of change events before we push the + // last to the server. @todo: make sure that the submit button is disabled + // so that we don't have crazy race condition thingies. + blockInstances.on('change', _.debounce(function() { + Drupal.layout.appModel.save(); + }, 100), this); + blockInstances.on('add', this.saveFullLayout, this); + blockInstances.on('remove', this.saveFullLayout, this); + }, + + render:function () { + this.$el.html(Drupal.theme.layoutRegion(this.model.get('id'), this.model.get('label'))); + this._collectionView.setElement(this.$el.find('.region-blocks')); + this._collectionView.render(); + return this; + }, + remove:function () { + this.$el.empty(); + this._collectionView.remove(); + }, + reorderInstances:function (event, model, position) { + var collection = this.model.get('blockInstances'); + // handle cross collection. + if (!collection.contains(model)) { + // let's remove it from the other first before adding it here. + model.collection.remove(model); + } else { + if (model.get('weight')==position) { + return ; + } + collection.remove(model); + } + collection.each(function (model, index) { + var weight = index; + if (index >= position) { + weight += 1; + } + model.set('weight', weight); + }); + model.set('weight', position); + collection.add(model, {at:position}); + collection.trigger('reorder'); + this.render(); + } + }); + + +})(jQuery, _, Backbone, Drupal); diff --git a/core/modules/layout/js/views/regionmodal-view.js b/core/modules/layout/js/views/regionmodal-view.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4eca478 --- /dev/null +++ b/core/modules/layout/js/views/regionmodal-view.js @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +/** + * @file + */ +(function ($, _, Backbone, Drupal) { + + "use strict"; + + Drupal.layout = Drupal.layout || {}; + Drupal.layout.RegionModalView = Drupal.layout.ModalView.extend({ + events: { + }, + render: function() { + this.$el.html( + '
Configure region type? Load some FAPI form here.
' + + '' + ); + this.show(); + return this; + } + }); + +})(jQuery, _, Backbone, Drupal); + diff --git a/core/modules/layout/js/views/regions-view.js b/core/modules/layout/js/views/regions-view.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..234d0c8 --- /dev/null +++ b/core/modules/layout/js/views/regions-view.js @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +(function ($, _, Backbone, Drupal) { + + "use strict"; + + Drupal.layout = Drupal.layout || {}; + + Drupal.layout.RegionsView = Backbone.View.extend({ + initialize:function () { + this._collectionView = new Drupal.layout.UpdatingCollectionView({ + collection:this.collection, + nestedViewConstructor:Drupal.layout.RegionView, + nestedViewTagName:'div' + }); + }, + + render:function () { + this.$el.empty(); + this._collectionView.setElement(this.$el); + this._collectionView.render(); + return this; + }, + + remove:function () { + this._collectionView.remove(); + this.$el.empty(); + } + }); + + +})(jQuery, _, Backbone, Drupal); diff --git a/core/modules/layout/js/views/updatingcollection-view.js b/core/modules/layout/js/views/updatingcollection-view.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c62929e --- /dev/null +++ b/core/modules/layout/js/views/updatingcollection-view.js @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +/** + * @file + */ +(function ($, _, Backbone, Drupal) { + "use strict"; + + Drupal.layout = Drupal.layout || {}; + + Drupal.layout.UpdatingCollectionView = Backbone.View.extend({ + initialize:function (options) { + if (!options.nestedViewConstructor) { + throw "no child view constructor provided"; + } + if (!options.nestedViewTagName) { + throw "no child view tag name provided"; + } + + this._nestedViewConstructor = options.nestedViewConstructor; + this._nestedViewTagName = options.nestedViewTagName; + + this._nestedViews = []; + + this.collection.each(this.addModel, this); + + this.collection.bind('add', this.addModel, this); + this.collection.bind('remove', this.removeModel, this); + }, + + _getViewByModel: function(model) { + // @todo this probably should be cached/tracked. + var vs = _(this._nestedViews).select(function (nv) { + return nv.model === model; + }); + return vs.length ? vs[0] : false; + }, + + addModel:function (model) { + var nv = new this._nestedViewConstructor({ + tagName:this._nestedViewTagName, + model:model + }); + + this._nestedViews.push(nv); + if (this._rendered) { + this.$el.append(nv.render().$el); + } + }, + + removeModel:function (model) { + var viewToRemove = this._getViewByModel(model); + this._nestedViews = _(this._nestedViews).without(viewToRemove); + if (this._rendered) { + viewToRemove.$el.remove(); + } + }, + + render:function () { + this._rendered = true; + this.$el.empty(); + // Use the collection to make sure the order of the rendered views is + // up-to-date. + this.collection.each(function(m) { + var nv = this._getViewByModel(m); + this.$el.append(nv.render().$el); + }, this); + return this; + } + }); + +})(jQuery, _, Backbone, Drupal); diff --git a/core/modules/layout/layout.admin.css b/core/modules/layout/layout.admin.css index 6e38bf4..ee33789 100644 --- a/core/modules/layout/layout.admin.css +++ b/core/modules/layout/layout.admin.css @@ -15,3 +15,328 @@ padding: 10px; text-transform: uppercase; } + +#display-blocks .form-textarea { + display: none; +} + +z#display-blocks { + background-color:#fff; + -moz-box-shadow:0px 0px 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.1); + -webkit-box-shadow:0px 0px 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.1); + box-shadow:0px 0px 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.1); +} + +#display-blocks .layout-display { + border: 1px solid #ddd; + padding: 27px; +} + +/** + * Begions. + */ + +#display-blocks .layout-region .region-wrapper { + clear:both; + margin-top: 5px; + padding: 5px 15px 15px 15px; + background-color:rgb(255,255,255); + border-color:rgb(204,204,204); + border-width:1px; + border-style:solid; + -moz-box-shadow:0px 0px 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.1); + -webkit-box-shadow:0px 0px 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.1); + box-shadow:0px 0px 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.1); +} + +#display-blocks .region-header { + clear:both; + display: block; + width: 100%; + text-align:right; + padding-bottom: 3px; + margin:0; + overflow: hidden; +} + +#display-blocks .region-actions { + float: left; +} + +#display-blocks .region-information { + float: right; +} + +#display-blocks .region-label { + font-size:11px; + text-transform: uppercase; + letter-spacing:.1em; + margin-right: -.1em; + color: #666; +} + +#display-blocks .region-table { + clear:both; + display: table; + width: 100%; + table-layout:fixed; +} + +/** + * Blocks. + */ + +#display-blocks .region-blocks { + display: table-row; +} + +#display-blocks .block { + clear:both; + display: table-cell; + padding-right:15px; + height: 60px; + overflow: hidden; +} + +#display-blocks .master-block { + position: relative; + display: inline-block; + width: 100%; + height:100%; + background-image:-moz-linear-gradient(rgb(102,149,168) 0%,rgb(92,133,150) 99%,rgb(92,133,150) 100%); + background-image:-webkit-gradient(linear,color-stop(0, rgb(102,149,168)),color-stop(0.99, rgb(92,133,150)),color-stop(1, rgb(92,133,150))); + background-image:-webkit-linear-gradient(rgb(102,149,168) 0%,rgb(92,133,150) 99%,rgb(92,133,150) 100%); + background-image:linear-gradient(rgb(102,149,168) 0%,rgb(92,133,150) 99%,rgb(92,133,150) 100%); +} + +z#display-blocks .layout-block { + position: relative; + display: inline-block; + width: 100%; + height:100%; + background-image:-moz-linear-gradient(rgb(123,194,170) 0%,rgb(114,179,156) 99%,rgb(114,179,156) 100%); + background-image:-webkit-gradient(linear,color-stop(0, rgb(123,194,170)),color-stop(0.99, rgb(114,179,156)),color-stop(1, rgb(114,179,156))); + background-image:-webkit-linear-gradient(rgb(123,194,170) 0%,rgb(114,179,156) 99%,rgb(114,179,156) 100%); + background-image:linear-gradient(rgb(123,194,170) 0%,rgb(114,179,156) 99%,rgb(114,179,156) 100%); +} + +z#display-blocks .page-block { + position: relative; + display: inline-block; + width: 100%; + height:100%; + background-image:-moz-linear-gradient(rgb(137,211,124) 0%,rgb(128,198,117) 99%,rgb(128,198,117) 100%); + background-image:-webkit-gradient(linear,color-stop(0, rgb(137,211,124)),color-stop(0.99, rgb(128,198,117)),color-stop(1, rgb(128,198,117))); + background-image:-webkit-linear-gradient(rgb(137,211,124) 0%,rgb(128,198,117) 99%,rgb(128,198,117) 100%); + background-image:linear-gradient(rgb(137,211,124) 0%,rgb(128,198,117) 99%,rgb(128,198,117) 100%); +} + +#display-blocks .add-block { + display: table-cell; + border: 1px solid #ddd; + width: 20px !important; + height: 20px; + background-image:-moz-linear-gradient(rgb(254,254,254) 0%,rgb(225,225,225) 100%); + background-image:-webkit-gradient(linear,color-stop(0, rgb(254,254,254)),color-stop(1, rgb(225,225,225))); + background-image:-webkit-linear-gradient(rgb(254,254,254) 0%,rgb(225,225,225) 100%); + background-image:linear-gradient(rgb(254,254,254) 0%,rgb(225,225,225) 100%); +} + +#display-blocks .add-block:hover { + border: 1px solid #ccc; + -moz-box-shadow:0px 0px 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.1); + -webkit-box-shadow:0px 0px 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.1); + box-shadow:0px 0px 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.1); +} + +#display-blocks .add-block-press { + border: 1px solid #c5c5c5; + background-image:-moz-linear-gradient(rgb(245,245,245) 0%,rgb(221,221,221) 100%); + background-image:-webkit-gradient(linear,color-stop(0, rgb(245,245,245)),color-stop(1, rgb(221,221,221))); + background-image:-webkit-linear-gradient(rgb(245,245,245) 0%,rgb(221,221,221) 100%); + background-image:linear-gradient(rgb(245,245,245) 0%,rgb(221,221,221) 100%); +} + +#display-blocks .plus-icon { + display: inline-block; + width: 100%; + height: 100%; + background-image:url(plus.png); + background-position:center; + background-repeat:no-repeat; +} + +#display-blocks .gear-icon { + display: inline-block; + width: 100%; + height: 100%; + background-image:url(gear_fff.png); + background-position:center; + background-repeat:no-repeat; +} + +z#display-blocks .rowspan { + width: 100%; + position: relative; +} + +z#display-blocks .column-left { + position:relative; + float: left; + width: 69.7%; + margin-bottom: 5px; +} + +z#display-blocks .column-right { + float: right; + width: 30%; + margin-bottom: 5px; +} + +/** + * Block information. + */ + +#display-blocks .block-information { + position: relative; + float: left; +} + +#display-blocks .block-type-indicator { + position: absolute; + left:0; + top:0; + width: 22px; + height: 22px; + border-right: 1px solid #fff; + border-bottom: 1px solid #fff; + text-align: center; + vertical-align:middle; + line-height: 200%; + font-size:11px; + font-weight:bold; +} + +#display-blocks .block-label { + position: absolute; + left: 27px; + top:2px; + font-size:14px; + font-weight:bold; + color:rgb(255,255,255); + text-align:left; + margin-left:3px; +} + +z#display-blocks .pb-text { + color: #555; +} + +z#display-blocks .lb-text { + color: #555; +} + +#display-blocks .mb-text { + color: #fff; +} + +/** + * Block operations. + */ + +#display-blocks .mb-block-operations { + position: absolute; + opacity:0; + left: 0; + top: 23px; + width: 100%; + height: 100%; + text-align: center; + background-color: transparent; + -webkit-transition: all 0.3s; + -webkit-transition-property: all; + -webkit-transition-duration: 0.3s; + -webkit-transition-delay: initial; +} + +#display-blocks .mb-block-operations:hover { + opacity:1; +} + +z#display-blocks .lb-block-operations { + position: absolute; + opacity:0; + left: 0; + top: 23px; + width: 100%; + height: 100%; + text-align: center; + background-color: transparent; + -webkit-transition: all 0.3s; + -webkit-transition-property: all; + -webkit-transition-duration: 0.3s; + -webkit-transition-delay: initial; +} + +z#display-blocks .lb-block-operations:hover { + opacity:1; +} + +z#display-blocks .pb-block-operations { + position: absolute; + opacity:0; + left: 0; + top: 23px; + width: 100%; + height: 100%; + text-align: center; + background-color: transparent; + -webkit-transition: all 0.3s; + -webkit-transition-property: all; + -webkit-transition-duration: 0.3s; + -webkit-transition-delay: initial; +} + +z#display-blocks .pb-block-operations:hover { + opacity:1; +} + +z#display-blocks .drag { + display:inline-block; + width: 25px; + height: 20px; + background-position:center; + background-repeat:no-repeat; +} + +#display-blocks .gear { + display:inline-block; + width:25px; + height:20px; + background-position:center; + background-repeat:no-repeat; +} + +#display-blocks .mb-gear { + background-image:url(gear_fff.png); +} + +z#display-blocks .mb-drag { + background-image:url(drag_fff.png); +} + +z#display-blocks .pb-gear { + background-image:url(gear_555.png); +} + +z#display-blocks .pb-drag { + background-image:url(drag_555.png); +} + +z#display-blocks .lb-gear { + background-image:url(gear_555.png); +} + +z#display-blocks .lb-drag { + background-image:url(drag_555.png); +} diff --git a/core/modules/layout/layout.admin.inc b/core/modules/layout/layout.admin.inc index 9a1a921..20b6f15 100644 --- a/core/modules/layout/layout.admin.inc +++ b/core/modules/layout/layout.admin.inc @@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ * Administration functions for layouts. */ +use Drupal\layout\Plugin\Core\Entity\Display; + /** * Page callback: Presents a list of layouts. * @@ -73,3 +75,102 @@ function layout_page_view($key) { $build['#attached']['css'][] = drupal_get_path('module', 'layout') . '/layout.admin.css'; return $build; } + +/** + * Page callback: Presents list of displays. + * + * @see display_menu() + */ +function layout_master_list() { + $controller = entity_list_controller('display'); + return $controller->render(); +} + +/** + * Page callback: Presents the display editing form. + * + * @see display_menu() + */ +function layout_master_edit(Display $display) { + drupal_set_title(t('Edit layout @label', array('@label' => $display->label())), PASS_THROUGH); + return entity_get_form($display); +} + +/** + * Page callback: temporary webservice. + * + * @param Drupal\layout\Plugin\Core\Entity\Display $display + * @param null $a + * @param null $b + * @param null $c + * @return int + */ +function layout_master_webservice(Display $display, $a=NULL, $b=NULL, $c=NULL) { + if (isset($display->locked) && is_object($display->locked) && $display->locked->owner != $GLOBALS['user']->uid) { + // @todo: currently menu_access_denied returns a status 200? + // @todo: make sure JS client handles this properly. + return MENU_ACCESS_DENIED; + } + // This is all evil, evil, evil - hacking this blindly bottom-up. + $payload = isset($_POST['model']) ? drupal_json_decode($_POST['model']) : FALSE; + $method = isset($_POST['_method']) ? $_POST['_method'] : FALSE; + switch ($a) { + // stores complete layout + case 'layout': + $blockInfo = array(); + // Shove the + foreach ($payload['regions'] as $region) { + foreach ($region['blockInstances'] as $blockInstance) { + $block = $blockInstance['id']; + $blockInfo['block.' . $block] = array( + 'region' => $region['id'], + 'weight' => $blockInstance['weight'] * 100 + ); + } + } + $display->set('blockInfo', $blockInfo); + // Store changes in TempStore. + layout_master_cache_set($display); + drupal_exit(); + break; + // Update single region + case 'region': + $region_id = $b; + die(); + break; + // Update single block + case 'block': + $block_id = $b; + break; + } + return ; +} + + +/** + * Page to break lock on a display being edited. + */ +function layout_master_break_lock_confirm($form, &$form_state, Display $display) { + $form_state['display'] = &$display; + $form = array(); + if (empty($display->locked)) { + $form['message']['#markup'] = t('There is no lock on display %name to break.', array('%name' => $display->get('id'))); + return $form; + } + + $cancel = drupal_container()->get('request')->query->get('cancel'); + if (empty($cancel)) { + $cancel = 'admin/structure/layouts/' . $display->get('name') . '/edit'; + } + + $account = user_load($display->locked->owner); + $form = confirm_form($form, + t('Do you want to break the lock on display %name?', + array('%name' => $display->get('name'))), + $cancel, + t('By breaking this lock, any unsaved changes made by !user will be lost.', array('!user' => theme('username', array('account' => $account)))), + t('Break lock'), + t('Cancel')); + $form['actions']['submit']['#submit'][] = array($display, 'submitBreakLock'); + return $form; +} diff --git a/core/modules/layout/layout.admin.js b/core/modules/layout/layout.admin.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b95d465 --- /dev/null +++ b/core/modules/layout/layout.admin.js @@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ +(function ($, window, Drupal, drupalSettings) { + +"use strict"; + +/** + * Attach display editor functionality. + */ +Drupal.behaviors.displayEditor = { + + attach: function (context) { + var appModel; + + function ExtractModelsFromDOM() { + var regions = new Drupal.layout.RegionsCollection(); + // Retrieve regions from DOM. + $('.layout-region').each(function() { + var $region = $(this); + var blockInstances = new Drupal.layout.BlockInstancesCollection(); + var weight = 0; + // wow, this is awkward but will go away. + var classes = $region.attr('class').split(' '); + var pattern = new RegExp('layout-region-.+'); + var region_id = _.filter(classes, function(v) { + return pattern.test(v); + }).toString().replace('layout-region-', ''); + + $region.find('.block').each(function() { + var block = new Drupal.layout.BlockInstanceModel({ + id: $(this).attr('id').replace(/block-/, ''), + blockId: 'default', + label: $(this).find('.block-label').text(), + region: region_id, + weight: weight + }); + weight++; + blockInstances.add(block, {silent: true}); + }); + var region = new Drupal.layout.RegionModel({ + id: region_id, + label: $region.find('.region-label').text(), + blockInstances: blockInstances + }); + regions.add(region); + }); + return regions; + } + + function randomId() { + var chars = "abcdefghiklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; + var randomString = ''; + for (var i=0; i < 8; i++) { + var rnum = Math.floor(Math.random() * chars.length); + randomString += chars.substring(rnum,rnum+1); + } + return randomString; + } + + Drupal.layout.getBlocksCollection = function() { + var blocks = []; + // Generate a bunch of randomly named blocks that. + for (var i = 0; i<10; i++) { + var id = randomId(); + var b = new Drupal.layout.BlockModel({ + 'id': id, + 'label': 'Label ' + id + }); + blocks.push(b); + } + return new Drupal.layout.BlocksCollection(blocks); + } + + // @todo: make this work on template change, i.e. Drupal.ajax/behaviour compatible. + Drupal.layout.appModel = new Drupal.layout.AppModel({ + id: drupalSettings.layout.id + }); + // let's grab the stuff from DOM - it would be useful to have JSON ... + Drupal.layout.appModel.set('regions', ExtractModelsFromDOM() ); + var appView = new Drupal.layout.AppView({ + model: Drupal.layout.appModel, + el: $('#block-system-main'), + settings: drupalSettings.layout + }); + appView.render(); + } +}; + +})(jQuery, window, Drupal, drupalSettings); diff --git a/core/modules/layout/layout.module b/core/modules/layout/layout.module index c6ed7ae..ab04735 100644 --- a/core/modules/layout/layout.module +++ b/core/modules/layout/layout.module @@ -5,10 +5,13 @@ * Manages page layouts for content presentation. */ +use Drupal\layout\Plugin\Core\Entity\Display; + /** * Implements hook_menu(). */ function layout_menu() { + // Layout template demonstration. $items['admin/structure/templates'] = array( 'title' => 'Templates', 'description' => 'Overview of the list of layout templates available.', @@ -25,6 +28,42 @@ function layout_menu() { 'access arguments' => array(4), 'file' => 'layout.admin.inc', ); + // Master layout editing. + $items['admin/structure/layouts'] = array( + 'title' => 'Layouts', + 'description' => 'Overview of the list of layouts available.', + 'page callback' => 'layout_master_list', + 'access callback' => 'user_access', + 'access arguments' => array('administer layouts'), + 'file' => 'layout.admin.inc', + ); + $items['admin/structure/layouts/manage/%layout_master_cache'] = array( + 'title' => 'Edit layout', + 'page callback' => 'layout_master_edit', + 'page arguments' => array(4), + 'access callback' => 'user_access', + 'access arguments' => array('administer layouts'), + 'file' => 'layout.admin.inc', + ); + + $items['admin/structure/layouts/manage/%layout_master_cache/webservice'] = array( + 'title' => 'Webservice', + 'page callback' => 'layout_master_webservice', + 'page arguments' => array(4), + 'access callback' => 'user_access', + 'access arguments' => array('administer layouts'), + 'file' => 'layout.admin.inc', + ); + + $items['admin/structure/layouts/manage/%layout_master_cache/break-lock'] = array( + 'title' => 'Break lock', + 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', + 'page arguments' => array('layout_master_break_lock_confirm', 4), + 'access callback' => 'user_access', + 'access arguments' => array('administer layouts'), + 'file' => 'layout.admin.inc', + ); + return $items; } @@ -80,3 +119,131 @@ function layout_theme($existing, $type, $theme, $path) { } return $items; } + +/** + * Entity URI callback. + * + * @param \Drupal\layout\Plugin\Core\Entity\Display $display + * Dispaly configuration entity instance. + * + * @return array + * Entity URI information. + */ +function layout_master_uri(Display $display) { + return array( + 'path' => 'admin/structure/layouts/manage/' . $display->id(), + ); +} + +/** + * Load one display object by its identifier. + * + * @todo Remove once not needed for layout_menu(). + * + * @return \Drupal\layout\Plugin\Core\Entity\Display + * Display configuration entity instance. + */ +function layout_master_load($id) { + return entity_load('display', $id); +} + +/** + * Specialized menu callback to load a display. + * + * @param $name + * The machine name of the display. + * + * @return + * The display object. + */ +function layout_master_cache_load($name) { + $display_temp_store = drupal_container()->get('user.tempstore')->get('layout'); + $display = $display_temp_store->get($name); + + if (empty($display)) { + $display = layout_master_load($name); + } + + if (empty($display)) { + return FALSE; + } + // This mimics views_ui's behaviour. + $display->editing = TRUE; + $display->locked = $display_temp_store->getMetadata($display->get('id')); + + return $display; +} + +/** + * Specialized cache function. + */ +function layout_master_cache_set(Display $display) { + // This mimics views_ui's behaviour. + $display->changed = TRUE; + drupal_container()->get('user.tempstore')->get('layout')->set($display->id, $display); +} + +/** + * Implements hook_entity_info_alter(). + * + * Add URI callback to Display config entities to support listing API. + */ +function layout_entity_info_alter(&$entity_info) { + $entity_info['display']['uri_callback'] = 'layout_master_uri'; + $entity_info['display']['list_controller_class'] = 'Drupal\layout\DisplayListController'; + $entity_info['display']['form_controller_class']['default'] = 'Drupal\layout\DisplayFormController'; + $entity_info['display']['list_path'] = 'admin/structure/layouts'; + $entity_info['display']['entity_keys']['label'] = 'label'; +} + +/** + * Ajax callback for block placement display switching. + */ +function layout_ajax_block_placement_callback($form, &$form_state) { + return $form['blocks']; +} + +/** + * Implements hook_library_info(). + */ +function layout_library_info() { + $libraries = array(); + $path = drupal_get_path('module', 'layout'); + $libraries['layout.admin'] = array( + 'title' => 'Layout admin', + 'version' => NULL, + 'js' => array( + // Drupal's pseudo-templates + $path . '/js/theme.js' => array('defer' => TRUE), + + // Models + $path . '/js/models/app-model.js' => array('defer' => TRUE), + $path . '/js/models/block-model.js' => array('defer' => TRUE), + $path . '/js/models/blockinstance-model.js' => array('defer' => TRUE), + $path . '/js/models/region-model.js' => array('defer' => TRUE), + // Collections bundled for the time being. + $path . '/js/collections/collections.js' => array('defer' => TRUE), + + // Views other Views extend first + $path . '/js/views/updatingcollection-view.js' => array('defer' => TRUE), + $path . '/js/views/modal-view.js' => array('defer' => TRUE), + + $path . '/js/views/region-view.js' => array('defer' => TRUE), + $path . '/js/views/regions-view.js' => array('defer' => TRUE), + $path . '/js/views/blockinstance-view.js' => array('defer' => TRUE), + $path . '/js/views/blockinstancemodal-view.js' => array('defer' => TRUE), + + $path . '/js/views/regionmodal-view.js' => array('defer' => TRUE), + $path . '/js/views/blockinstancemodal-view.js' => array('defer' => TRUE), + $path . '/js/views/blockselectormodal-view.js' => array('defer' => TRUE), + + $path . '/js/views/app-view.js' => array('defer' => TRUE), + ), + 'dependencies' => array( + array('system', 'backbone'), + array('system', 'drupal.dialog'), + array('system', 'jquery.ui.sortable') + ), + ); + return $libraries; +} diff --git a/core/modules/layout/layouts/static/one-col/one-col.tpl.php b/core/modules/layout/layouts/static/one-col/one-col.tpl.php index 61af832..529eb06 100644 --- a/core/modules/layout/layouts/static/one-col/one-col.tpl.php +++ b/core/modules/layout/layouts/static/one-col/one-col.tpl.php @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ */ ?>
> -
diff --git a/core/modules/layout/layouts/static/twocol/two-col.tpl.php b/core/modules/layout/layouts/static/twocol/two-col.tpl.php index 810a052..ab59cac 100644 --- a/core/modules/layout/layouts/static/twocol/two-col.tpl.php +++ b/core/modules/layout/layouts/static/twocol/two-col.tpl.php @@ -14,11 +14,11 @@ */ ?>
> -
diff --git a/core/modules/layout/lib/Drupal/layout/Config/DisplayBase.php b/core/modules/layout/lib/Drupal/layout/Config/DisplayBase.php index afe3229..cac0407 100644 --- a/core/modules/layout/lib/Drupal/layout/Config/DisplayBase.php +++ b/core/modules/layout/lib/Drupal/layout/Config/DisplayBase.php @@ -135,4 +135,22 @@ public function getAllRegionTypes() { } return array_unique($types); } + + /** + * Implements DisplayInterface::export(). + */ + public function export() { + // Start by exporting the public properties. + $class_info = new \ReflectionClass($this); + $properties = array(); + foreach ($class_info->getProperties(\ReflectionProperty::IS_PUBLIC) as $property) { + $name = $property->getName(); + $properties[$name] = $this->$name; + } + + // Now, add protected data - the blockInfo array. + $properties['blockInfo'] = $this->blockInfo; + + return $properties; + } } diff --git a/core/modules/layout/lib/Drupal/layout/Config/DisplayInterface.php b/core/modules/layout/lib/Drupal/layout/Config/DisplayInterface.php index 871aadc..c40e699 100644 --- a/core/modules/layout/lib/Drupal/layout/Config/DisplayInterface.php +++ b/core/modules/layout/lib/Drupal/layout/Config/DisplayInterface.php @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ * @return array * An array keyed on each block's configuration object name. Each value is * an array of information that determines the placement of the block within - * a layout, including: + * a layout, including but not limited to: * - region: The region in which to display the block (for bound displays * only). * - region-type: The type of region that is most appropriate for the block. @@ -82,4 +82,11 @@ public function mapBlocksToLayout(LayoutInterface $layout); * region types were assigned. */ public function getAllRegionTypes(); + + /** + * Returns this display as an array suitable for permanent storage. + * + * @return array + */ + public function export(); } diff --git a/core/modules/layout/lib/Drupal/layout/Config/DisplayStorageController.php b/core/modules/layout/lib/Drupal/layout/Config/DisplayStorageController.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cc86f93 --- /dev/null +++ b/core/modules/layout/lib/Drupal/layout/Config/DisplayStorageController.php @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +export(); + } +} diff --git a/core/modules/layout/lib/Drupal/layout/DisplayFormController.php b/core/modules/layout/lib/Drupal/layout/DisplayFormController.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..05306a4 --- /dev/null +++ b/core/modules/layout/lib/Drupal/layout/DisplayFormController.php @@ -0,0 +1,228 @@ +get('plugin.manager.layout')->getDefinitions(); + $layout_options = array(); + foreach ($layouts as $key => $layout) { + $layout_options[$key] = $layout['title']; + } + $layout_keys = array_keys($layout_options); + + // Add default values to form_state['values']. + if (!isset($form_state['values'])) { + $form_state['values'] = array(); + } + + + $form_state['values'] += array( + 'layout' => isset($display->layout) ? $display->layout : reset($layout_keys) + ); + + // @todo: we need proper lock & dirty handling. + // @todo: this needs to happen in the client to. + if (isset($display->dirty) && $display->dirty) { + $form['dirty'] = array( + '#type' => 'container', + '#attributes' => array('class' => array('view-locked', 'messages', 'warning')), + '#children' => t('This display has been edited by you and the changes have not been saved yet.'), + '#weight' => -10, + ); + } + + // Copied from ViewsEditFormController + if (isset($display->locked) && is_object($display->locked) && $display->locked->owner != $GLOBALS['user']->uid) { + $form['locked'] = array( + '#type' => 'container', + '#attributes' => array('class' => array('view-locked', 'messages', 'warning')), + '#children' => t('This display is being edited by user !user, and is therefore locked from editing by others. This lock is !age old. Click here to break this lock.', + // @todo: add callback to break lock. + array( + '!user' => theme('username', array('account' => user_load($display->locked->owner))), + '!age' => format_interval(REQUEST_TIME - $display->locked->updated), + '!break' => url('admin/structure/layouts/manage/' . $display->get('id') . '/break-lock') + ) + ), + '#weight' => -10, + ); + } + else { + $message = t('* All changes are stored temporarily. Click Save to make your changes permanent. Click Cancel to discard your changes.'); + + $form['changed'] = array( + '#type' => 'container', + '#attributes' => array('class' => array('display-changed', 'messages', 'warning')), + '#children' => $message, + '#weight' => -10, + ); + if (empty($display->changed)) { + $form['changed']['#attributes']['class'][] = 'js-hide'; + } + } + + + + $form['layout'] = array( + '#type' => 'select', + '#title' => t('Template'), + '#default_value' => $form_state['values']['layout'], + '#options' => $layout_options, + '#ajax' => array( + 'callback' => 'layout_ajax_block_placement_callback', + 'wrapper' => 'display-blocks', + 'method' => 'replace', + 'effect' => 'fade', + ), + ); + + // To support the Ajax interaction, remap the display to the newly selected + // layout. This will reorganize the blocks as appropriate. + if (!isset($display->layout) || ($form_state['values']['layout'] != $display->layout)) { + $layout = layout_manager()->createInstance($form_state['values']['layout'], array()); + $display->remapToLayout($layout); + // Store changes in TempStore. + layout_master_cache_set($display); + } + + // Add block editing interface wrapper for Ajax operation. + $form['blocks'] = array( + '#prefix' => '
', + '#suffix' => '
', + ); + $form['blocks']['demonstration'] = $this->layoutDemonstration($display); + return parent::form($form, $form_state, $display); + } + + /** + * Produces a render array demonstration form of the display. + */ + private function layoutDemonstration(EntityInterface $display) { + + // Render the layout in an admin context with region demonstrations. + $layout = layout_manager()->createInstance($display->layout, array()); + $regions = $layout->getRegions(); + foreach ($regions as $region => $info) { + $region_text = '
' . check_plain($info['label']) . '
'; + $region_text .= '
'; + $existing_blocks = $display->getSortedBlocksByRegion($region); + foreach ($existing_blocks as $block => $placement) { + $region_text .= $this->layoutBlock($block); + } + $region_text .= '
'; + $regions[$region] = $region_text; + } + $build['demonstration'] = array( + '#type' => 'markup', + '#markup' => $layout->renderLayout(TRUE, $regions), + ); + $build['#attached']['css'][] = drupal_get_path('module', 'layout') . '/layout.admin.css'; + $build['#attached']['js'][] = drupal_get_path('module', 'layout') . '/layout.admin.js'; + // Add the backbone app. + $build['#attached']['library'][] = array('layout', 'layout.admin'); + $build['#attached']['library'][] = array('system', 'jquery.ui.sortable'); + + $locked = isset($display->locked) && is_object($display->locked) && $display->locked->owner != $GLOBALS['user']->uid; + + // Add the webservice URL and display id. + $build['#attached']['js'][] =array( + 'data' => array( + 'layout' => array( + 'webserviceURL' => url('admin/structure/layouts/manage/' . $display->id . '/webservice'), + 'id' => $display->id, + 'locked' => $locked + ) + ), + 'type' => 'setting', + ); + return $build; + } + + /** + * Temporary implementation of block markup generation. + */ + private function layoutBlock($block_id) { + $block_id = str_replace('block.', '', $block_id); + return '
M' . $block_id . ' block
'; + } + + /** + * Overrides Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityFormController::actions(). + */ + protected function actions(array $form, array &$form_state) { + // Only includes a Save action for the entity, no direct Delete button. + return array( + 'submit' => array( + '#value' => t('Save'), + '#validate' => array( + array($this, 'validate'), + ), + '#submit' => array( + array($this, 'submit'), + array($this, 'save'), + ), + ), + 'cancel' => array( + '#value' => t('Cancel'), + '#submit' => array( + array($this, 'cancel'), + ), + ) + ); + } + + /** + * Overrides Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityFormController::save(). + */ + public function save(array $form, array &$form_state) { + $display = $this->getEntity($form_state); + $cached_display = layout_master_cache_load($display->id); + // @todo: properly handle storing template / other form values + // this is a all bohemian villages to me ... + $cached_display->set('layout', $form_state['values']['layout']); + + // As the changes are cached in TempStore loading the cached instance and + // saving it should be enough. + $cached_display->save(); + // Cache busting. Remove this view from cache so we can edit it properly. + drupal_container()->get('user.tempstore')->get('layout')->delete($cached_display->id); + + watchdog('display', 'Layout @label saved.', array('@label' => $display->label()), WATCHDOG_NOTICE); + drupal_set_message(t('Layout %label saved.', array('%label' => $display->label()))); + } + + /** + * Form submission handler for the 'cancel' action. + * + * @param array $form + * An associative array containing the structure of the form. + * @param array $form_state + * A reference to a keyed array containing the current state of the form. + */ + public function cancel(array $form, array &$form_state) { + // Remove this view from cache so edits will be lost. + $display = $this->getEntity($form_state); + $cached_display = layout_master_cache_load($display->id); + drupal_container()->get('user.tempstore')->get('layout')->delete($cached_display->id); + $form_state['redirect'] = 'admin/structure/layouts'; + } + +} diff --git a/core/modules/layout/lib/Drupal/layout/DisplayListController.php b/core/modules/layout/lib/Drupal/layout/DisplayListController.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b07e7ee --- /dev/null +++ b/core/modules/layout/lib/Drupal/layout/DisplayListController.php @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +uri(); + $operations['edit'] = array( + 'title' => t('Edit'), + 'href' => $uri['path'] . '/edit', + 'options' => $uri['options'], + 'weight' => 10, + ); + return $operations; + } + + /** + * Overrides Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityListController::buildHeader(); + */ + public function buildHeader() { + $row['label'] = t('Layout name'); + $row['applied'] = t('Applied to'); + $row['template'] = t('Template'); + $row['operations'] = t('Operations'); + return $row; + } + + /** + * Overrides Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityListController::buildRow(); + */ + public function buildRow(EntityInterface $entity) { + $row['label'] = check_plain($entity->label()); + // @todo: refer back to pages using this display. + $row['applied'] = $entity->id() == 'front_master' ? t('All front end pages (master)') : t('All admin pages (admin master)'); + $layout = drupal_container()->get('plugin.manager.layout')->getDefinition($entity->layout); + $provider_info = system_get_info($layout['provider']['type'], $layout['provider']['provider']); + // Type can either be 'module' or 'theme'. + $provider_text = t('@name @type', array('@name' => $provider_info['name'], '@type' => t($layout['provider']['type']))); + $row['template'] = check_plain($layout['title'] . ' (' . $provider_text . ')'); + $operations = $this->buildOperations($entity); + $row['operations']['data'] = $operations; + return $row; + } + +} diff --git a/core/modules/layout/lib/Drupal/layout/Plugin/Core/Entity/Display.php b/core/modules/layout/lib/Drupal/layout/Plugin/Core/Entity/Display.php index d954832..4875c1e 100644 --- a/core/modules/layout/lib/Drupal/layout/Plugin/Core/Entity/Display.php +++ b/core/modules/layout/lib/Drupal/layout/Plugin/Core/Entity/Display.php @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ * id = "display", * label = @Translation("Display"), * module = "layout", - * controller_class = "Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigStorageController", + * controller_class = "Drupal\layout\Config\DisplayStorageController", * config_prefix = "display.bound", * entity_keys = { * "id" = "id", @@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ protected function sortBlocks() { foreach ($regions as $region_name => &$blocks) { uasort($blocks, 'drupal_sort_weight'); - $this->blocksInRegions[$region_name] = array_keys($blocks); + $this->blocksInRegions[$region_name] = $blocks; } } @@ -183,4 +183,14 @@ public function getLayoutInstance() { return $this->layoutInstance; } + + /** + * Submit handler to break_lock on a display. + * @todo: is this the best place? copied from ViewsUI. + */ + public function submitBreakLock(&$form, &$form_state) { + drupal_container()->get('user.tempstore')->get('layout')->delete($this->get('id')); + $form_state['redirect'] = 'admin/structure/layouts/manage/' . $this->get('id') . '/edit'; + drupal_set_message(t('The lock has been broken and you may now edit this display.')); + } } diff --git a/core/modules/layout/lib/Drupal/layout/Plugin/Core/Entity/UnboundDisplay.php b/core/modules/layout/lib/Drupal/layout/Plugin/Core/Entity/UnboundDisplay.php index 5450e2c..ed7591b 100644 --- a/core/modules/layout/lib/Drupal/layout/Plugin/Core/Entity/UnboundDisplay.php +++ b/core/modules/layout/lib/Drupal/layout/Plugin/Core/Entity/UnboundDisplay.php @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ * id = "unbound_display", * label = @Translation("Unbound Display"), * module = "layout", - * controller_class = "Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigStorageController", + * controller_class = "Drupal\layout\Config\DisplayStorageController", * config_prefix = "display.unbound", * entity_keys = { * "id" = "id", diff --git a/core/modules/layout/lib/Drupal/layout/Tests/DisplayInternalLogicTest.php b/core/modules/layout/lib/Drupal/layout/Tests/DisplayInternalLogicTest.php index 07a77bf..89c2817 100644 --- a/core/modules/layout/lib/Drupal/layout/Tests/DisplayInternalLogicTest.php +++ b/core/modules/layout/lib/Drupal/layout/Tests/DisplayInternalLogicTest.php @@ -67,9 +67,8 @@ public function testBlockSorting() { 'left' => array('block.test_block_3', 'block.test_block_1'), 'right' => array('block.test_block_2'), ); - $this->assertIdentical($this->twocol->getSortedBlocksByRegion('left'), $expected['left']); - $this->assertIdentical($this->twocol->getSortedBlocksByRegion('right'), $expected['right']); - $this->assertIdentical($this->twocol->getAllSortedBlocks(), $expected); + $this->assertIdentical(array_keys($this->twocol->getSortedBlocksByRegion('left')), $expected['left']); + $this->assertIdentical(array_keys($this->twocol->getSortedBlocksByRegion('right')), $expected['right']); } /** @@ -88,7 +87,7 @@ public function testBlockMapping() { ); $two_to_one = clone($this->twocol); $two_to_one->remapToLayout($this->onecol->getLayoutInstance()); - $this->assertIdentical($two_to_one->getAllSortedBlocks(), $expected); + $this->assertIdentical(array_keys($two_to_one->getSortedBlocksByRegion('middle')), $expected['middle']); // Remap from onecol to twocol. Since the blocks are assigned the 'content' // region type, and twocol's 'left' region has that type, the blocks are @@ -99,7 +98,8 @@ public function testBlockMapping() { ); $one_to_two = clone($this->onecol); $one_to_two->remapToLayout($this->twocol->getLayoutInstance()); - $this->assertIdentical($one_to_two->getAllSortedBlocks(), $expected); + $this->assertIdentical(array_keys($one_to_two->getSortedBlocksByRegion('left')), $expected['left']); + $this->assertIdentical(array_keys($one_to_two->getSortedBlocksByRegion('right')), $expected['right']); // Bind the unbound display to the twocol layout: // - Block 1 is assigned the 'content' region type, so is expected to be @@ -115,7 +115,8 @@ public function testBlockMapping() { ); $unbound_to_twocol = $this->unbound->generateDisplay($this->twocol->getLayoutInstance(), 'unbound_to_twocol'); $this->assertTrue($unbound_to_twocol instanceof Display, 'Binding the unbound display successfully created a Display object'); - $this->assertIdentical($unbound_to_twocol->getAllSortedBlocks(), $expected); + $this->assertIdentical(array_keys($unbound_to_twocol->getSortedBlocksByRegion('left')), $expected['left']); + $this->assertIdentical(array_keys($unbound_to_twocol->getSortedBlocksByRegion('right')), $expected['right']); // Generate an unbound display from the twocol display. $expected = array( diff --git a/core/modules/layout/plus.png b/core/modules/layout/plus.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b5544c1 --- /dev/null +++ b/core/modules/layout/plus.png @@ -0,0 +1,204 @@ +PNG + + IHDRasBIT|d pHYs  ~tEXtCreation Time11/14/121tEXtSoftwareAdobe Fireworks CS6輲prVWxMhAHQO"J4T-֞I-ؐ]= < <'O⡞EWnf?fwgM$Iyd;yۼvPm6F^W*ٓ?cdlz^lc#~# r_-_6Vv_3 >t_8[vh=I5FcZuljC>XZmw:sLaeN_+xg׬Nm54>dhIuۨ8{qff9V-8+˞?_(㹴ާ;Dg^L]4+<#yDZ^;wR+eҚk>0'?#8G÷;)7ֳͩ%sOFw$wO&!-cG=^K}GqClx6' 9r=`:ZX"nT{ c>kr--".O>㦞:ӵJz9RYltu=so9ֹ~<ԋ.NH*(8&'ǯD%XiGxfPdUu.ɴs͟i=cǟ=gwĿ_?!/;~=7W|W|W|W|ŗ',~\ůq___o$G |oH?~&]/aψ>C3 ~C5 7Nj}&o:_d <?]u[?h5])rLicJ>%(CH|:ԯ=Դ8lHmkBF)3Q^zC:NKCv?v8ZayXtuMؠC.pü6 G6Ufi?B8\D{4Ϭ? і?!:72fqvs@ ?Z9VsB zGi J6c1| =}Lg !!d2̹3x8a2 ǬsL`xc8 #陡-HšǓPNl%]_z8P7{\Z݊([^y {f}M5V趖ʐ$>@$=pXΰ4ii;tsʠ' ق +5k+]1ȪOg+i1[HeM:*En!FpB6EHTRZ!uL]ibwg0\Ji +*&Yvᣯgf75@NЦH +=K'RoNʫ`3cj;wJxn Hj#9 4ߔB3 ?r=QȀ8d,G$7fYf!w.KcF;A\L0j,!f 3qƬ,'E4'z>ǖΠcN@t/V h,]3r*>tdV +9%2tZ V`] ~{BW1f_ہ*HlbH&ZE( EbR-gh< qG+^k^L] Fg9AOT(Ӌ ie1Yԙq/h>94lW.upU$pF6 \U WHR{c0⤯3pO>W,x51+:i|HP4*FeШ  4*gcʫOϾdB֍({׫uSg8J0bLb0 &Jm42B(9_!4S΋beL͚lPN~.'79k3lfH6v`zMءHaKHj̐e~SvFŢqwtEoYĨu*m>z`,jׇ$T)dJy;f[{,ah\A7 B`}:)ѝ=G +my֕[uqz3y0kB~:Xjx,,n3߇<rH xpb.#b{8d*#\iʘ T:хڔLja2Xm̀ vb:~b%`}q:pL~n%B !yהX>aaOG4CQ4 0))~Qx^RL\Im +[ƈ3+C mӼ FBL<̗cfE-4LО +k88F~}8EgqGE, +5d:CN<)%|)?C@;'}JqE Pz ?'43̝X,f?w`)sgmI51f!POc Zc1Hz/XxprOV '?2 턡MjQsE3S„F荰n/pp66L7"̙m? #öFAIc\lHez@ D؟32y_8rҐQN`,{z֣y\Eu+zAdB!+o!,ej0l1tK@ؐԨaSU_ ㄩs5AG{W86IN+,.jq6̟4|a b acH(.. ѱs}+]gׄl12L'aiZ/h5X)O10dPfU)10/{+ + Czc(in4ԇt:s3{tЅ %f'-]i+d+0*ǜzGG2}P5)q' $Q,lےX>t' =2sFL:zCD:h3j+^`Ev%ދ59hg_h_y^߾o:'M<cQvA>CxsգyWjMW$+R-a0Y4`vc~IVa+ +􂺯6bKJJC-;>IG w"@=(qi.nDL]M ˍrz?ߓ+[$uvq i[E 230iZ'! _٦HEi )0XbkJW@_ DAIS ?2$6MFKq0O +?q)< ~d`oSNV-eb ڒ\R5xu8pDǷN,IҊL2~}ӀGbq( wYD8hN- $51n1zŽa ,mN0E8V!؄*ESNRSUIgU^PPI01xx|7Qg/z{O|Xz+*#I߿i1M}DwCo@~#ߐԨhJ5L|F- +{7&h ,I<2`+N/q E&j4Z7Ld =S@QՒ riMդf1Yn <񯟤\&&Z #`,p')׫ fBkU}.].DzQ>,Inj"m1jVm.6^3^BWk5UA\[S=m0EÔj2Mk`{F?g/~rfLhZh7Y hIFZ5zL^bm)cKyMS{=bINzJj+oBZNaxvGQ(lzi26_~_>{_6뒦MLpEXoMѩ>H`}CXnVZ5Z^x/yZ$l6n5qL6DpIXkTH16G`⊨a*j MG#ԞxAjc4Q04)TaRyʘ%EE)ꮪ-Yu-`h420YQTkTnt7$kޢK嘿U~DoJɥz,0^]"ө3B`ֆWfy'ngNh*3G+{HoF;P?kI E_Uѕ'6p )*Z 5Hy[a; ?5N$3N`bGrkΙi*Pf +ZG:ݽp5)uO/yEz;*w0b% "/?RO_.oriH"Va-/g )h#9i%i؎^lKV[^'KcO&oAy5k(>ŒE~;ܥ;)Y#R+d%#5GZ(|F8$^ނ|`6ICw?jyTKn%~-o@091< .{[[ZN ʟr7º%.w8CJk9zm]st%G ]3ڨf蚡 0m=↓ٹf祳5;\s;i\m;|vjvٹfэ!>W3tfF5C ]P8x~9es^sv5g-vV30tf/C C+jW]st+YyW3&0tf蚡0׵fM`z]5;ac]Λʻkv.zV ]f" ]9{38^yWsv!gw!Dg2kl~p?{!lŢw܉[g޼)pC4o53ZHV{>mt6>|u|]Z?cm{-:\"q㋟3IEEDvg>GKTvmO#h߀3Bfh֬f蚡Xb~ȧ4ƤMb&3pH:g-ϻcTHmΈwM+>¯\{ۆsn ++2 ^³Ή!Oˠ~8_[m-h{W[*hɽŔ,>R{4FHބ_e1i4`GŔ, W1)Ӗ*w'v7?mzN٠kHǐ]!+"wXe匔 +P7q d +Gjv{Eg<+S Z"yk +r};5d)G0%| zx\ϕ_ľRN1eDwL= -^iL]TeT.GE2[l!cIɗtkD{Rҕ-!}v&{̺AK[VY{I_+e*x\oF&JSҬ˂O_)[FGZ*'>)bQJ_)}i%e{ A!Hy9"c}v"a d/A#iX?N Fce!1*X#bi0~7~i\){mEJ>GyxCyh'lsEm\m36Ndk{lO0Ůy\=Yrw]v߅ގڄ7~57MksmpmYw+͊cSBLPO(rZFƍeZY9[ ъ>V|,}梱f]JE؊̷ClRRhMEkpU+Z6pWde|Iygo#ϏOr UKZ6}mh%5aa mH{ SNLbzdEkc FcjUļogs4B=o- ĔuqۘAܘ#N'mUhAz {vY?,*|9)?vFvFb=sC-҇fWHo*e$ī]6c7!k_lP{GOXvJ* ƽs/ $ k"uek SFˬKBpVgÔ6#Qil)F E;տ8hFl5R?W1i(-뿭}.}Ӌ+Q#Q&&iUٕRא͚{ }Amʮ 9 </^>'\\swbOe(!~ +=_ombw;'-BilrV6 v&Į}׏#DK]LE// O7!wcSF)l w7Gs&5NxYv/h'l'lrq5.{Ծe`?b IFw}vp;;: g  yvma0{<`tiS3Vn㵾s.;jo9bsait?:ěXGRgEw~sŃ.d:{B +[.Н~M &ENҚq}%x/?YT6zJ_nz OIFC 8z +GҦ#ΠW1;=]Q +5~ѠQvT3;"'j0"@; Y`6T)* MPM0k\BaD H#ϺsG@Rᅓ!>AĈ.Yr~ :t(an=pG:[v~}||eSn! 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