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If this project contributed modules, themes, documentation, patches to core or a contributed module, introduced new community members, gained a sponsor for a Drupal event, or anything else that will benefit the community, share it here.', 'type' => 'text_textarea', 'module' => 'text', ), ); // Exported field: field_developed $fields['casestudy-field_developed'] = array( 'field_name' => 'field_developed', 'type_name' => 'casestudy', 'display_settings' => array( 'weight' => '6', 'parent' => '', 'label' => array( 'format' => 'above', ), 'teaser' => array( 'format' => 'hidden', 'exclude' => 1, ), 'full' => array( 'format' => 'default', 'exclude' => 0, ), '5' => array( 'format' => 'default', 'exclude' => 0, ), '4' => array( 'format' => 'default', 'exclude' => 0, ), '2' => array( 'format' => 'default', 'exclude' => 0, ), '3' => array( 'format' => 'default', 'exclude' => 0, ), ), 'widget_active' => '1', 'type' => 'text', 'required' => '0', 'multiple' => '0', 'module' => 'text', 'active' => '1', 'text_processing' => '1', 'max_length' => '', 'allowed_values' => '', 'allowed_values_php' => '', 'widget' => array( 'rows' => '5', 'size' => 60, 'default_value' => array( '0' => array( 'value' => '', 'format' => '1', '_error_element' => 'default_value_widget][field_developed][0][value', ), ), 'default_value_php' => NULL, 'label' => 'Project team', 'weight' => '6', 'description' => 'Enter the names of organizations and team members that can\'t be referenced in the autocomplete fields above. Also, feel free to add more description about the team.', 'type' => 'text_textarea', 'module' => 'text', ), ); // Exported field: field_developed_org $fields['casestudy-field_developed_org'] = array( 'field_name' => 'field_developed_org', 'type_name' => 'casestudy', 'display_settings' => array( 'weight' => '4', 'parent' => '', 'label' => array( 'format' => 'above', ), 'teaser' => array( 'format' => 'hidden', 'exclude' => 1, ), 'full' => array( 'format' => 'default', 'exclude' => 0, ), '5' => array( 'format' => 'default', 'exclude' => 0, ), '4' => array( 'format' => 'default', 'exclude' => 0, ), '2' => array( 'format' => 'default', 'exclude' => 0, ), '3' => array( 'format' => 'default', 'exclude' => 0, ), ), 'widget_active' => '1', 'type' => 'nodereference', 'required' => '0', 'multiple' => '1', 'module' => 'nodereference', 'active' => '1', 'referenceable_types' => array( 'organization' => 'organization', 'book' => 0, 'casestudy' => 0, 'forum' => 0, 'image' => 0, 'project_issue' => 0, 'packaging_whitelist' => 0, 'page' => 0, 'project_project' => 0, 'project_release' => 0, 'showcase' => 0, 'story' => 0, ), 'advanced_view' => '--', 'advanced_view_args' => '', 'widget' => array( 'autocomplete_match' => 'starts_with', 'size' => '60', 'default_value' => array( '0' => array( 'nid' => NULL, '_error_element' => 'default_value_widget][field_developed_org][0][nid][nid', ), ), 'default_value_php' => NULL, 'label' => 'Organizations involved', 'weight' => '4', 'description' => 'Include the organizations that contributed to this project. You can reference organizations that appear in Marketplace. If the organization is not listed, enter it in the text field below.', 'type' => 'nodereference_autocomplete', 'module' => 'nodereference', ), ); // Exported field: field_goals $fields['casestudy-field_goals'] = array( 'field_name' => 'field_goals', 'type_name' => 'casestudy', 'display_settings' => array( 'weight' => '1', 'parent' => '', 'label' => array( 'format' => 'above', ), 'teaser' => array( 'format' => 'hidden', 'exclude' => 1, ), 'full' => array( 'format' => 'default', 'exclude' => 0, ), '5' => array( 'format' => 'default', 'exclude' => 0, ), '4' => array( 'format' => 'default', 'exclude' => 0, ), '2' => array( 'format' => 'default', 'exclude' => 0, ), '3' => array( 'format' => 'default', 'exclude' => 0, ), ), 'widget_active' => '1', 'type' => 'text', 'required' => '0', 'multiple' => '0', 'module' => 'text', 'active' => '1', 'text_processing' => '0', 'max_length' => '', 'allowed_values' => '', 'allowed_values_php' => '', 'widget' => array( 'rows' => '10', 'size' => 60, 'default_value' => array( '0' => array( 'value' => '', '_error_element' => 'default_value_widget][field_goals][0][value', ), ), 'default_value_php' => NULL, 'label' => 'Describe the project (goals, requirements and outcome)', 'weight' => '1', 'description' => '', 'type' => 'text_textarea', 'module' => 'text', ), ); // Exported field: field_images $fields['casestudy-field_images'] = array( 'field_name' => 'field_images', 'type_name' => 'casestudy', 'display_settings' => array( 'weight' => '7', 'parent' => '', 'label' => array( 'format' => 'hidden', ), 'teaser' => array( 'format' => 'hidden', 'exclude' => 1, ), 'full' => array( 'format' => 'image_plain', 'exclude' => 0, ), '5' => array( 'format' => 'image_plain', 'exclude' => 0, ), '4' => array( 'format' => 'image_plain', 'exclude' => 0, ), '2' => array( 'format' => 'image_plain', 'exclude' => 0, ), '3' => array( 'format' => 'image_plain', 'exclude' => 0, ), ), 'widget_active' => '1', 'type' => 'filefield', 'required' => '0', 'multiple' => '1', 'module' => 'filefield', 'active' => '1', 'list_field' => '0', 'list_default' => 1, 'description_field' => '1', 'widget' => array( 'file_extensions' => 'png gif jpg jpeg', 'file_path' => '', 'progress_indicator' => 'bar', 'max_filesize_per_file' => '', 'max_filesize_per_node' => '', 'max_resolution' => '640x480', 'min_resolution' => '400x300', 'alt' => '', 'custom_alt' => 1, 'title' => '', 'custom_title' => 1, 'title_type' => 'textfield', 'default_image' => NULL, 'use_default_image' => 0, 'label' => 'Additional screenshots', 'weight' => '7', 'description' => 'Upload additional screenshots or images. Please include alternate text (for search engines and accessibility reasons). ', 'type' => 'imagefield_widget', 'module' => 'imagefield', ), ); // Exported field: field_link $fields['casestudy-field_link'] = array( 'field_name' => 'field_link', 'type_name' => 'casestudy', 'display_settings' => array( 'weight' => 0, 'parent' => '', 'label' => array( 'format' => 'above', ), 'teaser' => array( 'format' => 'hidden', 'exclude' => 1, ), 'full' => array( 'format' => 'default', 'exclude' => 0, ), '5' => array( 'format' => 'default', 'exclude' => 0, ), '4' => array( 'format' => 'default', 'exclude' => 0, ), '2' => array( 'format' => 'default', 'exclude' => 0, ), '3' => array( 'format' => 'default', 'exclude' => 0, ), ), 'widget_active' => '1', 'type' => 'link', 'required' => '1', 'multiple' => '0', 'module' => 'link', 'active' => '1', 'attributes' => array( 'target' => 'default', 'rel' => '', 'class' => '', 'title' => '', ), 'display' => array( 'url_cutoff' => '80', ), 'url' => 0, 'title' => 'none', 'title_value' => '', 'enable_tokens' => '', 'validate_url' => 1, 'widget' => array( 'default_value' => array( '0' => array( 'url' => '', ), ), 'default_value_php' => NULL, 'label' => 'Completed Drupal site or project URL', 'weight' => 0, 'description' => '', 'type' => 'link', 'module' => 'link', ), ); // Exported field: field_mainimage $fields['casestudy-field_mainimage'] = array( 'field_name' => 'field_mainimage', 'type_name' => 'casestudy', 'display_settings' => array( 'weight' => '-4', 'parent' => '', 'label' => array( 'format' => 'hidden', ), 'teaser' => array( 'format' => 'grid-3_linked', 'exclude' => 0, ), 'full' => array( 'format' => 'image_plain', 'exclude' => 0, ), '5' => array( 'format' => 'image_plain', 'exclude' => 0, ), '4' => array( 'format' => 'image_plain', 'exclude' => 0, ), '2' => array( 'format' => 'image_plain', 'exclude' => 0, ), '3' => array( 'format' => 'image_plain', 'exclude' => 0, ), ), 'widget_active' => '1', 'type' => 'filefield', 'required' => '1', 'multiple' => '0', 'module' => 'filefield', 'active' => '1', 'list_field' => '0', 'list_default' => 1, 'description_field' => '0', 'widget' => array( 'file_extensions' => 'png gif jpg jpeg', 'file_path' => '', 'progress_indicator' => 'bar', 'max_filesize_per_file' => '', 'max_filesize_per_node' => '', 'max_resolution' => '640x480', 'min_resolution' => '0', 'alt' => '', 'custom_alt' => 1, 'title' => '', 'custom_title' => 0, 'title_type' => 'textfield', 'default_image' => NULL, 'use_default_image' => 0, 'label' => 'Primary screenshot', 'weight' => '-4', 'description' => 'Generally, the home page or a visually striking screenshot, with clear labeling/branding, should be used', 'type' => 'imagefield_widget', 'module' => 'imagefield', ), ); // Exported field: field_module $fields['casestudy-field_module'] = array( 'field_name' => 'field_module', 'type_name' => 'casestudy', 'display_settings' => array( 'weight' => '4', 'parent' => 'group_modules', 'label' => array( 'format' => 'above', ), 'teaser' => array( 'format' => 'hidden', 'exclude' => 1, ), 'full' => array( 'format' => 'default', 'exclude' => 0, ), '5' => array( 'format' => 'default', 'exclude' => 0, ), '4' => array( 'format' => 'default', 'exclude' => 0, ), '2' => array( 'format' => 'default', 'exclude' => 0, ), '3' => array( 'format' => 'default', 'exclude' => 0, ), ), 'widget_active' => '1', 'type' => 'nodereference', 'required' => '1', 'multiple' => '1', 'module' => 'nodereference', 'active' => '1', 'referenceable_types' => array( 'project_project' => 'project_project', 'book' => 0, 'casestudy' => 0, 'forum' => 0, 'image' => 0, 'project_issue' => 0, 'organization' => 0, 'packaging_whitelist' => 0, 'page' => 0, 'project_release' => 0, 'showcase' => 0, 'story' => 0, ), 'advanced_view' => '--', 'advanced_view_args' => '', 'widget' => array( 'autocomplete_match' => 'starts_with', 'size' => '60', 'default_value' => array( '0' => array( 'nid' => NULL, '_error_element' => 'default_value_widget][field_module][0][nid][nid', ), ), 'default_value_php' => NULL, 'label' => 'Key modules used', 'weight' => '4', 'description' => 'Tell us the key modules used. In the future, we can use this data in other ways. ', 'type' => 'nodereference_autocomplete', 'module' => 'nodereference', ), ); // Exported field: field_module_selection $fields['casestudy-field_module_selection'] = array( 'field_name' => 'field_module_selection', 'type_name' => 'casestudy', 'display_settings' => array( 'weight' => '5', 'parent' => 'group_modules', 'label' => array( 'format' => 'above', ), 'teaser' => array( 'format' => 'hidden', 'exclude' => 1, ), 'full' => array( 'format' => 'default', 'exclude' => 0, ), '5' => array( 'format' => 'default', 'exclude' => 0, ), '4' => array( 'format' => 'default', 'exclude' => 0, ), '2' => array( 'format' => 'default', 'exclude' => 0, ), '3' => array( 'format' => 'default', 'exclude' => 0, ), ), 'widget_active' => '1', 'type' => 'text', 'required' => '1', 'multiple' => '0', 'module' => 'text', 'active' => '1', 'text_processing' => '0', 'max_length' => '', 'allowed_values' => '', 'allowed_values_php' => '', 'widget' => array( 'rows' => '10', 'size' => 60, 'default_value' => array( '0' => array( 'value' => '', '_error_element' => 'default_value_widget][field_module_selection][0][value', ), ), 'default_value_php' => NULL, 'label' => 'Why these modules were chosen', 'weight' => '5', 'description' => 'Why did you choose these modules over others available? Was the module created for the project? How was each module was integral to the success of your project?', 'type' => 'text_textarea', 'module' => 'text', ), ); // Exported field: field_overview $fields['casestudy-field_overview'] = array( 'field_name' => 'field_overview', 'type_name' => 'casestudy', 'display_settings' => array( 'weight' => '-2', 'parent' => '', 'label' => array( 'format' => 'above', ), 'teaser' => array( 'format' => 'trimmed', 'exclude' => 1, ), 'full' => array( 'format' => 'default', 'exclude' => 0, ), '5' => array( 'format' => 'default', 'exclude' => 0, ), '4' => array( 'format' => 'default', 'exclude' => 0, ), '2' => array( 'format' => 'default', 'exclude' => 0, ), '3' => array( 'format' => 'default', 'exclude' => 0, ), ), 'widget_active' => '1', 'type' => 'text', 'required' => '1', 'multiple' => '0', 'module' => 'text', 'active' => '1', 'text_processing' => '0', 'max_length' => '', 'allowed_values' => '', 'allowed_values_php' => '', 'widget' => array( 'rows' => '4', 'size' => 60, 'default_value' => array( '0' => array( 'value' => '', '_error_element' => 'default_value_widget][field_overview][0][value', ), ), 'default_value_php' => NULL, 'label' => 'Why Drupal was chosen', 'weight' => '-2', 'description' => '', 'type' => 'text_textarea', 'module' => 'text', ), ); // Exported field: field_profiles $fields['casestudy-field_profiles'] = array( 'field_name' => 'field_profiles', 'type_name' => 'casestudy', 'display_settings' => array( 'weight' => '5', 'parent' => '', 'label' => array( 'format' => 'above', ), 'teaser' => array( 'format' => 'hidden', 'exclude' => 1, ), 'full' => array( 'format' => 'default', 'exclude' => 0, ), '5' => array( 'format' => 'default', 'exclude' => 0, ), '4' => array( 'format' => 'default', 'exclude' => 0, ), '2' => array( 'format' => 'default', 'exclude' => 0, ), '3' => array( 'format' => 'default', 'exclude' => 0, ), ), 'widget_active' => '1', 'type' => 'userreference', 'required' => '0', 'multiple' => '1', 'module' => 'userreference', 'active' => '1', 'referenceable_roles' => array( '2' => 0, '18' => 0, '3' => 0, '5' => 0, '16' => 0, '22' => 0, '20' => 0, '24' => 0, '12' => 0, '4' => 0, '14' => 0, '7' => 0, ), 'referenceable_status' => '1', 'advanced_view' => '--', 'advanced_view_args' => '', 'widget' => array( 'autocomplete_match' => 'starts_with', 'size' => '60', 'reverse_link' => 0, 'default_value' => array( '0' => array( 'uid' => NULL, '_error_element' => 'default_value_widget][field_profiles][0][uid][uid', ), ), 'default_value_php' => NULL, 'label' => 'Team members', 'weight' => '5', 'description' => 'Include the profiles of the project team members. If anyone doesn\'t have an account on, add them to the text box below.', 'type' => 'userreference_autocomplete', 'module' => 'userreference', ), ); // Translatables // Included for use with string extractors like potx. t('Additional screenshots'); t('Community contributions'); t('Completed Drupal site or project URL'); t('Describe the project (goals, requirements and outcome)'); t('Key modules used'); t('Organizations involved'); t('Primary screenshot'); t('Project team'); t('Team members'); t('Why Drupal was chosen'); t('Why these modules were chosen'); return $fields; } case_studies/case_studies.features.fieldgroup.inc100644 765 765 2562 11730203322 16045 'standard', 'type_name' => 'casestudy', 'group_name' => 'group_modules', 'label' => 'Modules', 'settings' => array( 'form' => array( 'style' => 'fieldset', 'description' => '', ), 'display' => array( 'weight' => '2', 'label' => 'above', 'teaser' => array( 'format' => 'hidden', 'exclude' => 1, ), 'full' => array( 'format' => 'fieldset', 'exclude' => 0, ), 'description' => '', '5' => array( 'format' => 'fieldset', 'exclude' => 0, ), '4' => array( 'format' => 'fieldset', 'exclude' => 0, ), '2' => array( 'format' => 'fieldset', 'exclude' => 0, ), '3' => array( 'format' => 'fieldset', 'exclude' => 0, ), ), ), 'weight' => '2', 'fields' => array( '0' => 'field_module', '1' => 'field_module_selection', ), ); // Translatables // Included for use with string extractors like potx. t('Modules'); return $groups; } case_studies/case_studies.features.inc100644 765 765 1402 11730203322 13676 array( 'name' => t('Case study'), 'module' => 'features', 'description' => t('The Case studies will be used to feature well-built and well-designed Drupal sites.'), 'has_title' => '1', 'title_label' => t('Project name'), 'has_body' => '1', 'body_label' => t('Brief overview'), 'min_word_count' => '0', 'help' => t('Refer to the Style Guide for formatting and editorial tips.'), ), ); return $items; } /** * Implementation of hook_views_api(). */ function case_studies_views_api() { return array( 'api' => '2', ); } case_studies/case_studies.views_default.inc100644 765 765 20071 11730203322 14744 name = 'drupalorg_casestudies'; $view->description = 'List of case studies'; $view->tag = ''; $view->view_php = ''; $view->base_table = 'node'; $view->is_cacheable = FALSE; $view->api_version = 2; $view->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default view disabled initially */ $handler = $view->new_display('default', 'Defaults', 'default'); 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