Capítulo 1. Entendiendo Drupal

1.1. Concepto: Drupal como Sistema de Gestión de Contenidos

Introducción a Drupal y las razones para elegirlo como un sistema de gestión de contenidos (CMS) fiable.

1.2. Concept: Modules

Overview of modules and the functionality they can be used for.

1.3. Concept: Themes

Overview of themes and where to obtain them.

1.4. Concept: Distributions

Overview of distributions and their different types to set up use-specific websites.

1.5. Concept: Types of Data

Overview of common types of data used in a site.

1.6. Concept: The Drupal Project

Overview of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS), Drupal project, and Drupal Association.

1.7. Concept: Drupal Licensing

Overview of Drupal licensing and the guidelines to be followed by users and contributors.

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