Flashmaker Screenshot

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Allows users to create specific flash slideshows (doesn't use taxonomy, or galleries). A user creates a slideshow, then creates individual slides for each slideshow.

NOTE: This is a dev version of this module. Work needs to be done to integrate it with existing modules like swftools.
Also, Work on this module has been suspended in favor of Views Slideshow.

Flashmaker Installation Instructions

Required Modules:
- Imagefield

Dowload flashmaker from the project page and extract it to your modules folder

Install the Module and the Required Modules

Add an image field to the "Flashmaker Slide" content type

  1. In Drupal, Go to Content Management -> Content Types -> Flash Slide -> Manage fields
  2. Under "Add Field" :
    Label: Slide Image
    Fieldname: slide_image (must be exact)
    Type: Image
    Form Element: Image
  3. under Global settings:
    - make the field required and have only 1 value (can't have multiple images per slide)

Imagecache (optional) - make slide images appear when editing a slideshow

  1. Install imagecache and imagecache ui
  2. Got to Site Building -> Imagecache -> add new preset
    Preset Name: slide_list (must be exact)
    Depending on your version, have the image scale (200px x 150px is a good setting)

Creating a slideshow

Add permissions to "create flash content" and the like

Go to Create Content -> Flash Slideshow
Enter a name for your slideshow
Choose the viewer type:
Options right now are fade and autoviewer(see demo site for examples)
click submit

Add Slides to a Slideshow

Go to Content -> Flash Slide
Enter a name for your slide
Chosse a slideshow for this slide to be a part of (has to already exist)
Choose a picture and click upload
Choose the weight (Determines orderof the slide)
Click Submit

Repeat for as many more slides as you need

View a slideshow

You can view the slideshow by viewing the full slideshow node or embed the flash with a theme function

Theme Function Example

To see the fade viewer, replace 123 with the node id (node/123)
print theme_flashmaker_fade(node_load(array('nid' => 123)));

to see the autoviewer (a sideways scroller)
print theme_flashmaker_autoviewer(node_load(array('nid' => 123)));

This module was developed by Gameface Web Design for its new division, PPC Tarmac , specializing in Drupal hosted landing pages

Related Modules

Views Slideshow - For those having issues with this module,

Project information
