Following our plan to review and update Terms of Service and Privacy Policy every quarter based on community feedback, today we are implementing the second revision of those documents. This time we only have a minor update to the Privacy policy.

Privacy policy updates:

We added a note about Mailchimp to the 'Service providers and partners' section:

We use Mailchimp to send Newsletter emails to users who subscribe to receive them. You can review Mailchimp privacy policy for information on how they manage user data.

Terms of Service updates:

No changes for ToS. I did make a slight formatting update and added a link to Code of Conduct, where it was mentioned in the text.

Those are all the updates for this revision. If you want to point out a mistake or provide a suggestion for Terms of Service or Privacy policy, you can send an email to We will continue collecting feedback and will make the next revision in Q3 2015 if needed.