Menu API

Menu API in Drupal 8.

Comparison of Menu API in Drupal 7 and 8

Drupal 7 menu system compared to Drupal 8.

Providing module-defined menu links

Defining menu links in a custom module using the file.

Providing module-defined local tasks

Local tasks are generally placed directly above content on pages(up to two levels), but can be dynamically positioned as a block.

Providing module-defined local actions

Local actions have also been moved out of the hook_menu() system in Drupal 8 and are very similar to local tasks. Use actions to define

Providing module-defined contextual links

Contextual links have also been moved out of the hook_menu() system in Drupal 8 and are very similar to local tasks.

User stories for Drupal's menu API

Adapted from [#2351379]. Here are various user stories for the menu API and how they fare against the plan at [#2407505].

Guide maintainers

pwolanin's picture