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Drawer setups and Setup bakers

Last updated on
9 August 2021

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Drawer setup is a stand-alone configuration entity used to store a configuration or its part that can be used by drawers. Drawers don't actually have to use setups but it may be a convenient alternative approach to drawer configuration. Drawers that use setups provide a select list of existing setup entites that can user select from. Such drawers are called wss-drawers (drawers with setup select). Practically they don't differ much from other drawers.

Drawer setups provide a number of usability features. For example, in case multiple styles use the same setup, they may be reconfigured in one change - changing the one setup they are all using.

Another feature is connected to Setup Baker plugins. Setup bakers are used by Drawer setups to input configuration. When user creates a new setup, first he (or she) should choose setup baker from the select list and then enter the configuration into the form provided by the baker. Bakers may be thought as UI forms for entering configuration. In some cases it is convenient to input raw json, in others there should be a detailed form.

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