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Contributed module documentation

Upload File History

The Upload File History module offers a new form_api field type permiting :

  • The upload of a file in a specific folder
  • A validation between the serveur upload and drupal saving of file
  • The list all files uploaded in this folder
  • The activation of a specific file in this collection
  • Altering table content

The use case at the origin of this field are a tree like decision tool. This tree are manage by a huge matrix datafile, and webmaster need to be available to update the data pool. The memory of old uploaded files came to avaoid loosing a good data pool by the upload of a malformed matrix data file.

A full implementation exemple form are present in module src/Form folder ( web path : /admin/file_history/exemple_form ).

Implementation of file_history FormElement

How to implement file_history FormElement

File Content validation during Upload

How to make hard control on the data of the file before saving it

UI presentation

Just a table, maybe a little more

Altering File history

Advanced implementation

Guide maintainers

DrDam's picture