Description of the module and its features

Last updated on
6 June 2017

This module provides a lightweight slideshow for your front page. It can be used for any content type that has a title, image and body text. The slides play automatically, with a nice zoom effect. If the visitor clicks on a slide, he or she is brought to the content's page. Below the slideshow there is a navigation bar with thumbnail images for moving between individual slides.

The slideshow has been generated by inserting Uikit javascript and styling in the markup. Uikit is not native to Drupal, so it has to be set up in order to make this module work as designed. One easy way is to work with a theme that implements Uikit core, such as or the upcoming Easy Intranet. It should also work with base theme, but this option has currently not been tested.

To make it easier to get started with Uikit Slideshow, the module comes with a view definition that is automatically added to your Drupal site. The View plugin does all the work, so there is very little need for configuration. Only some site-specific setup and theming is needed for a basic usage. On the other hand, it will hopefully not be too difficult to tweaking the module either.

It is of course possible to include more content types in the sample view. You can also choose your own custom souce fields for slide background image, overlay title and text, link to content and/or navigation thumbnails. The View Style Plugin can also be used in other view, as described in the configuration section of this guide.

The implementation of responsive design for Uikit Slideshow is preferably made from the outside, e.g. in your theme's css files. I also recommend to work with suitable original image sizes.

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