Social Auth Twitter 1.x - Installation instructions

Last updated on
15 November 2017

Overview of installation steps

  1. Step 1: Create an app and get credentials from
  2. Step 2: Download Social Auth Twitter and Twitter API PHP Client using Composer.
  3. Step 3: Enable and configure Social Auth Twitter module.

Step 1: Create a Twitter App

  • Create a new app on
  • Enable the Twitter App to request email address from users. The option could be enabled in Permissions tab.
  • You do not need to specify a valid callback url as Twitter does not check if this value is matched in the request. Just make sure it is not a local url, like localhost

Step 2: Install Social Auth Twitter and Twitter API PHP Client using Composer.

On the the command line, navigate to your Drupal root directory.

Let's inform Composer that we want to use as a package repository:

composer config repositories.drupal composer

Now that Composer can search packages from Drupal 8 package repository, let Composer download Social Auth Twitter (and all its dependencies). The following command will download the latest 8.x-1.0 release of Social Auth Twitter:

composer require "drupal/social_auth_twitter:~1.0"

If you would like to use the 8.x-1.x-dev instead, use the following command:

composer require "drupal/social_api:1.x-dev" "drupal/social_auth:1.x-dev" "drupal/social_auth_twitter:1.x-dev"

Social Auth Twitter dev versions are usually only compatible with Social Auth and Social API dev versions. The command above installs the dev branch of all these modules.

Step 3: Enable and configure Social Auth Twitter module

Now that Composer has downloaded the Twitter API Client library, you can enable Social Auth Twitter module.

  • The module settings can be configured on /admin/config/social-api/social-auth/twitter
  • Add your Consumer Key and Consumer Secret (from step 1) to the module settings
  • You probably also want to check your Drupal account settings at /admin/config/people/accounts, making sure that visitors can create accounts

Support requests

  • Before Authing a support request, carefully read the installation instructions provided on this page and do the setup in this order.
  • Once you have done this, you can Auth a support request at module issue queue. Support requests to the issue queue, please, not to the comments on this documentation page.
  • When Authing a support request, please inform if you were able to see any errors in Recent log entries.

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