Quick Start

Last updated on
3 November 2021

This quick start guide applies to both Drupal 8 and Drupal 7 versions.

  1. Download Salesforce Suite module to your Drupal site and enable at least salesforce_mapping. Enable salesforce_push to send data from Drupal into Salesforce. Enable salesforce_pull to retrieve data from Salesforce into Drupal.
    • composer install (recommended)
      composer require drupal/salesforce drupal/salesforce_jwt drupal/salesforce_mapping drupal/salesforce_push drupal/salesforce_pull drupal/salesforce_mapping_ui
    • drush enable
      drush en salesforce salesforce_jwt salesforce_mapping salesforce_push salesforce_pull salesforce_mapping_ui -y
  2. Log in to your Salesforce org or sign up for a Salesforce Developer org if you don't have an existing Salesforce org to login with.
  3. Create a new connected app in Salesforce
  4. Set up your JWT OAuth provider in Drupal
  5. Navigate to Admin > Structure > Salesforce > Mappings ( https://<your hostname>/admin/structure/salesforce/mappings ) and create some mappings to get started.

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