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Install & Set up

Last updated on
30 January 2019


  1. Download the module and place it in the modules folder

  2. Enable it in the ‘Extend’ configuration page

Set up

  1. Add a boolean field to the bundles you want to place behind the wall. You can do it at: /admin/structure/types -> Manage fields -> Add field. Keep default settings.
  2. Create a block to place at the end of the content for restricted content. You can do it at: /admin/structure/block/block-content -> Add custom block.
  3. Go to the paywall configuration page: /admin/config/content/role_paywall
  4. Select the bundles and roles to apply it and save.
  5. Select the fields to hide when the user doesn't have access.
  6. Select the bool field that marks each content as behind the paywall or not.
  7. Select the block to use as paywall explanation when it applies.
  8. Save the configuration and enjoy.

At this point, the content of the bundles configured, when have the boolean field ‘On’ will hide the selected content for the non-authorised users.

Further steps

You can configure the newly added fields to not be displayed in  /admin/structure/types -> Manage display

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