Launching Quadstat

Last updated on
24 July 2020

Use your Amazon Web Services account to launch an instance of Quadstat. Look for this public AMI in the us-east-1 region:


You can find documentation on finding an AWS AMI and creating an AWS account.

Make sure to give the server a public IP so you can access it on port 80. You may want to choose a t3a.nano instance which is an economical server that is also capable of handling Quadstat requests. The default configuration has a PHP Memory limit 128 MB which can handle datasets less than 1 MB. The system administrator may want increase the instance size and PHP memory limit to accommodate typical data the server will handle. A t3a.small instance can handle 8 MB datasets from a number of concurrent users. Make sure to terminate the instance if you are not going to use it since charges will occur. You will also incur charges on an allocated IP address that is attached to a non-running instance.

Change these default administrator credentials immediately after the server has been launched. They have been provided here for convenience:


From the admin panel you can perform the typical Drupal tasks like creating content, administering users, and also creating additional statistical web applications which is covered in a later section here in the documentation.

NOTE: If you are launching your instance for the first time you may not be able use the apt command immediately since systemd launches an auto update which can take some time to finish. Please see this thread for more information:

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