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Extending polls

Last updated on
5 June 2018

Custom Fields

You can add custom fields to any poll. Normally, the “Configure” link for the Poll module in Drupal is disabled/hidden, but you can still add fields by navigating to Configuration → Content authoringPoll settings (/admin/config/content/poll).

Click on the “Manage fields” tab. Here, you can add fields just like you would any content type.

Allow Anonymous Users to View Polls

By default, anonymous users are not allowed to view (and thus vote on) polls. To allow this, go to the Modules page (/admin/extend) and search for Poll. Expand its content box by clicking on “Allows your site to capture…” and/or the rightward-pointing caret (“▸”) next to it, then click on “Permissions” (it has the key icon next to it). (This will bring you to /admin/people/permissions#module-poll.)

Next to “View polls”, check the box in the “ANONYMOUS USER” column. Click the Save permissions button at the bottom of the page to confirm your changes.

  • Caveat: This changes poll behavior so that voting on a poll takes you to that poll's page instead of just counting the vote and returning to the previous page. Once I resolve this issue, I will update this page with more information.

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