Known issues

Last updated on
29 December 2021

Image derivatives are created for all enabled image styles

For every image style enabled on the Insert module image field configuration, an image derivative is created at the time uploading the image. This should be considered when dealing with a large number of styles and with styles creating large image derivatives as it could considerably increase storage space consumption with most of the created image derivatives being unused.

Migrating the Drupal instance to other environments

When the Use absolute URL setting is left disabled image paths are aggregated relative to the document root (technical limitations prevent more sensible relative paths). Hence, the path includes all the environment's subdirectories parent to the Drupal instance directory. When migrating the Drupal instance to another environment those paths are not updated resulting in broken image links. See issue #2401417 for more information.

Disable Restrict images to this site when using insert_colorbox

When using the insert_colorbox module to insert images wrapped by colorbox, the preview image may not be displayed. Instead, a replacement "X" image is be rendered. This is due to Drupal core not considering image derivatives being displayed inline. It should be fixed along issue #2528214 in Drupal core. A work-around for the time being is to disable the filter Restrict images to this site on the text format(s) in use with the Insert module. However, disabling this filter might be a security issue if the text formats are used by regular users to edit content. See issue #3078824 for technical details.

Editing properties of inserted images requires editor image uploads to be disabled

When image uploads are enabled in the editor as per admin/config/content/formats , an empty upload field requiring input appears when editing image properties on an inserted image. This prevents the image properties from getting saved as can be seen in the following screenshot. (Original images inserted into the editor are not affected, the upload field is correctly filled on such.)

Edit image properties with editor image uploads enabled.

In order to work around this issue, image uploads need to be disabled for the text formats in use:

Text format with CKEditor image uploads disabled.

 Having image uploads disabled in the editor results in a plain text field containing the path to the image being displayed instead of an empty upload field:

Edit image properties with editor image uploads disabled.

See issue #2888802 for more information.

When twig debugging is enabled, theme suggestions are inserted

When having twig debugging enabled, theme suggestion HTML comments are inserted along with the HTML inserted by the Insert module. While this does not cause an issue rendering the output, undesired HTML comments are inserted into the rendered output, unless manually removed before saving the node. Therefore, it is suggested to disable twig debugging while testing the Insert module setup.

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