Configuring integration between Geolocation and Address field

Last updated on
25 October 2021

Storing Geocoded results into address field on node edit form

  1. On a content type with Geolocation and Address fields, go to "Manage Form Display"
  2. Edit the settings for the Geolocation field
  3. Select "Automatically push retrieved address data to address field widget"
  4. Select the address field

Geocoding results from Address field

  1. Enable geocoder, geocoder_field and geocoder_address modules
  2. On the geolocation field settings, under "Geocode from an existing field", select your address field
    1. Note: if you don't see it, flush the cache.
  3. Select a geocoder plugin - you will need to add API keys for some plugins, including Google Maps
  4. Under "Multi-value input handling", select "Single to Multiple"

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