Set up and configuration (Formatter Suite)

Last updated on
26 March 2019

Set up information for the Formatter suite


  • Drupal 8.x  
  • PHP 7.x.


Install normally as a contributed Drupal module.

Configuration for entity view pages

To configure field formatters for an entity view page, you must have the Drupal core Field UI module enabled. Field UI provides a "Manage display" page for each entity type. From this page you can select the field formatter to use for each field, then click on the formatter's gear icon to the right of the field row. This presents the formatter's configuration page. Click "Update" to save that configuration, and "Save" to save the display.

Thereafter, each time the field is shown on an entity view page, Drupal will invoke the chosen field formatter to present the value.

Configuration for Views

To configure field formatters for a view, you must have the Drupal core View UI module enabled. View UI provides a page for each view from which you can select the fields to include in a table or list of entities. For each field, you can configure how the field is presented by selecting a field formatter and adjusting that formatter's settings.

Thereafter, each time the field is shown for an entity in a row of a view, Drupal will invoke the chosen field formatter to present the value.

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