Filebrowser general

Last updated on
15 January 2019

FileBrowser module


Filebrowser is a module that replicates a FTP functionality on your site so that users can upload, download and or view files, provided they have the proper permission. The module displays contents of a given file directory as a node on your Drupal site.The node will display a list of the files and folders the same way it is listed on the server. Folder and files can be up- and downloaded by users with proper permissions. The module provides all sorts of permissions. Node settings can be such that certain files types are excluded from display and/or transfer. Local and remote storage is supported.

Filebrowser is NOT a file selector to select a file (image etc) to inject into a node or other interface. There are several modules for that including File Browser.

Use case

One of the most obvious use cases for the Filebrowser module is a FTP-like file sharing functionality. It can be used to share and/or distribute files (up and downloading) within a community. Combined with other modules it can be used on a site that sells files.

Remote storage

As default Filebrowser uses the local storage. Filebrowser 7.x also supports Amazon s3 and Filebrowser 8.x supports many other remote storage solutions. While the D7-version uses its own sub module, D8 depends on the Flysystem module. Please refer to the documentation pages for the correct version for installations instructions.

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