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Drupal Diversity & Inclusion

The Drupal Diversity and Inclusion Workgroup, also known as 'DD&I', is an independent collective of volunteers who advocate for greater diversity in the community and more inclusive events, help create safe spaces, and build the capacity of allies.

Many of the below docs pages have been migrated to the Drupal Diversity & Inclusion website. Please visit our site to learn more.

Introduction to DD&I

Who we are, what we believe, our achievements and other information TBC

DD&I Initiatives

Throughout the year, we organize different initiatives in the community - some specifically for DrupalCon.

Contributor's Journey

How you can get involved with and contribute to DD&I.

Participation & Moderation Guidelines

This guide contains guidelines for participating in & moderating all Drupal Diversity & Inclusion spaces.

Statement of Values

Outlines the values and priorities of DD&I.

Contrib Team: Website

An overview page of the current status of the DDI Contrib website team work.

Guide maintainers

laughnan's picture
ekl1773's picture
sugaroverflow's picture