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Creating a new release

Last updated on
26 June 2019

Creating a new release to Claro.

Start by checking out the releases branch and make sure that it is up to date:

git checkout releases
git pull origin releases

Merge changes from 8.x-1.x branch:

git merge 8.x-1.x

Rebuild CSS files and commit them to the repository:

rm -r css/dist
yarn run build:css
git add css/dist
git commit -m "Assets for Claro VERSION"

Tag a new release:

 git tag VERSION

Push changes to

git push
git push --tags

After you have pushed the branch and the tag to Drupal git, the next step is to create a new release on the project page. The release notes should contain a brief summary of the changes the release introduces, a list of issues that it fixes, and a list of contributors who contributed to the release. You can use this release as an example.

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