Modules related to Charts

Last updated on
28 April 2017

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About this page

This community documentation page is an attempt to correct the info contained in the related projects block mentioned on the Charts project page. That block gets generated automatically, using an automatic algorithm that seems to suffer issues as illustrated in #2014381 or #1292472: Do not list obsolete modules in the Related projects block.

Integration of other modules with the Charts module

Modules adding support for other charting libraries

Some modules (with charts as a module dependency) provide support for additional charting libraries. They may be desirable based on a site's desired appearance, feature-set, and licensing needs:

  • Charts RGraph (D7 release), whereas RGraph is a canvas and JavaScript based charts library, open to use for any purpose under the MIT license.
  • ...

Modules facilitating charting via the Charts module

Some modules that facilitate the creation of charts and which use (depend on) the charts module to actually create the charts:

  1. Quiz Stats, a submodule of Quiz (7.203 sites), which allows for creating graded assessments. Refer to #2278695: Convert scores chart to "charts" for details about what was needed to convert from the chart module to the charts module.
  2. The 7.x-4.x version of Commerce Reporting (3.933 sites), providing a reporting system for Drupal Commerce (the 7.x-3.x version is using Visualization API). Hint: review the code of this module to investigate what a migration from visualisation to charts might look like.
  3. Bench Chart, a submodule of Diagnostic Tools (106 sites, D6 release only), which shows how much time a Drupal application spend on specified hooks (perfect to optimise a website or when there is a problem with some module but you don't know which one).
  4. Bugzilla Dashboard (D6 release only), to set up a Bugzilla query to run over a set period of time, at a given frequency, and pick up on specific data to display in a chart
  5. Related to the Webform module, there seem to be even 2 alternatives to pick from (refer to #2076717: Collaboration with Webform Chart module for an interesting discussion between the maintainers of both modules ...):
    • Webform Charts (400 sites), to display Webform results in a graphical manner using a charting library.
    • Webform Chart (220 sites), which integrates with the "Analysis" tab of a Webform (created with the Webform module) to provide charts for each individual component's analytical data.
  6. Event Data Store Provides a storage backend for events and aggregates data together exposing it to Views for charting with Charts. Offers aggregation by hour, day, week and month. For example "log an event when a node is created and aggregate hourly and weekly", you would then create a view of the aggregated data.
  7. Commerce Reports utilizes Charts to provide a graphical representation of sales data on its dashboard. Moved from tightly coupled Visualization API to Charts on Nov 2013

Note: please add any other modules here that depend on the charts module, it will help the charts maintainer(s) to get in touch with the maintainers of those modules.

Modules considering migrating to the Charts module

Module Chart

The Chart module, not to be confused with the charts module, is another module that supports creating charts in Drupal, using an API that somehow compares to the Charts API.

It is the most installed Drupal module, about 3 times the number of sites using the charts module, and using the (now deprecated) Google Chart Tools: Image Charts library. Therefor its releases 7.x-1.1 and 6.x-1.3 might simply not work anymore after April 20, 2015.

According to the #2376179: Chart 7.x-3.x Release issue various options being considered regarding future versions of the chart module. One of the options being a migration path from Chart to Charts, as briefly explained in #2374789: How to migrate from chart to charts?, via "upgrading probably means rewriting your PHP code to use the syntax of charts module".

Module Google Analytics Reports

According to the #2368793-19: Chart 2.0 issue, the Google Analytics Reports module (used in quite a few sites also ...) is 'planning to swich from "chart" module to "charts" ... '.

Also note the recommendation in the last paragraph of that very same comment ... something that in the meantime did happen ... and got accepted ...

Alternative modules

There are some other modules available, which also facilitate the creation of charts, and which might be considered as a possible alternative to the charts module. Checkout the Comparison of charting modules for more details about them, and a comparison with Charts.

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