Updating to 2.0 - Using core Media module

Last updated on
10 April 2018

This section is a step by step guide to updating an existing installation of the Bynder module with the 8.x-1.x branch, to the 8.x-2.x branch, which adds support to the new Media module in core.

Please have a look at the official upgrade documentation page before continuing just to make sure you understand what this upgrade consists of and how it will affect you installation.

  1. BACKUP YOUR CODE AND DATABASE - just in case something doesn't go as smoothly as expected.
  2. Update Drupal Core to >=8.5 (if not done already)
  3. Run database updates for core
  4. Update the following modules to 2.x branches:
    • bynder
    • dropzonejs
    • entity_browser
    • media_entity
  5. Require the media_entity_actions module
  6. Run existing database updates - This will disable the Media Entity module and replace it with the core Media module
  7. Make sure the media_entity is uninstalled and remove the module folder from the codebase
  8. Update the Bynder widget settings to use the newly created Bynder media
    • Go to admin/config/content/entity_browser/bynder/widgets
    • Make sure to select Bynder in the Media Type select list for the widgets enabled.
  9. Check if all pre-existing media is still available, make sure the Bynder module works as before
  10. Success

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