Condition Types

Last updated on
9 September 2017

The condition is a type of item to evaluate some expression. Each condition has its particular behavior and may be or not context dependent. Each condition can live in multiple items: actions, conditions, and rules. When you delete one condition, all references to it are removed as well.

Each condition has two paths: success and fail. You can add others conditions and/or action to each path.

  1. Entity
    1. Data comparison
  2. Logical
    1. Logical AND
    2. Logical OR
  3. User
    1. Logged user has role
  4. Variable
    1. User variable has role
    2. Variable data comparison
    1. Check the number of results returned by a view
    2. Compare the number of results between two views

1. Entity

Entity conditions are to be used directly on entities and they are always context dependent.

1.1. Data comparison

Performs the comparison between one entity field and other arbitrary value: typed in or variable.

Data comparisons can use the following expressions: >, >=, <. <=, =. !=. Data value is empty, Contains, Starts with, and Ends with.

2. Logical

Logical conditions are composed of other conditions to evaluate the expressions AND and OR. Each inner condition can not contain any item configured to success and fail items.

2.1. Logical AND

Performs the logical AND comparison between two or more inner conditions.

2.2. Logical OR

Performs the logical OR comparison between two or more inner conditions.

3. User

User conditions are the conditions that use the User entity.

3.1. Logged user has role

Checks if the logged user has one or more roles.

4. Variables

Conditions that uses variables to evaluate the expression.

4.1. User variable has role

Checks if one variable storing the User entity has one or more roles.

4.2. Variable data comparison

Same as Data comparison, but using variables instead of the current entity.


Conditions that evaluate views results.

5.1. Check the number of results returned by a view

Check if the view result has at least a pre-determined number of rows. It's possible to use arguments to pass to the view.

5.2. Compare the number of results between two views

Check if the first view has the same number of results, more results or fewer results than a second view. It's possible to pass arguments to each view.

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