Monitor Apigee Edge debug logs

Last updated on
7 August 2018

The following sections describe how to enable, configure and monitor Apigee Edge debug logs using the Apigee Edge Debug module.

Enable Apigee Edge debug logs

To enable Apigee Edge debug logs:

  1. Select Extend in the Drupal administration menu.
  2. Enable the Debug Helper Apigee Edge module.
  3. Click Install.

Configuring Apigee Edge debug logs

Configure Apigee Edge debug logs to customize the log message format, configure the formatter, and sanitize the output to mask organization details and remove credential information.

To configure Apigee Edge debug logs:

  1. Select Configuration > Apigee Edge > Debug in the Drupal administration menu.
  2. Customize the log message format in the Log message format field, as required.

    Expand the list of Available Tokens that can be displayed in the log message.

    The following log message format is enabled by default:

    <p>Transfer statistics: <pre>{stats}</pre></p>

    Note: You can add API responses to log messages using the [response_formatted] token, though this is not recommended as the information may contain sensitive data (such as developer app credentials).

  3. Select the formatter plugin used for HTTP requests, responses, and transfer statistics in log messages. Valid values are listed in the following table.
    Formatter Example
    Simple GET***organization***/apps/4463cebb-868d-4e3c-8a32-71d5ff14dcfc 1.1

    Transfer statistics:

    array (
      'total_time' => '0.592s',
      'namelookup_time' => '0s',
      'connect_time' => '0s',
      'pretransfer_time' => '0s',
      'starttransfer_time' => '0.592s',
      'redirect_time' => '0s',
    cURL command curl '***organization***/apiproducts?expand=true&startKey=helloworld' -H 'X-Apigee-Edge-Api-Client-Profiler: X-Apigee-Edge-Api-Client-Profiler' -A 'Apigee Edge DevPortal 8.x-1.0-alpha6 (Apigee Edge PHP Client 2.0.0-alpha3)'

    Transfer statistics:

    Full HTML
    GET /v1/organizations/***organization***/developers/1141e356-3217-45c9-86af-696da5cbf295/apps/hotels HTTP/1.1<br>
    X-Apigee-Edge-Api-Client-Profiler: X-Apigee-Edge-Api-Client-Profiler<br>
    User-Agent: Apigee Edge DevPortal 8.x-1.0-alpha6 (Apigee Edge PHP Client 2.0.0-alpha3)<br>
    Accept: application/json; charset=utf-8<br>

    Transfer statistics:

    total_time: 1.341s
    namelookup_time: 0s
    connect_time: 0.05s
    pretransfer_time: 0.105s
    starttransfer_time: 1.341s
    redirect_time: 0s
  4. Select whether you want to sanitize the log messages, as follows:
    • Masquerade organization: Mask the organization name.
    • Remove credentials: Remove Apigee Edge authentication data from log entries, such as the authentication header, OAuth client ID and secret, access token, refresh token, and so on.

Monitor Apigee Edge debug log messages

Apigee Edge debug log messages are displayed on the Recent log messages page. Based on the HTTP status code, one of the following icons may appear adjacent to an Apigee Edge debug log message:

Icon Description
Only local images are allowed. HTTP status code greater than or equal to 400.
Only local images are allowed. No response due to connection or server issue.

If the status code is 2xx, no icon is displayed adjacent to the message.

To monitor Apigee Edge Debug log messages:

  1. Select Reports > Recent log messages from the Drupal adminstration menu.
  2. To filter all Apigee Edge debug log messages:
    1. Select apigee_edge_debug in the Type field.
    2. Select one or more of the following in the Severity field: Debug, Warning (HTTP status code >=400) or Error (connection or server issue).
    3. Click Filter.

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