Deactivate developers

Last updated on
23 January 2024

Deactivate a developer and prevent them from using any of their apps using one of the following methods:

  • Deactivate a developer on the developer portal. This approach is recommended. In this case, the developer will not be able to log into the developer portal, and assigned API keys will be deactivated and no longer work.
  • Deactivate a developer on Apigee. The developer will be able to log into the developer portal, but assigned API keys will be deactivated and no longer work. The developer will be notified about the deactivated API keys on the My Apps page.

Note: The developer's apps still retain their approved (or other) status, as do the API keys, even though the keys are not valid while the developer is deactivated.

Deactivating a developer on the developer portal

When you deactivate a developer on the developer portal, the developer will not be able to log into the developer portal or Apigee, and assigned API keys will no longer be valid.

To disable a developer on the developer portal:

  1. Click People in the top menu bar.
  2. Click Edit in the Operations column associated with the developer you want to block.
  3. On the Edit page, under Status, click Blocked.
  4. Click Save.

Deactivating a developer on Apigee

After you disable a developer on Apigee, the developer will not be able to log into Apigee. The developer will be able to log into the developer portal, but assigned API keys will no longer be valid. The developer will be notified on the My Apps page.

To disable a developer on Apigee, see Deactivating a developer.

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