Advanced Aggregates Modifier

Last updated on
7 July 2017


Depending on tweaks applied this module may cause compatibility issues with other modules.

Includes additional tweaks that may not work for all sites such as:

  • Force preprocessing for all CSS/JS.
  • Add defer tag to all JS.
  • Defer CSS loading using rel=preload and JavaScript Polyfill.
  • Add async tag to all or only local JavaScript. Some of these may significantly increase performance depending on your individual site. However, they include possibly dangerous and minimally tested options so use care and read warnings on each option if there are any.


Located at admin/config/development/performance/advagg/mod.


  • Enable preprocess on all JS: Enables optimization for all JavaScript files. Warning: this may not be compatible with all mod added files. In fact, it is incompatible with CKEditor JavaScript and specifically excludes it to prevent problems. [Default: Disabled]

  • Remove console logging from JS Files: Removes any calls to console.log() Warning: this is experimental. Will decrease file size and may improve performance. [Default: Disabled]

  • Optimize JavaScript Ordering: Re-order the JavaScript to improve aggregation. If you're not using aggregation, will have minimal effect.

    • Move all external scripts to the top of the execution order: Move external scripts to the be loaded first. [Default: Disabled]

    • Move all browser conditional JavaScript to the bottom of the group: As browser conditional scripts are usually the last needed, this often provides better front-end performance. [Default: Disabled]

  • Adjust JavaScript Location and Execution: Mostly safe but may cause serious issues depending on your specific site configuration. Due to changes in Drupal 8 these options are mostly irrelevant but may still have some small effect.

    • Deferred JavaScript Execution: Add the defer tag to all or only local scripts. [Default: Disabled]

    • Experimental settings:

      • Asynchronous JavaScript Execution: Add the async tag to all JavaScript. Warning: this may cause issues! [Default: Disabled]

      • Group Async JavaScript: Group any Async Javascript together. May lead to better aggregates if only some of your scripts are being loaded asynchronously otherwise irrelevant. [Default: Disabled]


  • Enable preprocess on all CSS: Enables optimization for all CSS files. Warning: this may not be compatible with all mod added files, although there are no known cases of it causing problems at this time. [Default: Disabled]

  • Optimize CSS Ordering: Re-order the CSS to improve aggregation. If you're not using aggregation, will have minimal effect.

    • Move all external CSS to the top of the execution order: Move external CSS to the be loaded first. [Default: Disabled]

    • Move all browser conditional CSS to the bottom of the group: As browser conditional CSS are usually applied last so this often provides better front-end performance. [Default: Disabled]

  • Adjust CSS Location and Execution: Warning: may cause serious issues depending on your specific site configuration. Unlikely to see any improvement if using HTTP 2 but may find some if using HTTP 1.x.

    • Deferred CSS Execution: Use JS to Load CSS: Attempt optimized CSS delivery using JavaScript. [Default: Disabled]

    • Use JS to load CSS in admin theme: Apply JS based CSS loading to the admin theme as well. [Default: Disabled]

    • How to include the JS loading code: Method of including the JS to load the CSS. [Default: Inline]

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