Web-based mobile apps

Last updated on
11 March 2021

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Web apps are HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript-based apps running in mobile browsers. There are two different ways of building mobile web applications that work with Drupal - integrated with Drupal at the theme layer, or a standalone mobile web app that talks to Drupal using web services. Either approach will work for building mobile web applications, but it is easier to get started by integrating the mobile web app into Drupal as a theme.

Mobile Web Toolkits

Several different mobile web application toolkits exist, with varying degrees of support for smartphones, tablets, and feature phones. The two general approaches to building a mobile web application toolkit are to work from HTML5/CSS (jQuery Mobile, jQTouch), and to work from Javascript (Sencha Touch, Enyo). The HTML5/CSS toolkits are somewhat easier to adapt to Drupal. The Javascript frameworks don't integrate with Drupal at the theming layer, so the process for development is similar to building a native mobile app.

Additional Resources for jQuery Mobile and Drupal

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