How to run the Behat tests locally

Last updated on
15 August 2022

We supply a headless chrome container which can be used to run the behat tests.

Please find it on the following repository:

  1. Check that  ${PROJECT_NAME}_chrome and ${PROJECT_NAME}_web containers are running by performing the following command:

    docker ps

  2. If the containers are not running execute the following command in the root of your projects:

    docker-compose up --force-recreate -d --remove-orphans

  3. If the containers are still not available, review the docker-composer.yml file in the project root.

  4. Run a Behat tests by executing the below command, the last argument is an optional Behat tag; if left empty all tests will be executed.

    docker exec -it ${PROJECT_NAME}_web sh /var/www/scripts/social/ DS-233

  5. Failed Behat tests will generate a screenshot and html in the following directory:


Replace ${PROJECT_NAME} with the environment variable value set in the .env file in the project root.

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