Expose a filter to site visitors

Last updated on
12 February 2017

Your view can expose a filter to your site visitors, allowing them to interact with the data in the view.

The following instructions assumes that you have gone through the steps of add a filter to a view.

  1. Navigate to the edit screen for a view (for example, admin/structure/views/view/MYVIEWNAME/edit).
  2. In the Filters section, click a filter. The Configure Filter dialog box displays.
  3. Click More.
  4. Enable the Expose This Filter to Visitors option
  5. Enable one of the following options:
    • Single Filter If this option is selected, you can add a label and description which will be displayed to the site visitor.
    • Grouped Filters If this option is selected, you can enable any of the following options:
      • Remember Saves a visitor's selections.
      • Allow Multiple Selections Allows a user to select multiple items.
      • Widget Type Specifies whether to use radio buttons or a select list.
  6. In the table, specify the label, operators and values for each filter. You can add, remove and rearrange the order of filters.
  7. Click Apply

Note that some filters do not have multiple options and therefore do not provide a grouping option.

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